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Does Quake Pro effect your bow aim?


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Once you change it yes, once you get used to it no.


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
In general, a lower FOV will improve your bow skills, but only to a certain point. You never want to go below 70FOV for anything PvP-related. The simple fact is that sword fighting is best from the FOV's of 90 to Quake Pro and Bow is best from 100-70. Sword is generally more important than bow, though, so don't adjust your FOV too much simply for the sake of making bow shots easier.

If you have a lower FOV, other players will be bigger, and therefore will be easier to shoot. But with a higher FOV, you will have a much easier time keeping track of where other players are when sword fighting. There is also a general opinion that a higher FOV is better for flint and steel placement, as well as parkour. Fishing rod aim gets slightly better with a lower FOV.

If you just want to play SG, not some PvP server, most players will recommend you stick with 95-105 FOV.


District 13
Nov 2, 2013
Reaction score
In general, a lower FOV will improve your bow skills, but only to a certain point. You never want to go below 70FOV for anything PvP-related. The simple fact is that sword fighting is best from the FOV's of 90 to Quake Pro and Bow is best from 100-70. Sword is generally more important than bow, though, so don't adjust your FOV too much simply for the sake of making bow shots easier.

If you have a lower FOV, other players will be bigger, and therefore will be easier to shoot. But with a higher FOV, you will have a much easier time keeping track of where other players are when sword fighting. There is also a general opinion that a higher FOV is better for flint and steel placement, as well as parkour. Fishing rod aim gets slightly better with a lower FOV.

If you just want to play SG, not some PvP server, most players will recommend you stick with 95-105 FOV.
It's not like a certain FOV makes you better it's just what you prefer


Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
I've always used Quake, and without it, I can't bow to save my life. but I suppose its because I'm used to it.


Mar 5, 2013
Reaction score
Well really it depends on what fov you start at. If you start a something lower than quake pro and change you're fov to quake pro, you will find a massive difference and it will take some time to get used to it. So, yeah it will effect you're aim at the start and once your used to quake pro there won't be any difference in you're aim :)

Have a nice day!


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
In my opinion, it does not entirely depend on the field of vision rate you are using, but it does really change effect, and possibly help aid in certain situations. But it usually differs, the higher the FOV is, the further away an opponent may seem, meaning that if you would be willing to make a long range shot at them, it would be a little difficult, unless you have OptiFine of course. Since the FOV differs the distance of field of vision as well.

However, the higher the standards of FOV are, then it may seem as if you begin running faster when escaping from an opponent, or you may look a little more "professional" when doing a one on one sword battle with your opponent.

However, the lower your field of vision is, then it would mean you would seem to run slower, and you could also feel "Short" in a way. However, it does aid you with target practice when trying to shoot someone from long range, as the distance of the lower FOV is even shorter, meaning you can look more closely.

As BitoBain stated, it is most recommended to be within the 95 - 105 field of vision rate, since it seems most commonly used by a vast amount of players, however, I generally stick with 80 - 90. But you can choose any rate you wish, as long as you get used to it, then you'll begin to develop a comfort and skill using that certain field of vision rate.

Hopefully this answered remaining questions.
Have a nice day. :)


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
It depends when you switch to Quake Pro. If you just switched 5 minutes ago, no, it will not make your aim better. If you have been playing in Quake Pro for a couple weeks now, it can effect your aim in a good way. Me, I use either Normal or 86 FOV, and I can do a lot better with the bow in Normal or 86 than I can do in Quake Pro

If you have a lower FOV, other players will be bigger, and therefore will be easier to shoot.
This is why I can do better with a bow in Normal or 86, than I can ever do in Quake Pro.

Then there is the discussion of 'How you don't have to aim up' theory.

This can be a strong standpoint for the saying 'Quake Pro is better for bow'. However it really isn't a big difference. I play in either Normal or 86 and I can still aim fine and I don't find myself aiming up that much anymore.


Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
In general, a lower FOV will improve your bow skills, but only to a certain point. You never want to go below 70FOV for anything PvP-related. The simple fact is that sword fighting is best from the FOV's of 90 to Quake Pro and Bow is best from 100-70. Sword is generally more important than bow, though, so don't adjust your FOV too much simply for the sake of making bow shots easier.

If you have a lower FOV, other players will be bigger, and therefore will be easier to shoot. But with a higher FOV, you will have a much easier time keeping track of where other players are when sword fighting. There is also a general opinion that a higher FOV is better for flint and steel placement, as well as parkour. Fishing rod aim gets slightly better with a lower FOV.

If you just want to play SG, not some PvP server, most players will recommend you stick with 95-105 FOV.
Its actually quite the opposite.
As a PvP enthusiast, since Normal FOV makes the players entity appear to be bigger it gives an upper advantage with the sword as you have a bigger target.
And Quake Pro FOV gives you a bow advantage since the field is distorted so it appears to just shoot straight and the arrow will go far.

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