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5 Pro Tips


Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
1. Hiding weapons: This is a good way to pull of some fast and cheap kills against many players. You need to hold no weapon or a worse one then your best (such as holding a wood sword when you have an iron sword). Find another player and make sure they see you, if you start running away, they will assume you have worse stuff and chase you. Go into a building with limited exits, change to your better weapon and kill them as they are trapped and taken by surprise and congrats you can have some better armor or that second diamond.

2. Bow Power: this tip mainly applies to breeze but can also apply to many other maps. You chase an opponent in to an area with water like a lake or ocean, you normally couldn't hit them but since you chased them into water, they are sitting ducks and are easy to pick off. Bows also can break boats of people chasing you through water.

3. Traps: you want to take advantage of all the traps on all of the maps and utilize them to your advantage. It is best to know where all traps are so you aren't caught in them yourself. Many traps you can use to kill other players. An example is the gravel trap in sg4. When light it with flint and steel or place cake on it you make the gravel fall trapping anything on it in spiderwebs to eventually fall in lava. Traps have gotten me out of many tough situations and they should help you.

4. Crafting: I cannot tell you how many times I have been attacked while crafting. Keep your eyes out at all times and watch your back if you are in a team in case of backstabbing. If you can craft an iron/diamond sword craft it immediately,even if someone with armor you need passes right by you, craft the sword first, a 1v1 fight can easily turn into a bloodbath, you would need all the help you can get.

5. Cornucopia: If you get a stone sword at start, do not go crazy with it. Locate the best players and target them first while they have no weapon. Also be wary of other stone swords at spawn as if you are not careful they could easily kill you back.

Hope these tips helped you!
Salamancer101 out.


Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
I've been hiding my weps (especially when I have a good one) for quite some time, but I've actually never thought of pretending to be scared then run into a building to go in for the kill... genius!


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
With #2, the bow tip. Never break boats. It's pointless seeing as they can just pick it up again. Use a fishing rod when they get closer and break it with that, it's broken for real then. :p

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