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#DNA (Au-Clan)


Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft Name: cookiemonster9XD
Wins: 25
Games Played: 712
Skype Name:
Previous Clans: None
Game Rank: idk
Donator: None
Self Ranking(1-10): 6
Strengths: Bows, Sword, Flint and Steel
Weakness: Fishing pole
Favourite maps: Holiday Resort, Valleyside University
Least favourite maps: Survival games 1
★How many days are you on?: Friday, Saturday and Sunday but can play other days just depends
★Can you record and post on our channel?: Im saving money at the moment for video software

Anything else to say?: Not really, but thanks
Sorry, Declined For Lack Off Wins Sorry. If you can get 30 wins you can apply.


Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Name: Diggin4Gold13
Wins:111 i think
Games Played: bout 2000
Skype Name: morgan.felix5
Previous Clans: none
Game Rank: idk
Donator: none
Self Ranking(1-10): 5?
Strengths: Fishing rod, sword, flint and steel (not amazing but ok)
Weakness: Bow
Favourite maps: valleyside, holiday resort and solarfrost
Least favourite maps: sg 3 and hungry hills
★How many days are you on?: at least 4 a week
★ Would you create GFX for this clan?: idk
★Can you record and post on our channel?: most likely

Anything else to say?: im a cool dude :D and terrence is my friend


Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft Name: Diggin4Gold13
Wins:111 i think
Games Played: bout 2000
Skype Name: morgan.felix5
Previous Clans: none
Game Rank: idk
Donator: none
Self Ranking(1-10): 5?
Strengths: Fishing rod, sword, flint and steel (not amazing but ok)
Weakness: Bow
Favourite maps: valleyside, holiday resort and solarfrost
Least favourite maps: sg 3 and hungry hills
★How many days are you on?: at least 4 a week
★ Would you create GFX for this clan?: idk
★Can you record and post on our channel?: most likely

Anything else to say?: im a cool dude :D and terrence is my friend
Congratulations Accepted! If you would like to apply for co-owner, you may go ahead!:)


Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
★Name: Demi
★IGN: anaimed
★Age: 12
★How mature do you think you are? (1-10 scale)-: 7
★Have you even been a Owner/Co-Owner/Co-Leader in a clan before? (name the clans)-: Owner, #InfiniteSparks (Disbanded)
★Why Do you think you would make a good Co-Owner for the clan? (20 words is below our expectations)-: I have been an owner before and not just of a clan, but of a server. I think I know what it takes to be a good Co-Leader/Co-Owner seeing as I have had the experience. I know how to treat people, even when it's difficult and I can make friends with each and every clan member easily.
★If you were to become the Co-Owner for #DNA, what improvements would you make to make this clan better? (Ideas are really appreciated)-: I would probably suggest some practices and giving some tips to each and every clan member to get good at PVP, instead of just focusing on upcoming clan battles.
★Why do you want to be the co-owner for this clan #DNA? (30 words is below our expectations)-: I would love to be a Co-Owner/Co-Leader for this clan because, this seems to be a really friendly and accepting clan so if I was to become a Co-leader/Co-Owner then, I would get to know the clan better and especially with problems like PVP, Clan battles and more. As soon as I heard about your clan being made, I immediately considered disbanding my clan to join yours because I knew your clan was going to be much more fun and enjoyable. I would really love to be a Co-Leader/Co-Owner of your clan. Thanks :D
★On a scale of 1-10, How much effort would you put into being a Co-Owner? (Don't choose 10, if 10 is chosen, then You will probably get declined, all I want is a true answer)-: 8 :)
★Anything else to say?: Thanks :D
Declined, I would like someone who can be on A lot to take care of the clan so at least 5-6 a week for weekday stuff, I would also like someone who can take a clan battle and if something happens during the battle to Just "Accept" it. Cause I remember when we had a cbAgainist your old clan and your started to argue because you were lagging and you said it late into the game. I understand why you said that but then you were complaining about it and saying this bull & I don't even feel like doing CBS anymore.
Also I need who can do the things I can't do when I'm not there like lead the clan for the cb like get a strategic.
Demi, No hard Feelings, try again later on.


Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft Name: ryansmasher
Wins: 43
Games Played: 1679
Skype Name: ryansmasher
Previous Clans: None.
Game Rank: 38785
Donator: None.
Self Ranking(1-10): 7
Strengths: Bow, Fishing rod, FnS, Running, Melee and Strategy.
Weakness: Missing FnS
Favourite maps: Holiday Resort, Breeze Island, Valleyside University, Lobby Games
Least favourite maps: Icarus, Demon's Breeze, Breeze Island 2
★How many days are you on?: 5-6 Days
★ Would you create GFX for this clan?: Maybe.
★Can you record and post on our channel?: Yes, but most likely not.

Anything else to say?: I played over 1300 games on my laggy computer, but since gettting a nex computer have won over 35 games.


Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft Name: Diggin4Gold13
Wins:111 i think
Games Played: bout 2000
Skype Name: morgan.felix5
Previous Clans: none
Game Rank: idk
Donator: none
Self Ranking(1-10): 5?
Strengths: Fishing rod, sword, flint and steel (not amazing but ok)
Weakness: Bow
Favourite maps: valleyside, holiday resort and solarfrost
Least favourite maps: sg 3 and hungry hills
★How many days are you on?: at least 4 a week
★ Would you create GFX for this clan?: idk
★Can you record and post on our channel?: most likely

Anything else to say?: im a cool dude :D and terrence is my friend
Finally you applied


Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft Name: ryansmasher
Wins: 43
Games Played: 1679
Skype Name: ryansmasher
Previous Clans: None.
Game Rank: 38785
Donator: None.
Self Ranking(1-10): 7
Strengths: Bow, Fishing rod, FnS, Running, Melee and Strategy.
Weakness: Missing FnS
Favourite maps: Holiday Resort, Breeze Island, Valleyside University, Lobby Games
Least favourite maps: Icarus, Demon's Breeze, Breeze Island 2
★How many days are you on?: 5-6 Days
★ Would you create GFX for this clan?: Maybe.
★Can you record and post on our channel?: Yes, but most likely not.

Anything else to say?: I played over 1300 games on my laggy computer, but since gettting a nex computer have won over 35 games.
Accepted add me terrence9159

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