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Guide About Moderator applications-

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District 13
May 6, 2012
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Hai~ *This thread is mobile friendly*
If you have ever visited a Sr. Staff members wall, Chad's wall, and even Moderator's walls, you will have seen plenty of posts asking for their moderator applications to be looked over.
This has got to the extremely difficult for staff members to sort through, with the addition of PM's about applications of top of it all.
This thread is basically any information I've gathered considering the review periods of moderator applications, and any other questions regarding Applications, hopefully clearing up any player confusion, and staff walls.
*Please note, all the information included is a conclusion of what I've learned about Moderator Applications, meaning it might not be 100% accurate, although it should be pretty accurate >.<

How are Moderator Applications reviewed?
Moderator Applications are reviewed, then accepted or denied by Senior Staff members.
Every application is initially viewed by one Senior staff member, and from there the first decision is made; Yes, or no. If they see potential in the application, they will add it to a Google Doc, in which all the Senior Staff members have access to.
If the majority of Senior Staff says yes toward the application, the applicant is accepted, and the interview will be scheduled.
However, if the majority vote is no, the application will be denied.
If the initial Senior Moderator to view the application doesn't see much potential in the applicant (I.e., Plz gimme mod, Im gud @ PVP.) the Staff member can deny the application from the get-go.~
The following are commonly asked questions about Moderator Applications, answered to the best of my ability.
If I've already applied once and been denied, will it take longer for my second application to be viewed?
All applications are taken into consideration at the time when viewed, unless you've already applied and been denied three times (being denied for age doesn't count.)
It's all a matter of when the application is received, relating to where it is placed on the queue.

Why do some people get replies faster than I do?
As you may have guessed, applications are 10x easier to deny then accept.
If your friend applies at the same time as you did, but gets a reply sooner than you do, and it's a denial, that's simply because denial is much easier than acception.

None of the apps are prioritized, or given special treatment.
They are read and reviewed in the order they are received, they wouldn't want to leave an older app sitting for three months and accept all the new ones.

If an application is quickly accepted, that means the application was incredible, and the initial Senior Staff member to view it knew right away they were going to be good for the position.

If my application is accepted, does that mean I automatically become a Moderator?
An accepted application simply means you've moved onto the interview stage.
To fully become a Moderator, you must pass the interview stage.

Why hasn't my application been replied to yet? (Question commonly found on staff walls)
If your application wasn't immediately replied to after posting it, don't worry!
They haven't forgot about your application, it's under review or just hasn't been seen yet.
Accepting applications is a fairly long process, since it needs the initial acception, then the final decision made by multiple Senior Staff members.
There are currently only three Senior Staff members, and an average 15-20 moderator applications coming in daily.
Staff members have lives outside of MCSG, and other jobs within MCSG other than reviewing Moderator Applications.
As far as I know, 2 of the 3 staff members need to say Yes to an application for it to be accepted, which means every single Senior staff member needs to read it, and think it over.

You need to be patient with Moderator Applications.
Review and feedback will not be given right away.
Keep in mind, patience is a key attribute of a Moderator.
Spamming staff walls asking for review gets you nowhere, and shows impatience.

Why is there an age limit, and why can't it be lowered?
I've seen numerous threads regarding the age required for Moderator, and my opinion is the same and probably won't be changed;
The age limit is there for a reason, and won't be changed. Take the extra time you are given until you become old enough to reach the age limit, and improve your skills and application.

The current required age is fourteen years old, no less.
Even if the application was the holy grail of all applications, if the applicant was too young, they cannot be accepted.
I know some of you are thinking "What about Tironas?" Well, at that time, they weren't as strict on the rule and Tironas had and incredible application.
From what I've heard, they've had problems with underage Moderators since, and became more strict on the rule.
If they make an exception for one person, every other underage applicant will wonder why their application wasn't accepted, and cause a massive frenzy.
I've been there, I understand.
I'm thirteen and would love to be a Moderator, but you just have to realize, rules are rules, and those rules are in place for a reason.

Thanks for reading through the thread!
Hope you come out of this with new knowledge and new understanding of the listed situations.


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
Duck, you've done it... Their couldn't be a more perfect thread to turn towards with these questions. #StickyIt
Thanks Theo <3
That's exactly what I was going for, and it's great to know I've achieved it.

EDIT- Just saw the moderator part, thanks, it means a lot.
Maybe some day there will be a break through, but for now, rules are rules >.<


Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks, and thanks to everyone who's ever said this.
I don't think I say it enough, the support I get is amazing
You should really try out for mod, I think you'd get it easily. You know so much about the community and MCSG already, you would easily get it.
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