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2 Year Anniversary, 2,000 Posts, AMA


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
What is your favorite memory on the MCG?
Congrats! :D
Thank you!
My favorite memory is getting hired as a Mod, it was one of my dreams after joining this community.

What's your favorite show?
Don't really have a favorite show anymore, but it used to be How I Met Your Mother
Congratulations! c:

Questions for AMA:

[1] Do you live a happy life?
[2] Do you believe in God?
[3] How many words did you wrote in your Moderator Application?
[4] Did you get The Moderator Rank on your first try?
[5] What makes you rage IRL?​
Thanks! c:
1. Of course! Don't worry, be happy!
2. Yes I do.
3. Like a few thousand words at the least.
4. Lol no, took me about about 6-7 tries.
5. People tryharding for grades so they can get into Harvard lol

I don't really know anyone here but you seem like a really nice guy! :)
Questions for AMA:
1. How did you join MCGamer?
2. What made you think of becoming a moderator?
3. Do you rage when you die in-game? xD
Why thank you! :)
1. I had heard about the server in v1, but started playing a lot when one of my irl friends started playing.
2. Well back in the days I used to see how helpful the mods were, and how everyone looked up to them. After seeing how much of an awesome community this was, I decided that I would want to help.
3. Sometimes, like if I do stupid stuff(aka falling into a spiderweb trap)

oh whoa


Congrats waiting buddy, I look forward to celebrating our 1 year together!
Thank you, and yasss!



Do you like cow's in irl?
Well....I like cow meat. >:D

I believe that would be a 17.38 wood/day rate.

Would you rather... Have hiccups for the rest of your life?
Or feel like you need to sneeze and not be able to for the rest of your life?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh gosh....definitely hiccups.

Congrats Debs!
Thanks Andreas!


Jan 11, 2015
Reaction score
Through what we call life, currently every second goes by, and this continues on forever. This can be added for days, weeks, months, or even a year. It comes to a point when you think back to a moment and wonder, wow that was last year? Well, the same thought comes to me today, as I wonder how time has passed by so fast. It was 2 years ago, that after a few months of playing on the MCGamer Network(or should I call it MCSG as it was at that time), did I decide to finally close the door to my anti-socialism, and open the door to getting to know the rest of the MCSG community. This was honestly one of the best decisions I ever made.

I had originally joined the forums to challenge my friend @imaboss2414 to see who would be able to become a mod first (of course after 1 year, I ended up winning). But after being declined on my first application, it opened up a whole new path in the forums. I finally started paying attention to all these forum categories, looked up to those amazing forumers, and thought how nice it would be to interact with players. At that time, I was a pretty shy person, and did not really have the social skills to communicate with one another. I bet that a lot of people would think I was some annoying 13 year old who posted useless threads. But as time passed, I improved in my confidence, and started posting more threads and replying my thoughts and ideas to other posts.

Not only did MCGamer bring my love for this game, but also the love for YouTube. Back then, I used to look at BajanCanadian, CaptainSparklez, and all those famous youtubers, and wonder how fun it would be to just record a video and see people enjoying your gameplay. If it was not for the forums, would I have ever been able to do well in Youtube. Many community members back in the day used to help each other out, and some of them gave me the greatest tips, like what program to use, specific render settings, etc. I’d like to thank every one of them who have helped me get this far.

Lastly, as you can see this is my 2,000th post as well on the forums. From when I gained confidence in freely writing posts, a lot of dedication had been put into getting to this level. But it’s become a lot slower. It’s not 7th or 8th grade for me anymore. I’m a sophmore now, and taking Honors classes and sports have taken away so much free time that I used to have. But never the less, it won’t keep me from stopping from setting goals for which I want to accomplish.

Last year for my 1 year anniversary, I had listed goals which I desired to accomplish. I am pleased to say that I was able to accomplish everything I listed, and this year, I will set some more for my future self to complete.

Things that have happened over my 2 years of interaction:

[/] 1000 Posts


[/] 100 Wins

[/] 200 Wins

[/] 300 Wins

[/] Not a green bean

[/] 500 Wins


[/] 2000 Posts

[/] Become a MCGamer Mod

Goals I hope to achieve in the near future:

[] 1 year as a MCGamer Mod(Hired Oct. 4th, 2014)

[] 1000 wins


[] 3000 posts

[] 1000+ subscribers on Youtube

Honorable mentions you may say? Nah. This community has made it such a wonderful place for me that I need to list everyone's’ name in here, but unfortunately I can’t. Thank you MCGamer, for making this a fun an amazing place for me. :) <3


Feel free to ask me anything, and I’ll be happy to answer!

Just noting super personal please. c:
Congrats :)


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Congrats Debs!

As for my question, who was the first MCSG YouTuber you ever watched and enjoyed?


Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Congratulations! :)

For my question, how did you come up with your Ingame name?


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
would u rub my nips?

Congrats Debs!

As for my question, who was the first MCSG YouTuber you ever watched and enjoyed?
Thank you! The first ever MCSG YouTuber I watched and enjoyed was ThatOneTomahawk. I always looked up to him and thought he was a really good player back in the olden days.

Congratulations! :)

For my question, how did you come up with your Ingame name?
Thanks! It's quite weird actually, I was thinking of creating a new channel back in 2014 so I started thinking of names while in the shower. Somehow gapple came up to my mind, so I started brainstorming. I was actually almost about to make my name TheOnlyGapple, but then the idea of TheLastGapple suddenly popped up, so I thought that would be an even better name.

Thanks! :)

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