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Divergent's City Compound Map Idea


Oct 8, 2013
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Hello guys!
This thread is made for any building team who wants to accept an idea for a map that can be made for the minecraft survival games server. So, recently I was finishing reading the third book of the Divergent Series, called Allegiant. I was thinking about sharing the idea of making a survival games map based on the city of this series, specially the divergent book/movie.

This city is divided in 5 factions:
  • The Abnegation, who are the selfless, and the color that represents them is grey. Their compound has houses that are made in a rectangular shape, as it can be seen in the movie.
  • The Candor, who are the honest, their color is yellow. In it's compound, is the Merciless Mart, which is the Candor's headquarters. The Merciless Mart is large, at least 18 stories tall and is comprised of a large room lacking windows in which the Candor gather. The corridors are constructed out of black marble and the floors are decorated with either black marble and a white Candor symbol (scales) or vice versa. In the book, Tris (the protagonist), described the floors being black with a huge white symbol in the middle, though most of it had been covered up by bunk beds. Like all faction headquarters it holds small prisons to house trouble makers.
  • The Erudite, who are the intelligent, their color is blue. Their compound can be easily identified by the numerous tall buildings, that inside contain millions of books and computers for their members learning sake. Their symbol is a single blue eye that most likely represents their knowledge of the world.
  • The Dauntless, which are the brave, their color is black. Their members usually jump of trains to buildings, so they can get to their compound. It's compound it's identified by a huge pit that is hundreds of foot tall. There's a river in the pit so you often hear the sound of water crashing against the rock. The pit has a bridge that crosses one part of the compound to another. This compund is seen a lot in the movie, which is easier to make if any of the map makers has seen the movie before, or read the book.
  • The Amity, who are the peaceful, their color is red. Their compound is identified because they are the one who harvest the food they sell to the rest of the city.
  • Then there's the factionless, which didn't make it through an faction initiation or decided to drop out. They live in abandoned buildings, and are given clothes and food by the abnegation. They usually mantein themselves hot by starting fires.
I forgot to mention there's a border in the city that does not allow them to cross to the exterior of the city. So they don't have a clue of what's outside of the fence. Also, the train goes around the whole city, the trains are an essencial part for the city, specially for the Dauntless compound. In this thread I tried explaining some of the essential things the map should have. I'm sorry if I confused anything, or if I forgot mentioning something. If any team wants to have this idea to make a map, I'd recommend them to watch the movie so they can have a clearer idea of the things I tried explaining. Also, you could do some research on the internet because I'm pretty sure there's a webpage that talks about divergent, their factions, etc. I'm positive that if they make a map about this, a lot of players would enjoy it. Anyways, that's it for this thread. Goodluck and happy map making! :)<3


Apr 20, 2012
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Nov 28, 2013
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Actually, Candor's colour is black and white, not yellow. But great map idea.


Jul 16, 2013
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<---Doesn't even like Divergent.
Make this now. I demand it.

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