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AU Regional Leaderboards

Should banned players be removed?

  • Total voters


Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone. Since the old AU Regional Leaderboards hasn't been updated in a few months, I have decided to take over the roll and continue this leaderboard.

Credit to knowledgeguy for running the previous leaderboard for over half a year.

Rank - In Game Name - Total Wins (Current Leaderboards) - Wins since last update

1. Jordyy - 2183 - 93
2. DE5T1NY - 1402 - 77
3. ILikeTurks - 1245 – 41
4. AtomicDynamite - 1172 - 49
5. croe97 - 1042 - 0
6. Flodus_ - 1022 - 70
7. BowzerV4_0 - 895 - 4
8. knowledgeguy - 893 - 9
9. donutsdude - 800 – 32
10. Swoopz - 734 - 36
11. Randm - 727 - 7
12. ep1cn00bt00b - 723 – 18
13. Lamborghini - 709 - 24
14. ZeiZon_ - 679 – 1
15. Narwhalll – 671 – 43
16. xShaunx - 666 – 33
17. MINOT4UR - 646 - 53
18. Taddaaa – 645 – 18
19. Fitzyy - 644 – 13
20. Mitchblur - 631 - 92
21. jamdoughnuts - 583 - 30
22. Blazins - 581 – 28
23. SwagyQG - 581 - 76
24. StinginRodger - 579 – 27
25. SwiftArrowYT - 523 – 42
26. TeeArrr - 507 – 25
27. Vapzeh - 507 - 77
28. Meditite - 506 - 0
29. SheIsAGoldDigga - 506 – 0
30. Zepium - 505 - 12
31. ImmaSlapYoFace - 496 – 21
32. itstomy - 482 – 15
33. UniqueArtz - 481 – 23
34. Jitter_Clicker - 480 – 6
35. MissAustralia - 474 - 14
36. ClicksOnPoint - 463 - 0
37. sinw – 453 – 0
38. Enderrr - 444 – 28
39. Joshy- 423 – 7
40. McNinjaKraft - 420 – 0
41. GamingFusion - 408 - 0
42. Elementary_ - 401 – 0
43. Huzkyyy - 386 – 22
44. juzzyy - 385 - 99
45. CrimsonOrb - 384 - 0
46. Raptah - 383 – 0
47. HokeyPokey - 365 - 31
48. camohobad - 365 – 0
49. WinfarmingRanga - 361 - 0
50. SilentPixlz - 358 – 6
51. Serenaaa_ - 358 - 42
52. itsbeny - 354 - 21
53. PvPWithDan - 352 – 0
54. Lebron12 – 346 – 50
55. Reqordz - 342 – 0
56. Goldsminer - 334 – 5
57. QuietAchiever - 334 – 17
58. Keraby – 332 – 33
59. Zexual - 331 - 0
60. iggy6363 - 329 – 0
61. megakill360 - 303 – 12
62. Kooksey - 301 - 0
63. GoudAlmighty - 300 – 0
64. NaNaTurnThemOff – 296 – 32
65. Asterion - 280 - 1
66. Paulie333 - 270 – 4
67. Jiqo - 263 – 0
68. Noogz – 259 – (Unknown)
69. i47 – 258 – (Unknown)
70. xUniversql – 254 – (Unknown)
71. Porridge – 251 – (Unknown)

Top 10 players with the most wins since last update:

1. juzzyy - 99
2. Jordyy - 93
3. Mitchblur - 92
4. De5T1Ny - 77
4. Vapzeh - 77
6. SwagyQG - 76
7. Flodus_ - 70
8. MINOT4UR - 53
9. Lebron12 - 50
10. AtomicDynamite - 49

If I have forgotten anyone please tell me!

Updated: 05/11/15

19/11/15 - Updated by Jordyy and MINOT4UR and removed all banned players by majority vote :)

03/12/15 - Updated by Lebron12 , Vepster and myself.
Last edited:


Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
Hello everyone. Since the old AU Regional Leaderboards hasn't been updated in a few months, I have decided to take over the roll and continue this leaderboard.

Credit to knowledgeguy for running the previous leaderboard for over half a year.

Rank - In Game Name - Total Wins (Current Leaderboards) - Win/Loss Ratio

1. Jordyy - 2042 - 54.3%
2. DE5T1NY - 1225 - 23.7%
3. DaisysCage - 1189 - 54.9%
4. PsychoKiller - 1154 - 34.9%
5. croe97 - 1042 - 48.2%
6. AtomicDynamite - 1038 - 26.8%
7. knowledgeguy - 874 - 51.4%
8. Bult - 866 - 36.0%
9. BowzerV4_0 - 863 - 28.5%
10. iluvnush - 754 - 29.5%
11. JordyysS1kLife - 744 - 61.0%
12. Randm - 705 - 46.9%
13. ep1cn00bt00b - 694 - 47.7%
14. Lamborghini - 675 - 36.4%
15. Qvn - 663 - 29.9%
16. ZeiZon_ - 659 - 31.8%
17. Jordstar3479 - 628 - 26.6%
18. Taddaaa - 624 - 23.4%
19. Narwhalll - 619 - 25.8%
20. Fitzyy - 614 - 19.4%
21. xShaunx - 601 - 27.1%
22. HoldMyHoops - 590 - 10.3%
23. Nerphs - 577 - 22.4%
24. Blazim - 543 - 27.2%
25. FillingSpaces - 524 - 29.6%
26. JarRodder - 517 - 22.8%
27. StinginRodger - 512 - 25.0%
28. Meditite - 504 - 19.9%
29. SheIsAGoldDigga - 501 - 20.3%
30. EyePhone - 501 - 27.9%
31. Combohs - 477 - 38.4%
32. SwiftArrowYT - 471 -18.4%
33. TeeArrr - 468 - 21.2%
34. Jitter_Clicker - 468 - 23.4%
35. ClicksOnPoint - 463 - 19.9%
36. Twiinkie - 455 - 18.0%
37. MissAustralia - 454 - 17.0%
38. Mitchblur - 453 - 14.6%
39. Zepium_ - 450 - 18.6%
40. itstomy - 449 - 14.9%
41. UniqueArtz - 446 - 32.9%
42. SwagyQG - 439 - 18.8%
43. ImmaSlapYoFace - 434 - 20.7%
44. McNinjaKraft - 420 - 20.4%
45. GamingFusion - 408 - 22.9%
46. Beings - 407 - 17.6%
47. Elementary_ - 401 - 20.7%
48. Enderr - 394 - 19.7%
49. CrimsonOrb - 380 - 43.4%
50. Raptah - 376 - 17.8%
51. camohobad - 365 - 19.2%
52. Vapzeh - 364 - 16.6%
53. WinfarmingRanga - 359 - 51.1%
54. crims0nn - 358 - 18.5%
55. Yodaaa - 357 - 37.7%
56. PvPWithDan - 352 - 19.5%
57. Reqordz - 341 - 22.5%
58. Huzkyyy - 340 - 32.9%
59. SilentPixlz - 339 - 10.7%
60. itsbeny - 326 - 15.5%
61. Zexual - 326 - 18.1%
62. iggy6363 - 325 - 21.3%
63. Zaplum - 319 - 17.5%
64. Serenaaa_ - 316 - 20.8%
65. Goldsminer - 312 - 13.1%
66. Kryqtonite - 308 - 10.8%
67. Kooksey - 301 - 41.8%
68. GoudAlmighty - 300 - 33.6%
69. QuietAchiever - 295 - 19.2%
70. Keraby - 284 - 18.4%
71. Rqin - 284 - 27.9%
72. megakill360 - 274 - 18.6%
73. Twists - 271 - 26.2%
74. Paulie333 - 264 - 19.1%
75. Jiqo - 263 - 13.5%

If I have forgotten anyone please tell me!
All percentages are rounded to 1dp.

Last Update: 05/11/15
Its funny you look through the list they are quite equal with wins then Jordyy just doubles everyones wins! What a god!

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