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Staff An Old Timer


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.
-Greg Anderson

I've been at MCGamer for over 4 years now, and I've enjoyed every moment of it. The experiences that the game, community, and friends give are amazing and I hope to continue making memories here for a long time. My journey has been almost as long as the MCSG journey has been. I joined in the first weeks of the beta test in April 2012, and have steadily played throughout the years. I've watched the community grow and change. I climbed the leaderboards of SGClassic. I was an active voice in the community. Then, I became a staff member. I had the opportunity to help everyone and share the knowledge I'd gained over my time here. I enjoy being a staff member, it takes dedication, but it's an awesome experience. Everything is different now than it was in 2012, but I don't think I would change anything if I had the chance to do it all over again. I enjoy every part of the MCSG gamemode. I enjoy talking with community members, weather that be helping or just talking, it's always fun. I've always tried to leave a good, lasting impression on everyone I meet, and hopefully I've improved everyone's experience here at MCGamer.

May is an exciting month for me. My birthday is early in the month, spring sports seasons wind down, and school gets out! However, in this chaotic month of May, MCGamer somehow makes it's way to the front of my mind almost every day, and today it's been at the front of my mind pretty much all day. The reason for that is because today, May 23rd, is the day I first was accepted into the staff team.

Now for a few mentions for some special people.
Kaylie | Holidays and J - You two were my best friends last summer, and honestly I haven't gotten as close to anyone as I did to you two. I've had some good friends, but you guys are a step above them all. You were great mentors in my early days, and you guys could always make me laugh.

Beardy - Not sure what is is about you, maybe it's our special bond through our favorite animals, but you're always a great community member, forumer, and an all around great guy to get into a conversation with.

Yannick - I can remember the Quantum donor yannr00s. A little under a year ago, you told me you wanted to become a great staff member someday. Look where you are now! I once gave pointers to you, now it's the other way around, and it's me asking you for help every now and then! It was amazing to see you grow into the great administrator you are today! You truly have no limits on what you can reach!

Ceroria and TotalDramaTony - You guys have been some of the greatest role models for me. I got to see you guys and your great leadership as both Mods and Sr Mods, and I'll work my hardest to do great just like you guys have!

brushed and Edog - You guys were some good friends to have on the staff team. I knew I could trust you two, and trust is really hard to gain, especially online.

Joey and Alyssa - You guys have made my time here fun exciting! First was Joey, who led an MCSG session almost every night, keeping things fun after a stressful day. Later came Alyssa, and with you, everything was just fabulous! You just bring a lively and fun atmosphere wherever you go and I really enjoy that!

It's been a great journey so far! Thanks to all of you who have made it memorable, and as the journey continues, I hope to meet many more awesome people along the way!


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats Gecko! Even I remember only a few weeks back how excited you seemed to be getting ever so closer to your one year on slack :p. It takes a lot dedication to stay in the staff team for over a year and I hope a great and very understanding moderator that you are stays for a bit longer.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Gecko my dude, it's really admirable how you've stuck with the server through thick and thin and have been such an upstanding staff member, I look forward to seeing awesome things from you, and thanks for the mention :]


Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Omg Gecko I actually love you so much! I'm so proud of how far you've come as a staff member and just as an amazing person in general! I love saying your name tbh, GeckoGoggals is such a cool name. It makes me so happy that you included me in this <3 But overall I am just so proud of you, you're a great person and even though we have hardly spoken, I know you will go far!! Congrats :D


Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Congratulations Matt! Man, I do remember when you were a waiting rank, now you've been here for a year! :)


Dec 28, 2014
Reaction score
A year ago I rember waiting in the waiting room with you bud. It was fun knowing and playing with you/moderating the server. I hope you make it far in this community and make it into something great! U and Sedrazo need sr. XD. PCE OUT


Jul 18, 2015
Reaction score
I think it is really amazing to see some old timers like yourself still active on here. You have been here from the very beginning! You have seen all the admins and mods, and you have seen the good and the bad. I hope you stay around and help MCSG be the strong community it has been for so long. Also I hope you have a great birthday! You deserve the Medal of Honor for MCSG ( lol if they made that).


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Gecko! Bless you for thinking about me as your role model! Thank you, you are a very kind and cool guy! I'm happy my work inspired you and that after a while from my leaving, you still remember little ol me. Thanks boo, and keep on being you. Whatever you do in life, be you and get out into the world as powerful and wild as I did with this network. Have a good day!


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
I come on here every once in a while, thanks for making this one a good visit. It is funny though, I don't think we've ever actually talked, yet we're bros. It's just funny how that works out. Stay strong Gecko my dude.

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