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{Apply Here} The Official Hell Games 6!


Jun 8, 2012
Reaction score
Applications are CLOSED. Any further apps. will be ignored.
Welcome Ladies and Gents to the official Hell Games 6! Please read everything bellow if you wish to apply fellow tributes.
The Event will be Held on the following date/time: August 3rd at 3:30pm EST
Applications end on July 27th

Here is a list of our Game Makers!:
Founder: BlazeMaster
Head GameMaker: CaptButterToast
Streamers: ChadTheDJ
Artist: Boboaluitz
Terraformers: KRaidium
Plugin Cow: BlackHead
GameMakers: Plg21 , Aedrift
Official GTFO of Corn Guy: life855
Sponsors: The Team Elite
RaddishDew, Benkeeper

If you don’t know what exactly the Hell Games are, here is a breakdown of the main features:
  • There will be only chests at the cornucopia, none in the outskirts of the map.
  • Eating food won’t heal you, you must find other means of doing so.
  • There will be no nameplates above people’s heads, so you won’t know who people are(WIP).
  • Everyone will wear a custom skin made especially for the event.
  • Everyone whose application is accepted will be placed into a district with a partner.
  • Your district partner is your only teammate.
  • There is one event each month.
  • There is a “Quarter Quell” every three months.
There are some rules and guidelines you must follow:
  • The application must be fully filled out for it to be taken into consideration.
  • If you made it into the top 18 tributes in Hell Games 5, you may not re-apply, doing so will result in your application being skipped over.
  • There will be no teaming what-so-ever outside your district.
  • Teaming in skype in NOT ALLOWED, please use the MCSG TeamSpeak if you would like to talk to your team-mate in a seperate channel from other teams(This is due to inter-district teams(I will be monitoring the TeamSpeak for this, if you are found doing so, THOU SHALL BE SMITTEN)).
  • Please refrain from telling people who your district partner is, that way everything is kept secret.
  • DO NOT watch the stream while you are in-game.
Here is the application template:
Why do you want to be a part of this event?:
Where are you located on the leaderboards?:
Can you record?:
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question):
How many subscribers do you have?
What timezone do you live in?
Additional info:


Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Carson252
Age: 11
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I've never been apart of the event and I've loved watching the streams.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: Lower 300s
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes
How many subscribers do you have? 35
What timezone do you live in? USA EST
Additional info: http://www.youtube.com/user/GamingCarson - Channel


Aug 18, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: Kerbals
Age: 15
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: It would be an opportunity to prove my skills and have something entertaining to put on my youtube channel.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 35
Can you record?: Yes.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): youtube.com/user/KerbalsMC
How many subscribers do you have? 435
What timezone do you live in? GMT (General mountain time)
Additional info: I played in the last hell games... But if you look back at the footage I lagged out right before it started and got back when everything was looted so I was running around with nothing for the whole game and my partner didn't show up so I went solo. Because of these reasons I feel I deserve a chance to play again. I wish everyone good luck!


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: Exodus_King1
Age: 14
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: Because I want to be in it and play in it, not only for the fun and to win, but also to record to help get more subs!
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 158
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Exodus King
How many subscribers do you have? 11 (haven't uploaded lately)
What timezone do you live in? EST
Additional info: Member of #Forgotten, US player, Fanboy of Hell Games, really anxious to see reaping list! I've also applied like 4-5 times, denied every time :( Hopefully I'll get to participate this time!


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: SniperSnakez
Age: 13
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: Because I have played it once, in the Hell games 1 and it was a a little bit glitched and un-organized
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: If you add up both of my accounts it is around 65
Can you record?: Yes!
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes, TheSniperSnakez
How many subscribers do you have? almost 100!
What timezone do you live in? EST
Additional info: i really want to be in this event because it sounds REALLY fun!


Jan 4, 2013
Reaction score
Why do you want to be a part of this event?:I love the hell games and I've never been in it so I think It will be an awesome experience and a fun game
Where are you located on the leaderboards?:420
Can you record?:no :(
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question):nope
How many subscribers do you have?none
What timezone do you live in?Eastern Standard Time
Additional info:


Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: jspwn
Age: 13
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: Because it sounds fun and I've never been in it before :)
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: I'm around #73 in the world. 3rd page?
Can you record?: Yes I can record
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): youtube.com/halfheartwarrior
How many subscribers do you have? 6 (I don't upload much but I can if you want me to)
What timezone do you live in? US Eastern time
Additional info: I'm fat and I hope to be able to play :p


Jan 10, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Nitro_Elite
Age: 13
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I watched a few other Hell Games, I like the concept and I will be quitting minecraft soon so I want to see how I can do in a "last hoorah"
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 47 or 8. I don't really play much anymore.
Can you record?: Yes I can.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): NitroEliteMC
How many subscribers do you have? I think around 15 I haven't uploaded since March but I would be willing to record and upload this.
What timezone do you live in? EST
Additional info: I wish everyone applying good luck, and even if I don't get picked I will most likely still watch


May 25, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: ejegun
Age: 14
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: Because I think it will be awesome and a lot of my friends have participated before so I'd like to try it.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 1000-ish
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes, ejegun
How many subscribers do you have? 20
What timezone do you live in? GMT+2
Additional info: none

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