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A Wolf's Tale | Chapter 1 | Story Of How I found MCSG


Jan 12, 2013
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So, where do i begin. Pretty close to the week mcsg(mcgamer) opened I was absolutely clueless as to what it was, me being me... I ignored it. A few days passes and I saw a video on youtube called MINECRAFT HUNGER GAMES WITH YOU-TUBERS. I was like, whut? So I watched it, and wanted to play it. I hopped on the server us18, this was where i would meet some of my best friends, ill tag em later. A year went by I still sucked at the game. I had a forum account but never went on it, until then. I saw the clans page, and freaked out because I saw Chrome led by Alpha I was a big fna of his youtube so I wen't for it. I was accepted right away with Ag | Alex This clan is where I felt at home with many friends who were extremely close at the time.
After about 3 months we split paths, then came back, then split up, then came back, then... we finally said, we are done here.

Ive met more people then I expected. even though they have gone into different clans I still thank them for the amazing experience they gave me.

Chapter 2 will come out around late august

Sepyz You are an amazing friend, and i'm super glad I met you.
Alpha AHHHHH IM BEING TEAMED ON, i mean... thanks for the great times in chrome and for your videos that you said were daily...
Ag | Alex 12, thanks for being 12.
Twee Gyazo it... ily
and to every one who was in chrome thanks for the amazing times from Alpha breaking our headphones to twee gyazo-ing every thing in google hangouts.
Short'N'Sweet. Chapter 2 will be longer and more people will be tagged, see you then!


District 13
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
No one ever remembers Wild and the clan wars xD We sucked
Ice Cream Cat

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