• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Can someone please post the application format in the comments?

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Oct 5, 2015
Reaction score
I can not click the application. Were is say's click to show more. Please can someone post the format for me.


Sep 26, 2014
Reaction score
Here is the format for the Moderator Application,

Your name:

Your age:

Your current Minecraft username:

Do you have any alt. accounts? (If so please list them):


What languages (other than English) do you know, and to what level [Optional]?:

Do you own the microphone you are using?

Do you have the ability to record video without lag, and upload that video to youtube in a timely manner (within 1 hour of completing recording)?

Where are you located? (Time zone):


How much time per day are you willing to assist in the moderation of our platforms?

How long have you been playing Minecraft?

How long have you been a member of the MCGamer community?

Are you involved with any clans, or have been in the past? If so, please list them here:

Do you have any bans on our servers? (If so, explain. If you have had a successful ban dispute, please provide a link):

Have you filed any Report Abuses on our system? If so, please provide a link to the most recent accepted Report Abuses that you have filed. (Maximum of ten, please)

Have you been a member of another community’s staff, or have relevant work experience? If so, please describe your experience. (Be sure to include your position, server name, length of time served, and a link to the community’s website if available):


In each scenario, assume that you are in a Moderator position. Briefly explain to the best of your abilities how you would respond to each situation.

You are playing a game and you see a player whose actions seem suspiciously like hacking. However, you are not quite certain. What do you do?

A player on the forums publicly accuses you of abusing your powers. They claim to have proof, and are demanding that you be fired. What do you do?

Two players on our TeamSpeak are verbally fighting in a public channel with 5 other people, and things are getting out of hand. What do you do?

You are watching the newest video of your favorite MCSG streamer, who happens to be a VIP on the MCGamer network. Suddenly, you realize the streamer is using a hacked client during their games of MCSG. What do you do?

A player is in the hub, incessantly spamming an annoying phrase over and over again. How would you handle this player, and what punishments would you use if they persistently spammed? Assume that the player continues to spam after each successive punishment.


Why do you want to be a moderator on the MCGamer Network?

Why do you believe you are qualified to be a moderator on the MCGamer Network?

Have you attended any MCGamer Events before? If so, describe your experience with each.

How would you like to see the MCGamer community improve?

What are 3 qualities you have that you feel you could be improved upon?

If you were given the chance to be a moderator, what would your top three goals be?


I, {Your Name Here}, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in a demotion, permanent ban from the network, or removal from the website. I also agree that by donating my time I am not entitled to compensation of any form nor am I to expect promotion.

Wish you the best of luck with applying
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