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A Mod App (from an unaccepted member)

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Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
Note: There is nothing in the rules that states I am not allowed to post my moderator applications. If anyone deletes this thread, than you are the one breaking the rules.

I'm never aloud to reapply, so I wanted to share my application with you guys. Here goes:

Your name: PinkishDiamond

Your age: 14

Your Minecraft username: PinkishDiamond

Do you have any MCBans? (If so, explain): I have gotten a warning on the MCSG forums for having written something mean on a fellow users profile. Those behaviors are definitely behind me.

Past administration or moderation experiences: I am a warden on Varion Penitentiary, and a moderator on Mobsters.

How would you punish players for breaking the rules?: I would punish a player that's spamming by kicking them. If they're a known spammer, and this isn't their first time, I would temporarily ban them. I would do the same with excessive language and advertising. If they used caps, I would only warn them at first, but if it continues, as if they were mocking me, then I would kick them. If I had clear evidence that someone was hacking or had any unfair advantages, I would temporarily ban them and then permanently ban them if necessary.

Why do you believe you are qualified to be a moderator?:

1. My maturity. I won't lose control over my temper which allows me to be a fair and justified moderator. I will be honest to every rank and play my role as moderator to best of my abilities. I am fair and won't abuse the role of moderator. I will follow all rules regarding moderating whether I am happy with them or not.

2. I have experience. I have been a very active member of MCSG for a long time, foruming and in servers. But I've also participated on many other servers besides just MCSG, and I understand the rules of the game. I've taken the good and bad experiences, and I've learned things that will further help me moderate on MCSG. I can help keep the forum and servers run smoothly. I will make other moderator's jobs easier. This will be evident if I am accepted.

3. I am not power hungry like many other players. I know others often ask nag about being a mod or vip, but my motivation is different. I believe that everything is worked for, and the trust you place in me will be well respected. I will fulfill my duties, follow clear instructions and be honest. I won't ask for perks, but await your decision. I am not someone who will beg for something that should be earned. A good server requires staff members that are there because they wish to help others, not because they would like to see other players crowding around them.

In what ways would your presence benefit our staff team?:

I understand how stressful the job of moderating is, and realize that this server is looking for moderators who can help fellow staff members, so that both of our lives can be easier. As moderator, I will follow the rules without questioning them. I will respect other staff members and work together so as to make the job more efficient and satisfactory. I am a devoted forumer, therefore I am able to help players ingame and out. I am a very quick learner, so becoming equipped with the rules of the trade will not be difficult for me. The most important concept I want to get across is that I will be a valuable component to your team, and you will be very happy that you accepted me.

Do you have the ability to record video?: Yes, I have screenflow

Do you own a microphone?: Yes

How much time a week are you willing to donate to help moderate our forums and servers?: Approximately 30 hours

Where are you located? (Time zone): Eastern Standard Time

I, PinkishDiamond, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCSG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in permanent ban or removal from the website.

I kind of hate it. It was denied because of something I said to someone on teamspeak and something I said to someone on the forums. I just felt like posting this. Maybe it makes me a hippocrit, but you know what? Sometimes it's a good thing to venture out of your comfort zone. Honestly, I'm not sure it was detailed enough. Ugh, whatev. It's over. It's in the past. Like seeya! Omg im not riting like spelcheking and stuf lolololololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Wrong section. Also, dont share your app
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