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Donator Kicking

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Tony Wheeler

Aug 17, 2012
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I am getting very tired of getting kicked out of matches so that donators can play. It's unfair that someone is inconvenienced so someone else can play immediately. It's borderine punishment for NOT donating. They donators could get some other benfits, like starting matches with say, enough food to last the whole match or something like that. I don't care if they get benefits at all! Most of the donators are the assholes who donate simply for the purpose of being able to join a game wheneve they want, not because they actually like the server and care about it's upkeep. It just shows who the asshole in MC are, because when they donate, they are basically saying "I give 0 penguins... lots and lots of penguins about anyone else and care only about my own instant gratification." If you disagree with me, please reply in a respectful manner. I realize I've not been entirely respectful in this post, but not quite enough to warrant the "Fukk u go die azhoole!" replies I'm sure I'll get. Thank you for your time.


Aug 15, 2012
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Starting matches with food would give players an unfair advantage. A main point of donation perks is that they provide perks to players which don't affect gameplay. If that were the case, there would be a lot more posts along the lines of your current one.

It's also a severe generalisation that you've made about donators. Some donators do care about upkeep, others don't. That's irrespective of how they behave. Donators don't have a choice in whether they kick people or who they kick, they simply join a server and hope for the best that no one was kicked or inconvenienced.

Also, without donators, there would be no MCSG. Donators fund the servers and cover certain costs that need to be covered. All donators are covered by the same rules as non-donators.

I'm sure I could've put my point across better if I were less tired; I may return after I sleep and see if I have anything else to add.

Finally, it's interesting that you asked people to reply in a respectful manner when you recognised yourself that your post is not respectful. I'd probably say that it was poor judgement to choose to post using your wording if you knew how it sounded.

Hopefully you'll see that most donators are good people, and aren't covered by your generalisation. From the way I read your post, it seems that your conclusion is based on observations, rather than experiences and actually talking to players. Anyway, as I said, hopefully you'll change your mind :) I'd also urge you to consider donating; it's only $10, and it's for a good cause - we all enjoy MCSG, otherwise we wouldn't be here, and the donations do help.


District 13
Apr 22, 2012
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trust me... back when these servers first came out earlier in the year. The donators didnt have a cooldown and they would leave and rejoin the same server to just keep kicking people. Donators have a join cooldown time. Dont complain
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Apr 26, 2012
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Guess what? Deal with it! Sure, I've been kicked, we all have, but even if donors "Don't care about server upkeep" It doesn't matter, they help keep the server running and that's what matters. Also I believe cursing is not allowed on the forums, and this has been suggested multiple times! By multiple I mean atleast 30 times, and each time a mod says "No no" So I'm sorry to burst your bubble but this will not happen, Chad and the crew have stated multiple times that they don't want to have "Pay to win" servers, that means donating will NEVER give you in-game advantages. That includes and is not limited to - A head start, ingame items, anything that effects their in-game ability, or other players. I'm know that this post was blunt, but not as disrespectful as your post was. I'm not trying to personaly hurt you, but I would like it if you could of taken time to read through other suggestions and realize everything I just said yourself. I would appreciate it if this thread was closed :(


Jul 2, 2012
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I am getting very tired of getting kicked out of matches so that donators can play. It's unfair that someone is inconvenienced so someone else can play immediately. It's borderine punishment for NOT donating. They donators could get some other benfits, like starting matches with say, enough food to last the whole match or something like that. I don't care if they get benefits at all! Most of the donators are the assholes who donate simply for the purpose of being able to join a game wheneve they want, not because they actually like the server and care about it's upkeep. It just shows who the asshole in MC are, because when they donate, they are basically saying "I give 0 penguins... lots and lots of penguins about anyone else and care only about my own instant gratification." If you disagree with me, please reply in a respectful manner. I realize I've not been entirely respectful in this post, but not quite enough to warrant the "Fukk u go die azhoole!" replies I'm sure I'll get. Thank you for your time.
So, you want MCSG to be a "Pay to Win" server?


May 29, 2012
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Okay then, explain gold and diamond donators.

I haven't seen a single player who has donated solely for the purpose of logging in full games.
Please prove yourself, you think we can trust that generalization? I dare you to find one donator that paid solely for benefits.

And if you struggle to get into a server then learn to server hop...


Jun 10, 2012
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People who donate deserve the right to be able to join the game. People who donate help support all the servers to run these amazing games and they should be able to kick one person out because of a kind deed that they did to help us pay for the servers. If you don't like the way that we run our servers, that is fine. You can either deal with it or find another place to play.


I am getting very tired of getting kicked out of matches so that donators can play. It's unfair that someone is inconvenienced so someone else can play immediately. It's borderine punishment for NOT donating.

I'm sorry you feel this way, but the people who donate are contributing their money to keep our servers alive. Without donations, this community could not and would not exist.

They donators could get some other benfits, like starting matches with say, enough food to last the whole match or something like that.
The donors have other benefits other than just getting priority join... For example, I run Tekkit.MCSG. It's this community's Tekkit server. You donate to MCSG, you get perks on Tekkit! :D

I don't care if they get benefits at all! Most of the donators are the assholes who donate simply for the purpose of being able to join a game wheneve they want, not because they actually like the server and care about it's upkeep.
I'm sorry you feel this way...

It just shows who the asshole in MC are, because when they donate, they are basically saying "I give 0 penguins... lots and lots of penguins about anyone else and care only about my own instant gratification."
I highly disagree with this statement.


Jun 15, 2012
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Being completely honest here, i don't like being kicked out of servers either. Although, donators can't choose who they kick. And, like everyone else has said, without donators, there wouldnt be an MCSG for you to play in at all. Just play the game. If you get kicked, find another game.


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Overall I've donated about 7 times, For different people, and I did this because 1. Yes the perks are nice and it does help, 2. I ACTUALLY care about these servers, I don't want them to go down, I'm no asshole, I try to be fair, and I'm not one of the guys who just leave and join for the lulz, I'm sorry if i've ever kicked you but there are 70 servers that you can play on, If you get kicked just go to the Server list and find another, Not that hard :)
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