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A different take on item and food distribution

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May 22, 2012
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I sort of posted this before in the “city map cornucopia is overpowered” post, but I thought it was an interesting enough idea to put forward in its own thread… you may disagree of course.

I think the games could really benefit from a restructure of how we look at the relationship between a map’s players and the items available. The core essence of the games is survival and so creating a set up where players have the feeling that they are constantly under threat (from other players or even just food) should be the mantra of the WHOLE setup.

The first thing to understand is that food is essentially time. If you have a lot of food you have a lot of time to do things, if you don’t you have to expend what little time you have left to get it. It may be harder to implement and require experimentation to get “just right” but, I recommend we consider making food the main focus at the game. No one should ever consider themselves to have “enough” time.

If almost all the food spawned at the cornucopia people would have to go there to survive (or kill people who had been there) which would stop camping and encourage interaction. So, if we strip the other chests outside the corn of all their food we add a natural pacing and ebb and flow to the game. Waves of people fluxing in and out of the middle to get the food they need to survive and head out again before they are killed for what they have got.

If you were to do this you would also have to make weapons and equipment the main focus of the areas outside cornucopia (though the corn would also have some basic kit still obviously). Also items in general should be of FAR lower quality to what we normally see in the game and also MUCH more limited across the entire map. The best most people would be expected to find would be a bow, stone sword, iron sword, leather armour. Take all the super awesome gear out of the game (no magic swords ect.)

Why chuck out the good stuff? Well basically it creates a natural “leader runaway” situation which is no fun for anyone. The leader avoids the natural threat of impending death, because they have a vastly superior chance of survival and everyone else is essentially forced to flee or fall to their superior firepower.

As I said before the main focus should be survival, the hunger games are best when you’re under pressure and scared. That should be the mantra of the WHOLE setup. No one should ever walk around feeling like a bad ass as a result.

Armour should also be extremely limited and that which can be found should be of very low quality. Death should never be far away and forever lurks around every corner. You should not be able to camp the cornucopia and feel confident of survival in your tank armour while your damage heals up. No one should feel able to camp anywhere and hold off more than 1 player comfortably at any given time. The focus of the game needs to be on the second to second tension you feel at the beginning.

This would make the game much more of a slug fest and force people to mix up exploration and returning to the cornucopia.


Apr 27, 2012
Reaction score
I think the problem is that if you make the Corn too much of a focus, the teams will nearly always win, I personally like how it is at the moment on SG1, once the Chests are fixed on SG2 I think it will be pretty balanced on there aswell


May 22, 2012
Reaction score
I think the problem is that if you make the Corn too much of a focus, the teams will nearly always win, I personally like how it is at the moment on SG1, once the Chests are fixed on SG2 I think it will be pretty balanced on there aswell
Possibly true, but i still believe that an over abundance of food (time) can damage the game by giving players no sense of urgency. Though its important to remember that player who really want to avoid the cornucopia would still be able to get apples of course, they would simply have to work harder for their food.

I also still believe that the ability to get awesome gear takes away some of the threat posed by an encounter with another player. Every player should at least be concerned about every other player they encounter, no one should feel overwhelmingly powerful regardless of where they have sourced their gear from. As I said before no one should feel able to camp anywhere and hold off more than 1 player comfortably at any given time... item distribution is a massive part of this. I'm sure we have all seen anti climactic conclusions where one player is suited and booted in all diamond and the best his opponent can muster is steel.

For example.... is there really any NEED for there to be diamond in the games at all? What purpose does it serve?

As with all competition systems the more tiers you have the greater the disparity of fairness between competitors. Would not just having stone, leather, wood and maybe iron be enough and far far easier to regulate the distribution of fairly?


May 22, 2012
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Another thing I wanted to add... I think the cornucopia should serve as an EARLY advantage not a game winner. If you go to there you will get items which other players will have to work hard and use skill to find. However, the items should not be tires above anything found elsewhere (except with regard to food).

Ber Ric

May 16, 2012
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I agree on the point that everybody should fear all the others, not one over-geared diamond-covered guy that can just smash anybody else without even sweating, waiting in the center for other players to show up... (other players actually avoiding him since they have no chance at all to kill him, only making the games last longer and be more boring, not more stressful for players nor exciting...)


May 22, 2012
Reaction score
I agree on the point that everybody should fear all the others, not one over-geared diamond-covered guy that can just smash anybody else without even sweating, waiting in the center for other players to show up... (other players actually avoiding him since they have no chance at all to kill him, only making the games last longer and be more boring, not more stressful for players nor exciting...)

Exactly, to be honest a good way to limit the over-gearing is by reducing the number of item tiers within the map. For example (not saying this is 100% perfect):

1) Wood and stone for most weapons you find pre-made.
2) Leather the best armour you find (unless you make iron armour, see bellow).
3) Iron ingots and sticks findable (but never together in large numbers) so you can make iron weapons/armour.
4) If you really want gold/diamond then only have 2 ingots/diamonds in the whole map, both of which are not in the same place. So if you want an awesome sword you have to REALLY work for it.
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