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Guide A Collection of General Support Answers


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Every day, the General Support section is filled with questions from players asking about various things, and people who see the questions have to answer them.
Generally, this would include having to type out a response and sometimes finding links to other pages like the Report Abuse and Ban Disputes section.

To save you the issue of typing those responses, I have here a collection of answers that I've found, written, or modified. These are answers to some common threads like someone posting a report abuse in the wrong section.
This thread is not another FAQ Thread, in case anyone's wondering. This thread was made for replies that you can copy and paste into a thread to answer a person's question.
If you have anything that you want to be included in this list, please PM it to me, so that I can add it. This list, as it is, is highly incomplete.

For Ban Disputes:
Hey there,
If you feel that you were unfairly banned, you can post your dispute here: http://dispute.mcgamer.info
Make sure that you use the template found here: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/ban-dispute-templates.6587/
And in case you're confused, all ban disputes are private, which is why the section appears empty. Please make sure to post them in the correct area.
After posting the Ban Dispute, please be patient and allow a few days for them to get to the Ban Dispute, as the people who go through them receive a lot each day.
If you have any questions or want to see evidence for you ban, feel free to PM an online staff member!

For Report Abuses:
Hey there,
If you want to report a rule-breaker such as a hacker or spammer, please post the report in this section:

While doing so, please make sure that you follow this template:

After posting the Report Abuse, please be patient - A staff member might not always respond to it immediately, but rest assured that you've done your part, and now it's the Staff's turn to complete the task.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM an online staff member!

Stats Reset:
Hey there,
If you purchased a Stat Reset and have not received it, make sure to use the "/upgrade 1" command in-game to confirm it.
If that doesn't work, do "/upgrades" to see what options you have.

If you still have not received it within 24 hours, send an email to [email protected] with proof of purchase.

If you have any further questions, you can PM an online staff member!

Staff Applications:
Hey there,
Want to apply for Moderator?
Post your application here:

And make sure to use and fill out the template found here:

Make sure to fill it out to the best of your ability, and remember: Quality over Quantity.
If you have any other questions, you can PM an online staff member!

TeamSpeak Connection:
Hey there,
Having issues connecting to the MCGamer TeamSpeak?
Make sure that you connect with the IP: ts.mcgamer.net
If that IP is not functioning, you can try to connect to the direct IP:

If that does not solve your issue, check to see if you are using an outdated version of TeamSpeak, or perhaps a firewall is blocking you. Double-check that your internet is plugged in and functioning, and that you are properly connected.

As a last resort, you can try to re-install TeamSpeak3 here: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads
But make sure that you save your Bookmarks and Buddy list!

How to Join an MCGamer Server:
Hey there,
Want to log onto MCGamer, but don't know how?
First of all, make sure that you have a Premium (Paid) Minecraft account, which can be purchased here:https://minecraft.net/store/minecraft
Find or download the Minecraft Launcher, which you can get here: https://minecraft.net/download

Once you have the game downloaded, installed, and logged in, go to Multiplayer, and click on "Add Server".
Set the Server Name to: MCGamer
Set the Server Address to: xx.mcgamer.net
Replace 'xx' in the address with your local region:
US = United States
CA = Canada
EU = Europe
AU = Australia
An example would be: "us.mcgamer.net"

If you don't know which region you're closest to, use the IP: "play.mcgamer.net"

Once logged into the MCGamer Hub, you should have a few items in your hotbar:
Compass - Quick Teleport, used for hopping to a Mini-Game quickly.
Clock - Show/Hide Players, used to make players invisible, for those of you who have lower-end computers or want some peace and quiet from all the stomping feet.
Book - MCGamer News, where you can find all the latest news from the website's front page.
Gold Ingot - MCGamer Credits Shop. This allows you to purchase and use accessories like pets, hats, and particles.
Nether Star - Lobby Selector, where you can jump between "Hub" 1 through 8.

After picking a Mini-Game to play on the Compass, you can select a sign to join a game. Make sure to pick one that's in a Lobby!
If you can't seem to find an open server, you can use the Beacon Block to get into a Lobby faster.

Screen Recorder:
For a Mac computer, there's really only one option - Screenflow.

For a Windows computer, I can there are three different programs that stand out:

FRAPS is most likely the best-known screen/game recording program.
There is a trial version which allows you to record for 30 seconds and leaves a watermark.
The full version costs $37 USD, and removes the length cap and watermark.
It has one large downfall - you need a good computer to run it.
FRAPS will automatically lock your FPS at what it deems to be a stable FPS - on my old computer which could easily get 60 FPS, FRAPS locked my FPS at 20. On my new computer which virtually never drops below 250 FPS, FRAPS locked my FPS at 90.

Dxtory - Price unknown, but definitely above $30.
This program is also very good, but is slightly less resource intensive, meaning it's easier to run on a not-very-good computer.
It has many more options and settings that you can play with, but those settings can make it a bit confusing at first. If you plan on using Dxtory, make sure that you download, install, and use something called "Lagarith Lossless Codec". You can Google search it, and find a YouTube tutorial.
While it is not as resource-intensive as FRAPS, you still need a fairly good computer (60+ FPS) to use. Dxtory can also lock your FPS, but is not as strict as FRAPS.

Open Broadcaster Software - Free
Also called OBS, this program is probably the least laggy out of the programs listed. It is decently configurable, but what makes it stand apart from the rest is its price (or lack thereof), as well as the fact that you can record different Scenes and Sources, and it's capability to livestream to websites like Twitch.TV.

For your purposes, I would recommend using Open Broadcaster Software. Free, the least laggy, and highly adjustable.

Macros and Hotkeys:
There's a difference between using hotkeys and using macros.

Hotkeys: Assigning or using a button for a separate, single function.
For example, a Razer Naga has 12 independent buttons on the side (#1-12). To use it as a hotkey would be like pressing the 1 key to switch to your sword, or the 4 key to switch to your golden apple.
Also, if you are able to customize your mouse settings (Such as with Razer Synapse), then you can reassign the 1 key on a mouse such as the Naga to "3", in order to switch to your Fishing Rod easily.

Macros: Assigning multiple functions to a single button.
Again, using the Razer Naga example - If you reassigned the 1 key to automatically press "3"->"right click"->"1" in order to quickly cast a fishing rod or use an FNS, then that is a macro.
Also, if you assign it to do something like spam the left or right click buttons, then that is also considered a macro - or in this case, we call it "Auto-clicker."

Hotkeys = Allowed
Macros = Not Allowed

Additionally, Macros Mod (for Minecraft) is not allowed. (Unless you're a staff member using it for chat macros.)

Declination of Report Abuses:
If your Report Abuse has been previously closed, some of the reasons could have been one of the following reason(s):
Insufficient Evidence
This means that either the video/picture that you included in the report does not include conclusive evidence that we are able to use in order to punish the alleged rule breaker with.
Tips on How to Get Sufficient Evidence:
If it is a Video [Hacker], record the person in third person (spectator mode). This makes things a lot easier for the staff to see the user legitimately hacking. Also, try to get at least 15 seconds worth of video showing the alleged hacker, hacking. If it is a picture, screenshot your entire Minecraft screen. If it is not full screen, we cannot accept it as valid evidence; therefore the report will then be closed. Also, make sure to upload the image to IMGUR so that there is a lesser chance of the picture being deleted by the company's service provider.

Edited Evidence
This means that the evidence has been edited in such a way that it obstructs the view/ability of viewing the evidence. This goes for both videos and images. For videos, this can include anything from adding color correction, editing key parts out, to speeding up or slowing down the video to the point where it isn't the normal speed. For images, this can range from color correction, editing over top of the image, removal/blockage of key points on the evidence.
Tips on How to Maintain Evidence:
Do not edit your footage. The only editing that you should do is cut the video down showing the hacker, hacking. Now, like I mentioned prior, try to get at least 15 seconds worth of video showing the alleged hacker, hacking. That goes for pictures as well, do not edit them.

Did Not Follow the Template/Sign the Contract
This means that you did not follow the Report Abuse template which is given to you on the same page which you can find HERE. Also, this could also mean that you did not sign the contract which is at the bottom of the template; and yes, the contract section of the template is indeed part of the template and it must be signed by you via you replacing the "insert your name" with your name/in-game name [Digital Signature].
Make sure to always follow the template and sign the contract at the end! :)

Unavailable Evidence:
This means that the evidence is unavailable to watch/view at the time that the report was submitted. This can be from the YouTube video not being completely process all the way before you submitted the report - In this case, please wait until the video has complete finished processing and is viewable to whoever has the link (Which also reminds me; when you upload a hacker video, make sure to set the privacy setting on the video to UNLISTED and not PUBLICor PRIVATE.) If you set it to private, we will close the report and kindly ask you to re-submit the report abuse after you change the video from private to unlisted. Please do not delete the evidence as well. If you do, you may be subject to a punishment. Same goes for images.
(Credit goes to NagolGames for this incredible answer)

Here's a list of useful bookmarks/links:

Anyone is welcome to save those links as bookmarks, to navigate the pages faster. Also, once you have something bookmarked, you can Copy/Paste the link by right clicking on the bookmark and selecting "Copy".

Feel free to bookmark this thread if you think you might use it in the future!

o.o Wow, I spent more than an hour on this thread.
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District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Mooclan is at it again, great work, I'm sure it will help.



District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Mooclan once again doing what he does best. Well done, though I feel like this thread exists somewhere.

Well Done :D


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Great post should help out a lot of people :)


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Mooclan once again doing what he does best. Well done, though I feel like this thread exists somewhere.

Well Done :D
Most likely the FAQ Thread by Col. However, there's a difference between the two, as this one has replies that can be copied and pasted in order to reply to threads without having to type them out and find the links.


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Most likely the FAQ Thread by Col. However, there's a difference between the two, as this one has replies that can be copied and pasted in order to reply to threads without having to type them out and find the links.
Makes it easier for all of us. Thank you.


Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
Very nice work my friend.

Last edited by a moderator:


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Figured I'd bump this thread up a notch.
I updated it with a little bit more information, a few more links, etc.

Edit: And no, this isn't a necro-post, since the thread is still relevant and helpful.

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