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A Complete Strategy Guide To winning the survival games


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Guys it's Insane Just thought I'd share with you some strategies that help me win and will help the 'Noobs' start playing :D

1. Have good chest routes for every map try look around a game as a spectator when it's in match to pick out a good chest route. Make sure you include a mixture of tier two's and one's. If you don't know what they are a tier 1 is where you would have stuff like leather armour, axes, weapons, raw food, flint, feathers, sticks and iron ingots so basically the bad chests (however these are very useful for making arrows and surviving the earlier stages of the game). Where as tier 2's have stuff like gold, chain and iron armour, diamonds, cooked food and good stuff which is essential for surviving later rounds.

2. Now with the chest knowledge I think a good idea would be to tell you the order of the weapons and armour so for weapons it goes like this and yes axes can be used as a good weapon. Armour order (worst to best) : Leather, Gold, Chain, Iron. another thing is that gold, chain and iron boots/helmets all do the same armour rating however iron has longer durability than them both. Weapon Order (Worst to best) : Wood axe, Wood sword, Stone axe, Gold sword, Stone sword, Iron Sword and Diamond sword. Just a note swords do swing faster than axes therefore allowing you to have more hits.

3. Okay so now I think I will bring in how to win pvp battles. So firstly I will say try to sneak up on your opponent, if that works get as many hits as you can on them by spamming the left click also to make your hits do almost double the damage make sure you jump and hit this will make you perform a critical hit. If your opponent starts to run he will be on low hearts pull out a bow and snipe him. That is how I fight on land if I'm on the offensive. If you're on the defensive being chased your best option is to get to a part on the map where it is a thin long passage, as they're following you bring out a flint and steel to set them on fire then finish them off. If you want to know how close they are and if they are still following you carry on running but keep on pressing F5 until you see or don't see them chasing you. Now to move on to how to fight in the water, well in the water make sure you get underneath the player when you attack (first good tactic) also bring a fishing rod so you can hit them away if they're chasing you or hit them into a object behind them to get them pinned up against the wall (that sounds wrong xD).

That is basically everything I use to win my matches so I hope it helps :D


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Pretty good tips!
I, myself, love Flint and Steels! They have helped me SO many times. I've got a few tips myself.
-While in water PvP, go below your opponent, you can get more hits on him that way.
-It's better to get Tier 1 chests first rather than tier 2's, reason? Tier one chests have a higher chance of spawning weapons.
-If you find a stone sword at the start, don't go rampage and killing everybody, immediately go straight for your route and kill people who try to challenge you for your chests. (Works perfectly for SG 4 if you go for the sewers)
-Bows are IMPORTANT, if you're low on hearts and someone is chasing you (You have already dealt a good amount of famage on him), make sure you're far enough so your opponent can't hit you as you do a 180 degree turn and shoot him, that can lower his health down by 4 hearts (depending on his armour)
- Always keep a clean inventory. Throw away junk and weapons weaker than the one you already have, same goes for armour, yes, someone might pick it up but he will still have way inferiour armour to you. And if you kill a person with something you need and spend 5 minutes trying to pick it up because you have a full inventory and some noob comes and picks it up, you WILL rage (It has happened)
-Bows and arrows can change the result of any water battle
-Having a teammate to back you up when you're in need is halpfull too.

I hope these extra tips helped!


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Oh and by the way, Gold swords do the same amount of damage as a wooden sword, they just have a lower durability.

And the only differences between Gold armor and Chain armor are the durability (Gold, breaking faster) And the pants, gold pants are weaker than Chain pants.


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Pretty good tips!
I, myself, love Flint and Steels! They have helped me SO many times. I've got a few tips myself.
-While in water PvP, go below your opponent, you can get more hits on him that way.
-It's better to get Tier 1 chests first rather than tier 2's, reason? Tier one chests have a higher chance of spawning weapons.
-If you find a stone sword at the start, don't go rampage and killing everybody, immediately go straight for your route and kill people who try to challenge you for your chests. (Works perfectly for SG 4 if you go for the sewers)
-Bows are IMPORTANT, if you're low on hearts and someone is chasing you (You have already dealt a good amount of famage on him), make sure you're far enough so your opponent can't hit you as you do a 180 degree turn and shoot him, that can lower his health down by 4 hearts (depending on his armour)
- Always keep a clean inventory. Throw away junk and weapons weaker than the one you already have, same goes for armour, yes, someone might pick it up but he will still have way inferiour armour to you. And if you kill a person with something you need and spend 5 minutes trying to pick it up because you have a full inventory and some noob comes and picks it up, you WILL rage (It has happened)
-Bows and arrows can change the result of any water battle
-Having a teammate to back you up when you're in need is halpfull too.

I hope these extra tips helped!
Thanks pretty much said everything I forgot to include xD

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