• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Anisakis || Us Division


Jun 16, 2016
Reaction score
"Most hated. Most active."

Date Founded: 17/7/2016
Current Owner: DavidESP
Clan Battles Won: 0
Clan Battles Lost: 0
Clan Battles Played : 0
TeamSpeak 3 IP:
US Clan Leaderboards Ranking: #

Need to contact the Owner?
Go ahead and poke a member or hang out on the TeamSpeak.

- TeamSpeak & Skype
- A Working Microphone
- 14 Years Old [Exceptions can be made by a few months]
- Experience With Clans
- Be Active, Be Respectful, Be Loyal and Dedicated.
- Be respectful with the other clan members
- Cannot be other clans

Any Threats, Excessive Yelling, Screaming, Leaving Mid-CB or Scrim,
will result in a consideration of removal from Sovereign.

Minecraft IGN (Include Alts):
Games Won:
Games Played:
Past Clans:
Time Zone:
Hours played per day:
Any Suggestions:

Say you get the "Denied" Response - Sorry, that means you have not made it into the terms that are required. Try again later.
Say you get the "Pending" Response - This means we will be discussing your application, hang out on MCGamer and make friends in the clan to severely increase your chance of being in the clan.

Say you get the "Trial" Response - This means you've been accepted, for a chance to prove yourself. You can participate in scrims, so hang out on the Teamspeak and ask to be put in, and talk to everyone you can, don't be shy, you can get member out of being a good trial member.

Say you get the "Member" Response - This means you've been accepted, and the Owner has spoken to you about your position in the clan. And also possess the skill to be worthy of a direct promotion to a Member of the Sovereign Clan.







Trial Members



(Former Sovereign Members/Staff.)

Friends - These are the people who support the clan and are friends with the members of Sovereign. However, may not be qualified a spot into the clan because of numerous reasons.

Cheerleaders - These are the people who cheer our clan on
Say it this is Sovereign! These people cheer on the clan.

Trial-Members - People who have been accepted by terms of application
and are awaiting a Scrimmage and or using time to reach out to other members
and getting to know them better.

Members - You have officially become a Sovereign member and now are
aloud to participate in Clan Battles and Scrimmages. Keep reaching out to others
in the clan and encouraging others to apply.

Elites - Want to become an Elite? Think you're one of the best in the clan?
Fighting everyone to the best of 5 and winning against everyone will result in
promotion to an Elite Member. However, remember... you can't lose to anyone.

Officers - Here to enforce rules and keep track on the progress of members. Monitors
behavior and reports to the Owner unbiased. Can now test
Trial-Members in 1v1's with consent from a Leader or above.

Leaders - Someone extremely trustworthy and is highly responsible.
This rank is nothing like being an Owner. Leaders are the strategists of the game and help members to victory in Scrimmages and Clan Battles.

Owner - Makes sure all the rules and Clan Battles are up to date. This rank cannot be
obtained unless discussed with Founder: Heartss (Exceptions like merging clans
can possibly promote you to a Owner)

Graphics Designer - See that banner that was made for Sovereign? These
are the individuals who are godly at making banners and icons.
You can buy from them and apply to be one too.

Every rank has a special part in Sovereign. And obtains special perks
on servers, miscellaneous, permissions, etc. Lack of activity in a Rank higher
than member will result in immediate demotion.

[Sovereign Normal Clan Battles Records]

[ 0 Wins 0 Losses]
[US Clan Leaderboards]
[ 0 Wins 0 Losses]

Forfeit (Surrendered)
PP: Postponed (Will be resumed within 48 hours)
DQ: Disqualified (With Proof)


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