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Elastic | EU

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Oct 23, 2014
Reaction score

Hello everybody and welcome to Elastic's thread.

We're a clan that strives to be the best.
We provide you with a friendly environment, where you can

laugh and win with all of us.
If you feel like you would fit well in this clan,
feel free to apply using the application found below.

Clan founded: 24/10/2014
Teamspeak 3 Server: ts3se.clanwarz.com:1138
Founders: SilfwerMannen and RawCookie
Current leaders: SilfwerMannen
Thread by: SilfwerMannen
Application status:

* Close to get promoted

Roster [10/25]

| Owner | [1/1]
SilfwerMannen | Redigal23 | Alex

| Leaders | [2/2]
RawCookie |

| William

| Captains | [1/4]
theabacaman | Ross

Veterans [1/-]

C00KI3DEST0T3R | Sebastian

| Elites | [0/5]

| Active Members 3/ - |
| Hugo

vino12 | Viktor

| Viktor

| Inactive Members |
TheOBO1 | Oliver

Jtx2 | Jeppe

| Trial Members | [0/5]

| Cheerleaders |


1.You will need at least 300 wins to be considered, however,
applicants are mostly rated on their W/L ratio.
2.You must have Skype and Teamspeak 3.
3.You must have a clear microphone, as well as being
able to speak fluent English.
4.You must be at least 13 years of age (exceptions can be made).
5.Knowledge of most callouts, maps and locations.

Joining this clan means joining with the intention of staying for a while,
clan-hopping is not appreciated.


1.You must be active, however, during special occasions, such as holidays or unpreventable events, you may be on break if you inform an Captain of higher.
2.You must show frequent mutual respect.
3.You must be loyal to all members of the clan.
4.You must follow all MCGamer rules and if broken you will be kicked from the clan, as well as getting reported to a Moderator.
5.You must listen to higher rank than yourself, unless it exceeds the
standard of MCGamer rules.


1. First name / Nickname:

2. IGN (In-Game Name):

3. Skype name:

4. Wins/Losses:

5. Age:

6. Donor on MCSG [Yes OR No]:

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance):

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance):

9. Why should we accept you? (detail will increase acceptance chance):

10. Favorite maps:

11. Previous clans:

12. Country:

13. Ping:

Read this:
If you are accepted as Member or above, you will receive a Skype request and we will add you to the clan chat.

- If you are accepted as Trial Member, you will receive a Skype request and we will trial you. We trial people by playing regurarly with them, 1v1s, 2v2s, 3v3s, scrimmages and clanwars. If you are good enough, we will add you as Member or above, if you're not however, you will be declined and you will not be added to the clan.

If you are declined immediately, please do not spam post on the thread,
we'd like to keep it clean.


Clan Wars

Clan War Rules:
3v3+ only (both clans must agree).
2 minute grace-period in the beginning of each game.
No sponsoring/bountying.
No teaming/trucing with other players other than your clan members.
You may only play with members from your roster.
Postponing is allowed, 1 per clan. (48 hours maximum)
Crashes in pre-game (with proof) = Restart of that round.
Crashes in pre-game (without proof) = Counts as death, game continues.
Crashes in game (with or without proof) = Counts as death, game continues.
Killed by hacker (with proof) = Restart of that round.
Each clan will alternate choosing servers and may not leave if map of their choice is not chosen.
Spectators are allowed at all times, but must be from their own clan members.
No ghostkilling.
All MCGamer Rules must be followed.

Won: 12 | Lost: 4 | Pending: 1 | Played: 16

Elastic vs. SqquadzEU [WON] 5-0
Well played :)

Elastic vs Distric12
[WON] 5-3
Elastic vs Rasclarts [WON] 5-1
They didn't want to continue at 3-1.
Elastic vs Phoenix [
WON] 5-3
They have postponed for over 3 weeks now, so idk...

Elastic vs Aerox [WON] 5-0
Great cw!
Elastic vs Solitude [WON] 5-1
Nice clanwar ;)

Elastic vs Demons [WON] 5-3
Clear use of alts throughout the game.

Elastic vs Solitude [WON] 5-4
Intense but not the best clanwar we've played.

Elastic vs Xenous [WON] 5-0

Elastic vs Emperors P 4-4

From 2-1 to 2-4 :!
Elastic vs RedLight 5-3 [WON]
Nice Clanwar
Elastic vs Ascendancy 1-3 [LOST]
We suck at 2v2s
Elastic vs Violation 3-5 [LOST]

The worst clanwar we have ever played they were lucky with everything.
Nothing was on our side. The most bs clanwar we have every played.
Elastic vs Phoenix 4-0 P

gg so far
Elastic vs Rasclarts 4-5 [LOST]

Intense and fun :)
Elastic vs Zotikus 5-2 [WON]

They didn't want to continue.

Elastic vs Rasclarts [RM] [Lost] 3-5
We didn't play that good were unlucky with the gear.
Still a gg doe.

Elastic vs SnowTigerz [WON] 5-0
Nice clanwar

Elastic vs Retro 2-0 P

EU Clan Leaderboards

Won: 1 | Lost: 0 | Pending: 1 Played: 1

Elastic vs Imagination [WON] 5-0
It was 3-0 to us, then they disbanded
Elastic vs Solitude P
Looking forward to play ;)

Position: 4

FFA wins:
SilfwerMannen: 0
RawCookie: 0
TheCrazyCowww: 0
theabacaman: 0
TheOBO1: 0
Yggoh: 0
CurryThaSpice: 0

Vino12: 0
Jtx2: 0

Clan Leaderboards
Will get updated every week, last update 28.12.
Rank | IGN | Wins | Games
1. RawCookie 1256 / 4730
2. SilfwerMannen 824 / 4514
3. theabacaman 823 / 4140
4. TheOBO1 806 / 2340
5. Yggoh 676 / 3679
6. TheCrazyCowww 518 / 2183
7. CurryThaSpice 387 / 2219
8. C00KI3DEST0T3R 216 / 3116

Contact us
: fightsteel
: alexsilf

: william.mehmeti88

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