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Apex - AU Clan

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Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Poiki_nzl
Age: 17
Wins/Total Games: 364/1426
Skype name: Poiki_nzl
Game rank (donor, mod): Nothing
Past bans (if any): N/A
Past clans (if any): #Nuet
:eek: How long have you been back for? Anyway, good luck <3 ps: you were the best mod :)


Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: LittleWilly_
Age: 14
Wins/Total Games: 559/ 5103
Skype name: biggest.willy
Game rank (donor, mod): Diamond Donor
Past bans (if any): I was banned for admittance to hacking, (even though I was using sarcasm, it was cleared up with mod Branone) and for abuse.
Past clans (if any): Dauntless (Owner) and other small clans.


District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: RedMarzBarz_ (I know, such a bad name...)
Age: 13. ( I'm currently 12, but am turning 13 in 5 days, I assume you wouldn't mind me putting 13 as my age :p And I'm mature. )
Wins/Total Games: 321/3033, and another 87 wins on an alt. My stats for the past 50 games are 8/50 (1:6 almost 1:7 ratio, but my overall ratio is a 1:9, almost 1:10. :p)
Skype name: live:enfa742
Game rank (donor, mod): Regular, I may be getting diamond or possibly platinum for my birthday. c:
Past bans (if any): None. I'm clean. c:
Past clans (if any): Aero(V2), Instinct, Alliance, Citrus, Perception, all I can remember right now.

Note: I'm on holiday at the moment, so if I get accepted for trial (I probably won't xD) I just want you to know that my ping to AU servers will not be the best. (and by "not the best" I mean 400-500ms... xD) So if I get a trail, I hope you wouldn't mind doing it on a US server? c:

Thanks for taking your time reading this,
It is clear that you haven't taken note of my previous post regarding trials. You must be active on the Apex Teamspeak once you have been accepted for trial. This is to obtain the waiting rank and also express your activity. Please re-apply once you have returned from holidays and get to know some Apex members to increase your chances. Your current application has been Declined.

Minecraft IGN: Niqhtlights
Age: 14
Wins/Total Games: 316/2281
Skype name: croe and killer have me and its niqhtlights if you cant find me
Game rank (donor, mod): Platinum
Past bans (if any): nup
Past clans (if any): Dauntless and a few lesser clans.

You have been Accepted for trial. Please access the Apex Teamspeak to obtain 'waiting' rank and obtain your trial.

Minecraft IGN: Poiki_nzl
Age: 17
Wins/Total Games: 364/1426
Skype name: Poiki_nzl
Game rank (donor, mod): Nothing
Past bans (if any): N/A
Past clans (if any): #Nuet
You have been Declined due to your poor ratio in your past 50 games. Also, I recommend applying once you have played more than 7 games since the MCgamer V2 update.

Minecraft IGN: NJLplays
Age:13 - not squeaky or immature if anything quiet.
Wins/Total Games:including alts 350 but on my main i have 137 out of 757 aiming for a 1/4.5 = 220 out of 1000
Skype name:njlplays
Game rank (donor, mod): I'm getting diamond donor for christmas and thats certain
Past bans (if any): non!
Past clans (if any): a lot but all were bad and disband

-katie should no me recent vid ps i am a nice player that ia all about a fair game and i hoped to be trailed or answered soon cheers

oh yeah I'm a not good at spelling
Unfortunately you have been Declined due to not meeting the age or win requirement. Please re-apply when you meet both of these requirements.

Minecraft IGN: TadpolePvP
Age: 13
Wins/Total Games: 798/5250
Skype name: tadpolepvp
Game rank (donor, mod): Diamond Donator
Past bans (if any): I have had quiet a few bans of abuse but have learnt my lesson.
Past clans (if any): Fundamental and Exotic
You have been Declined due to not meeting the age requirement. Also, you are being declined due to your poor overall and past 50 games ratio.

Minecraft IGN: LittleWilly_
Age: 14
Wins/Total Games: 559/ 5103
Skype name: biggest.willy
Game rank (donor, mod): Diamond Donor
Past bans (if any): I was banned for admittance to hacking, (even though I was using sarcasm, it was cleared up with mod Branone) and for abuse.
Past clans (if any): Dauntless (Owner) and other small clans.
You have been Declined due to not meeting the age requirement. Also, you are being declined due to your poor overall and past 50 games ratio.


Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
You have been Declined due to not meeting the age requirement. Also, you are being declined due to your poor overall and past 50 games ratio.
Thanks for over viewing my application, I am looking forward to reapplying in the future if that is possible?


Oct 19, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for over viewing my application, I am looking forward to reapplying in the future if that is possible?
I believe it will be possible for you to reapply. Just become an active member on the Apex Teamspeak and let us get to know you! I suggest applying again once you've been active on the Teamspeak, made friends with most members and also played multiple games when the stat reset comes out and to also improve your ratio. These are probably some of the main tips to being accepted for a trial.

Good luck if you ever want to reapply! c:


District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for over viewing my application, I am looking forward to reapplying in the future if that is possible?
Yes, sorry. You will be able to re-apply once you improve your ratio. I would also recommend getting to know some of the Apex members on the Teamspeak. Otherwise, you should attempt to achieve a 1/4 ratio in your past 50 games as stated on the front page of this thread. 'Before applying for Apex it is recommended that you achieve a ratio of 25% wins for your past 50 games.'


District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: LAPaxton
Age: 15
Wins/Total Games: 547/4726
Skype name: lachlan.archer3
Game rank (donor, mod): diamond
Past bans (if any): one for abuse (me and the user have sorted things out)
Past clans (if any): #Quantum, #Lynx
Unfortunately you have been Declined due to bad relations with some clan members. If you wish to join the clan you will need actively communicate on the Apex Teamspeak and ensure you get along with everyone.


District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: PizzaSauceMC
Age: 13
Wins/Total Games: 163/1800 with stat reset and alts = 328 (I can tell alts if I get accepted)
Skype name: reddsarson123
Game rank (donor, mod): Plat
Past bans (if any): Yes I can explain in Interview( I have matured as well)
Past clans (if any): #Lynx, #Dauntless, #Alliance and #Adrenaline

Also getting NBN soon ;) ( I live 30 mins from host)

One thing is that I do play CS:GO a lot but I'm getting back into MCSG so as you can see for my W/L ratio it's very bad since I still am getting into the groove of MCSG :)
Unfortunately you are currently being Declined due to not meeting the age requirement, win requirement on your main and also your ratio. Please re-apply once you have gotten back into the hang of MCSG and achieve a ratio of 1/4 (in your past 50 games) :).
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