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My MCSG Story.


Sep 10, 2012
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So, it all started 19 months ago in April of 2012. I had recently become bored with Faction PVP and survival, so I browsed some generic Minecraft websites for servers. I stumbled across a vibrant heading over a suggestion, reading "Minecraft Survival Games." I jotted down the server IP in my mind, and entered it into the direct connect. I joined the server, oblivious completely to what I was getting myself into.

So, I had joined the MCSG servers ignorant as can be. I wasn't sure exactly how to play, so I just flew around observing the map (Survival Games) and watching others play. I had already been around other communities, so the first thing I did was ask anyone for their Skype. I got a reply almost instantaneously, from a player named Stevo_Hughes.

I added Stevo on Skype, and from the look of his profile picture I thought he would be young, and obviously American. When he answered my Skype call, a booming deep British voice filtered through my ears, giving me quite a suprise. I remember the first thing Stevo ever said to me, "what's up dude." I replied with the generic greetings before asking him how to play these servers. The only thing I learned from this guy, was that I should kill anyone in sight. The match ended, and I was told to rejoin the server; luckily I got in.

So, this marked my first match of MCSG. The lobby ended, and we were put on pedestals. I didn't know what to do, but I saw a 60 second countdown so I guessed I should run for the chests in the middle. I opened up a chest, and with my half-decent griefing skills managed to grab a couple items. I saw Stevo, and followed him. We arrived at a castle, he called this his "route." We grabbed a few chests and sat around distributing, when all of the sudden! BOOM Stevo died! I ran and ran until I ran out of food, marking my first death. I loved the thrill of survival games, and I just couldn't get enough of it.

I played for the next two hours, death after death, losing at least 5 games in a row. Around my 8th game I did the most amazing thing you can do in Survival Games, I won. I was coming back from the castle when the light started to fade. I went back to spawn, and met up with Stevo, where we saw a player with less gear than us. We attacked and killed him, marking my first kill. We stuck around spawn, because Stevo said if you stay, the chests will fill with full diamond. We ended getting full diamond, killing the rest of the players, beginning our fight to the death. I used my block hitting strategy and Stevo and killed him! I exploded out of my chair and squealed with excitement. I had won my first survival games match!

The next day, I logged onto my computer and opened Skype, Minecraft, and iTunes. I looked at my Skype contacts, found Stevo and called him. We started up some small talk before joining a game. We noticed that a particular player stood out from the rest. His name was Fishman337989. We asked him for a Skype team, and he added us both.

We called him up, and asked him about some things, he told us his name was Tyler. We made it to the final 3, and fought eachother. Tyler was really something special at PVP, wrecking me at 9 hearts, and Stevo at 10. We asked him how he was so good, and he sent us a link to the Nodus forums. He explained to us how this client would improve our skill levels, wins, and points. I decided to try it out for a day. I played with Nodus all that day, and by the end I realized something, hacking was not something I should do, so I deleted the client and re-installed optifine.

Fast forward two months later, into the summer of 2012. Along the past 2 months I managed to get another 10 wins, and played with Tyler (fish man) and Stevo daily. Tyler told us about one of his friends, named Tobucus34 (Kevin). So we added him to the call, and played a game with him. He told us about something called the survival games leaderboards. He sent us a link, and I looked at some of these names: The_Arena_Master, OMGJustin, im_kiko, Scarrats, etc. All of these players had decent wins, and it was at that moment I wanted to become a top ranked Survival Games player. Once Beta ended, the leaderboards restarted, and I had just begun gaining skill. Around that time, Stevo quit, and never got on Skype again. It was devastating to me, my first friend had left me.

I played a lot with Kevin and Tyler, Kevin ended up ranking in the top 30, Tyler was banned for hacking, and I had around 7 wins. I was in a call with Tyler, when added a player named SillySquid6 (Austin). I didn't know it yet, but me and Austin had a journey like no other ahead of us. I played with him for about 2 weeks, every day, competing for wins. We were tied at around 30 wins each, when we met another one of my greatest friends. His name- Mat56789.

When I first met Matt, I didn't really think much of him, I didn't know who he was. He introduced me to someone I still miss, Elmosty45 (Bryce). Me, Tyler, Kevin, Austin, Bryce, and Matt had become a close group of friends over the next month. Austin took some time off of MCSG for a week to to do some other stuff, leaving me and Elmosty to compete for wins, racing for our top 100 spots. I was getting wins daily, and by the end of July, I had around 60.

I had started becoming a decent player, when I met another close friend, Lescent (Kimberly). I didn't even know girls played MCSG, so it came as a surprise to see her on these servers. I didn't get to know Kim that well at first, but that's another story for later on. So, I was playing with Elmosty, and he sent me a link to an application called Teamspeak and an IP: TS.mcsg.in.

I logged into the Teamspeak server, and was amazed to see so many familiar names on it, Blamph, Zeejayy, The_great_Tito, etc. Bryce told me he had to go, so I was in the teamspeak alone. There was a name that just seemed so friendly to me, it was MattChappy. I joined his channel, and talked to him for a while. I realized after our conversation that this person was going to be very special to me. I played with him on teamspeak, and Kevin and Tyler on Skype. After about a month, school started up, I was becoming good friends with Matt, and I was getting wins daily. Around September, I got into the top 100, and I was so excited for it. I was so happy, but then MattChappy decided to get like 9 wins a day so he passed me ASAP.

I was in the top 100, and I managed to hold myself in the top 80 for a while. I realized that I needed to meet some new people, so I joined a teamspeak channel with someone I had seen high ranked before. His name was: Eborec (Zach). I stopped doing everything with anyone else and played with this guy constantly. Every hour of every day I spent with him. He was like my brother. After a month of playing with Eborec, I met some of his friends. The_Great_Tito, SoulV2, ZenoCrafter, SunGodMonkey, and even Willyrin. These people ended up becoming my friends, and we played survival games all the time. Zeno had a clan called the Rebels, I applied for it and got accepted. Then, Mattchappy's clan challenged us to a clan battle. The first of Rebels history. I remember how amazing the roster was, Eborec, SunGodMonkey, The_Great_Tito, SoulV2, ZenoCrafter, Macobeast, (I honest to god can not remember the other two). This was my chance to prove myself as a player, we joined the game, and defeated Enigma. We were all so proud of each other, it was honestly an emotional moment. Around this time, Zach introduced me to his friend: Themegaryan17 (Ryan).

Me and Ryan got along very well, very fast. Zach left MCSG for a couple of months, so I started spending most of my time on MCSG with Ryan. He gained his rank #1 and I had started climbing the leaderboards as well, I was only around rank 70 then. Me and Ryan made each other laugh all the time, and it was a friendship and time I still cherish. Ryan introduced me to his group of friends, including Zeejayy (Kyle), Mkilop2 (Lucas), and Pixel (Sam). Me and Kyle originally hated each other, and we didn't get along well. Me and Lucas got along very well, and I played with him when Ryan wasn't on. Lucas was another skilled player, he was around rank 40. Around this time, I started to play a lot more, racking in all the wins I could possibly get. I landed myself top 50, when Ryan decided he didn't want to play MCSG anymore. He took a very long break, and I wasn't surprised considering all he did was win. Lucas had also gone off to play with some other friends so I was alone for a while. That was when I started talking to one of my best friends, Kyle.

Me and Kyle didn't get along well at first, but we learned to like each other. Kyle didn't play much MCSG, and when he did it was for fun. So, Kyle had just started up his own YouTube channel: ZeejayyPlays. It was very successful, since he was previously #1 and very well known in the community. I ended being in one of his videos, Go Moonshoes Go! It was an awesome experience, I loved every bit of it. About a month into his channel, me and Kyle saw Eborec in a server! We told to him to get on teamspeak, he was back.

At this point, I was good friends with Kyle, Ryan, and Zach. We started making stupid jokes, talking in derp language, laughing all the time, and generally having fun. I had rekindled my relationship with Zach, and we became best friends again. Zach moved to the hive for some time, so I followed him, and so did Kyle. We found this Teamspeak, ClashCrew, owned by YoshiYamiYori, and we hung out there every day. Me and Zach were good friends, and he came up with the idea to start a YouTube channel, I thought up the name: AstroPunkz. In our first video ever, we made a Pvp tricks and tactics video. This was the start of my favorite MCSG chapter.

So, we hung around the CC TS a lot, and Kyle found out about our channel, and after closing his channel, he decided to join ours, and so did Sam (Pixel). Sam eventually went inactive, even though he was a great friend we kicked him from the channel. Then we added another friend, Jordan (Samdude09) but we has some problems so he was kicked as well. We didn't know what to do, we needed a 4th member... But who? Then we all realized, HarborSeal! (Sean). These people became my best friends, I loved them all to death and I felt like I couldn't go a day without them. Then started all the Drama, and it was a dark time for us as a group, we were very separated. Me and Zach tried to continue the channel but there was no hope for it, AstroPunkz had ended.

I grew very depressed around this time, it was like a giant hole had been drilled into my heart. Sean left, never to be seen again... Kyle and me grew distant... But of course, I stayed best friends with Zach. He was the only person at the time that could really cheer me up, he inspired me to do my own YouTube channel: NickDeda. I made some videos here and there but it wasn't the same, I needed a new family, a new place I could feel safe around. Then, two of my old friends, Hiqhlights and Epic_Frog_Song made a clan: Primeval.

I took this as an opportunity to make new friends, and become part of a group of people. I started talking to Hiqhlights, Tkt24Freak, Leo2by4, ImnotAFK13, Reavezz, Cryptic_Gamer, GoryGator, jr_delta, ProShooterBF, Techaton, Kranzo, xSwagGiraffe, Math_Magician7, RustlerSpeed, and a couple of other people. All the while staying best friends with Zach. I went up the ranks of primeval, eventually becoming leader alongside my friend Leo2by4. This was when everything started going downhill, primeval was cocky, and overrated and we fought in clan wars, only to get demolished by the Forgotten. This caused quite a commotion throughout our clan, causing some members to leave.

Hiqhlights managed to get the clan up and running again with TKT24Freak. It was nice to see the clan rekindled, but I was more than aware it wouldn't be the same. The clan eventually went downhill around a month ago, and disbanded. It was another sad day for me, but I persevered. I tossed around some different ideas for what to do next, but I couldn't think of much.

A couple of months later, my good friend Kranzo restarted Primeval, which was a good experience. It didn't last long, due to Kranzo getting bored of MCSG. That's when the Blamphs started, but it wasn't to long before that also disbanded.


Rivalize (Kyle): I would write something long here but you already know you're my main man.

Eborec (Zach): The funniest person I've ever known.

HarborSealPuP (Sean): You're a snack.

TheMegaRyan17 (Ryan): I have some of my most fond memories with you dude. I'll miss you.

Kranzo (Riely): Funny AF

Blamph (Blake): Good to know you, sucks how we couldn't continue the Blamphs.

Johan1555 (Ellen): Love you.

Also ChadTheDJ thanks man, thank you for the experience. Glad I got to meet you at minecon.


Last edited:


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Sad to see you go Shocksta... Even if I only talked to you for less than half an hour in Aviate.


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Wait. Goodbye....

Wat doin? Suckin?


District 13
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Fantastic read Nick, but sad to see you saying goodbye. You were easily one of the most annoying people I had ever spoken to during the summer 2012, but you changed into one of the most likable and enjoyable people to play MCSG with, or hell, even to chat with.

Hope to see you on the servers again one day.


Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
We talked sooo much haha.
Fantastic read Nick, but sad to see you saying goodbye. You were easily one of the most annoying people I had ever spoken to during the summer 2012, but you changed into one of the most likable and enjoyable people to play MCSG with, or hell, even to chat with.

Hope to see you on the servers again one day.

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