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100th post special- Hacker Edition

Why do you think people use hacked clients?

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Oct 28, 2013
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What is up all my ladies and gentleman, this is piggy back to show my support to you guys for liking, and replying to my threads. Maybe I'll reply to yours if it seems interesting. Today I want to share some Ways I use in MCSG to see hackers for a special 100th post as you seem in the title.

Well,lets get started
So first of all I will record all the hacks I have seen in my CA/US career

  • Aimbot (Click Aimbot too)
  • Nodus
  • Force field (FF)
  • BSM (1.7.2 sprint is not allowed) (Better Sprint Mod)
  • Spider
  • Regen hacks
  • Water Walking
  • Speed hacks
  • Fly hacks
  • Anti-Knockback
  • Knockback hacks (Mostly intense Knockback.)
  • Sprinting backwards
  • Sprinting while shooting a bow
  • Strength hacks
If I forgot any hacks Please reply to those hacks.

How to tell how a person hacks and best ways to kill them.

  • Aimbot. Infinite arrows and hits all of his arrow shots (I know people are good with the bow but it is like skeleton aim.) Recommended:Good strafe skills and a strong sword.
  • Nodus. Your opponent will hit you right away as soon as you come up. (Even when not looking.) Recomended: Bow and the Flint and steel.
  • ForceField-Common hack and is seen when he snaps his head while fighting you and he will be looking in the sky and hitting you. Recomended: Attacking at an angle where his force field can't hit you
  • BSM- A mod in which makes sprint activate in a button. you can use anything but it is easier for them to jump you.
  • Spider- A hack used to scale up walls like a spider does. Same with BSM, it doesn't improve combat but can be unfair.
  • Regen Hacks- He never dies even though you hit him over a million times and he doesn't really get scared when on fire. Recommended: Critical hits to drain his health faster than he regens.
  • Water Walking-When a person walks over water like a solid block. Recommended: Fishing pole stunt and under water advantage. (He won't be able to go underwater unless he turns them off.)
  • Speed hacks-Particles under his feet while not moving. Recommended:Bow
  • Fly hacks- He can fly. bow is the only choice and you need deadeye aim.
  • Anti-Knockback- Test by shooting an arrow at him and if he isn't knock backed, he has it. Recommended: Flint and steel.
  • Knockback hacks- He sends you launching with his sword like about 20 blocks away. Recommended: Bows and fire combos.
  • Sprinting backwards and while bowing- unfair advantages that people use but can be killed with any weapon of choice
  • Strength hacks- Always have the better weapon advantage and have reliable sub weapons. Seen when swords do more than usual and strength bubbles standing for potion effect.
Keep in mind- Hackers use many hacks than just one and eventually you will see a super hacker but hope this helps and before I end this special, answer the poll.

Also:If I may be inaccurate, try to help me fix it and please don't criticize. If you have nothing good to say, I will ignore your comment.


Feb 2, 2013
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Nodus? Thats the mod, not the hack itself, what you described is Forcefield
Forcefield, you described Click Aimbot.
BSM can't even be used on MCSG.
Most of these hacks won't even work on MCSG because of NCP.


Oct 28, 2013
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I have not seen these hacks recently, the NCP and anticheat on MCSG have updated not allowing some of these hacks. In the start of my career, I have seen some of these hacks. I also describe a "Hack" as an unfair advantage other people can't get.

Edit: You may see the typo in the tittle in the thread. It is suppose to be 100th post special-Hacker Edition.


Jun 29, 2013
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Nodus is not a hack, It's a hack client, and it includes hacks like: forcefield, xray, spider, jezus ETC.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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I think I found a few errors, I'll put my corrections in red. Please note that these are just what I think they are, from either personal experience of past knowledge. I might be wrong.

Aimbot: There's two types of aimbot, one for bow and one for melee. Bow - It automatically aims at the nearest person, and will shoot them if they are not moving. It's easy to counter, just by moving from side to side, as it cannot change the direction of the arrow mid-shot. Melee, once you get within range they automatically look at you, and they only have to click in order to hit you.
Nodus: One of the most well-known hack clients, it contains many hacks such as Aimbot, Forcefield, Fly, and Sprint hacks, as well as things such as Xray, Chestfinder, Water-Walking, etc.

ForceField: Will hit anyone and anything that comes into range, such as players and mobs (Depending on which setting it's on) and makes it so that you cannot come into sword range, as they hit you before you can hit them. Basically, it's a "Force field" that also deals damage to you if they have a weapon.
BSM: A mod called Better Sprint Mod, it changes the way you sprint. You can either make it so that every time you press W you sprint, or whenever you press W and another button. It also has a button to TOGGLE sneaking, and in creative mode you can change how fast you fly.

Spider: A hack used to scale up walls like a spider does. No particular PvP advantage, but it can let you escape from fights or sneak up on people quite easily.
Regen Hacks: Speeds up the rate at which you regenerate health.
Water Walking-When a person walks over water like a solid block. Recommended: Fishing pole stunt and under water advantage. (He won't be able to go underwater unless he turns them off.)
Speed Hacks: Moves quickly, at a speed that is not possible without a potion effect.Sprint Hacks: Constantly sprinting (Unless turned off)
Fly hacks- He can fly. bow is the only choice and you need deadeye aim.
Anti-Knockback: No matter what you do, they will not receive any knockback (Ex: if you sprint-hit them, they won't move much.) Recommended: Flint and steel.
Knockback hacks: They constantly have the sprinting knockback effect, even when moving backwards or standing still. Recommended: Bows and fire combos.Bow-Hacks: Can draw and fire bow, even when sprinting. Does not change movement speed.
Strength hacks: Hits do more damage than normal, such as if they had a strength potion or got critical hits each time.

Please note that offensive hacks such as aimbot and forcefield don't do anything against people that are on their list of "friends" or people that they want the hacks to ignore.

Also, I know there's a looot of red, but some I just changed to make them a bit clearer (in my opinion, many people might find yours easier to understand.)


Oct 28, 2013
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Thanks Mooclan for clarifying my thread. I may of been wrong since I haven't seen some of these hacks in forever. Especially for Aimbot. I thought if I made too much clarification, I may sound like a hacker. Also I made this thread at 12:30 AM EST today December 26th


Aug 20, 2012
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Um... BSM does affect PvP. A BSM user will press one or two buttons and will have infinite sprint. Back before 1.7 (when BSM was implemented into MC) BSM have the advantage of combos, sprinting during fights, and the like. I suggest you update this.


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
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Can be improved. But Grats on 100 posts!


Dec 8, 2013
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Congratulations on 100 posts, and many more to come!


Apr 19, 2014
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Why is everyone being a hater to this post. Please be nice.:cool:
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