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Chest refills

Good idea?

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Jun 2, 2012
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Just a small suggestion here.
This might not be "realistic" but it would make the game more balanced.

I would suggest not refilling the chests in the center because they are overpowered for 3 reasons:

1) there is a ton of chests in a small area.
2) they spawn better equipement then other chests
3) they take away the survival aspect of the game and focus too much on the team-up-with-a-friend-and-just-camp-at-the-center type of gameplay which is not how this map is suppost to be played.

Obviously some people will not agree with this so therefore I would suggest only doing this on half of the servers.
I really enjoy playing MCSG but besides the occasional bugs/glitches this is one of the things that need some polishing.
If this has been suggested before I apologize but since this wasn't on the "no-no" suggestions list I thought I'd just post it.


May 4, 2012
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Sorry, but the chest refills at the cornucopia are sometimes what actually ends the game. Everyone wants to get those great items there so they go try and attack it.

1) That's the point, it's a hard to get place so it should give you a good reward for having the skill to get it.
2) Another key aspect, that's why everyone wants to go for it.
3) It does nothing of the sort. I have held the cornucopia numerous times on my own, getting more than 5 kills each time, including a team of 2-3. Just keep up some good PvP skills and you can do it to. And that's a tactic in the survival games, it can't just be removed.

Very few people would want to play on that half of the servers. This post has been made before, and the majority of the community, I've noticed, seems to disagree with it. I believe they are working on a "polish" right now, which doesn't involve completely noob-ifying the cornucopia (didn't know what else to say).


Jun 2, 2012
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Well it doesn't have to be completely disabled I would be happy if they would just nerf them a bit so that they get the same items as the other chests when they refill and a much smaller chance of iron ingots because there are a ton of chests in one place.

I have only seen one other thread on the topic and 18 people voted no which is not at all close to "the vast majority of the players"

1) It's not hard to get all you need is two players with swords and it's yours on most worlds most of the time and because the other chests don't spawn diamond/iron armour the people who camp there will get good equipment way too fast and they even get diamonds which only spawn in the center.
2) Not everyone wants to go for it, if you get a sword at the beginning it's good but after that you won't come back there until there are 3-4 people left because you know it will be camped by a team and the chances of beating them are so slim that it's not worth fighting for.
3) Yes it does do that try playing when the most people are online and you will see that there is not a single world with a team camping on it especially on the EU servers. You can camp it solo without a doubt but the center just gives teamers too much of an advantage over solo players, if you solo and there is a team in there with iron swords you will never beat them and that's how most games end the best part is that because of this people will hide until the end in the hope that the team will kill each other (which they won't) so this means longer waiting times for everyone.

I still say that nerfing them is the best option it doesn't have to be completely "no items at all" but to make the game more balanced those chests need to spawn the same as the others when refilled and they should spawn very little iron ingots to make up for how many chests there are in such a small area.

I am just saying that this will make the game more fair for people who solo if there are teams in the game because in the end the goal is to make a balanced multiplayer game and not do things exactly as in the hunger games because dead players can't sponsor either for the same reason it would overpower team players and make the game much harder for people who solo.

Please do not derail/flame my thread I am just making a suggestion if you have nothing to add but your own personal experiences and opinions then please move along because those do not hold any value at all.


Jun 1, 2012
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Everyone wants to get those great items there so they go try and attack it.

1) That's the point, it's a hard to get place so it should give you a good reward for having the skill to get it.
2) Another key aspect, that's why everyone wants to go for it.
I would agree with you that the mid chests should still have better items than what spawns in outer chests.. but hard-accessible chests or chests that involved high risk to get, should be rewarded greater than chests that doesn't take any risk to get to.

And diamond in general is just OP.. It's like giving permanent quake damage to the one who is in lead.. That's NOT a balanced game..


Jun 1, 2012
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Diamond that is spawned BEFORE refill is just the stupidest thing I've seen yet..

Just died to a guy last game with iron boots, chain pants, iron chest, golden helmet and a diamond sword, before the refill..


Apr 20, 2012
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since the survival games are LOOSELY based off of the Hunger Games, it is strange to see so many people hating on people that team up. forming a team, whether with randoms or friends, is how you increase your chances of survival and the maps reward people who take the 'risk' of teaming by give areas with high reward to those SKILLED enough to hold them.
so many people are complaining the game is unbalanced, LIFE is unbalanced so you shouldn't expect any different from a video game... just enjoy what we have and work harder at getting the better gear first if you have to...


May 29, 2012
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everyone hates people who team - most of the teams individual skill level is horrendous, you have to attack teams in a clever way so they split up or they are in a situation they can only attack one at a time

getting a team to chase you into the ocean works sometimes
getting a team to chase you up to high areas on vines is also a good tactic
attacking a team just before refill means some wont chase you and you can kill the ones that do
if you have the element of surprise never hope to kill them both kill off at least one then get out of there
an army of dogs can win over teams
if you have a better weapon than the guys on the team then rush in and sometimes they will both run off and not help each other
if you manage to get one on his own after they split chase him down even if it takes forever because they could regroup


Jun 2, 2012
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Agreed, it's not that there shouldn't be rewards for people who loot the center but it needs to be balanced so that just looting the center gives you less good gear overall then people who run from chest to chest.

It is indeed LOOSLY based on the hunger games but if you die you can't sponsor people who are still ingame either. Thee point is to find the balance between a fun and fair game to play and the roleplaying aspect of the game. I don't have a problem with teams in general but I do not like teams who camp the center because it is unbalanced and they are just choosing the easy way to win, if they are there for the refill there is a 99% chance that one of them will win the game.

Also just because life is unfair doesn't mean this game is allowed to be unfair, how would you like it if I used a hacked client to spawn items it's not fair but hey LIFE is unfair am I rite?

I don't have a problem with teams in general but I don't like teams who exploit the ability to work together to camp at the center and dominate the game after the refill. I personally don't team because well people tend to backstab a lot and most of my friends are from the US so they either don't play when I am online or they play on US servers.


Jun 3, 2012
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I think. There should always be AT LEAST a wooden sword in all chests. I hate spending 3 minutes climbing up a tree to get to a chest with some flint and string.


May 4, 2012
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I think. There should always be AT LEAST a wooden sword in all chests. I hate spending 3 minutes climbing up a tree to get to a chest with some flint and string.
I think this is an AWFUL idea (no offence). It's really easy to get items if you know where to go, and I get a sword before I come across anybody (not including people at cornucopia at beginning of game) in most games I play. If there was a sword in all chests, there would be much more battle at the cornucopia ruining other people's day because they didn't get to play. Also, it would be much to easy to get a weapon. The point is that it's at least SLIGHTLY difficult to get a weapon normally and once you do you will probably find some people with armour you want that have no weapon, and you kill them BECAUSE they have no weapon. The point is, swords in all chest would make the game unfair for the people that also manage to get the items off other people's kills and some good armour at the cornucopia and in the end it's really unfair.


Jun 3, 2012
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Eh, I'm just saying there should be a minimum to the total value of items in each chest.
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