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Emperors EU

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Sep 22, 2013
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i wonder were everyone from Emperors would go, now that they are disbaning


Nov 10, 2013
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Hello, I'm Battey, proud leader of Emperors. I'm here, today, 19th of January, 2015 to announce that we're disbanding, after ~9 months of great pvp on the MCG network.

This is my special ''gift'' to all of the great people in this clan, I am going to write a little sentence about how much I love you.

Twistteed I never got to meet you so well, but I can see how kind you are. Thank you for joining us on our last months.

SportsFan2565 Hi man, you're a great person, I love how you did your 369 no scope on your friend on Toxic's top 5 :)

resistantcorn12 Our US carrier, you're such a kind person, loved you from the start. thanks for joining us on our last months.

Chordicals I love you so much. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you will be doing in the future.

BesterDT You're really kind, love it how you and rex sorted things out. Thanks for joining us.

Fearcannon You're the funniest person I've ever met. Thanks for joining us.

xGGw10XV3 Well, hello, you're such a fanboy, I hope you're happy that you joined us. Thanks for joining.

Imperial_Wombat Love you so much, I hope you realize we disbanded in the next 3 months.

TheGamerScottie Thank you so much for joining us back, you are essencial, one of the true veterans.

TheStealthlyGame Didn't like you so much in the beggining, but you know what, you're the kindest romanian that has ever lived. You're so friendly, and your voice. I can tell how happy you get just because I join the TS. Thanks for joining us.

alien676 I don't have much to say about you, you already know what I think about you, true bae.

Mango A true Veteran, sad you had to leave us because you got mod, still I love you so much.

5Life You're so kind, so chill, could spend all day finding adjectives to write about you. Thanks for joining us.

TRPickabolt Ultimate Fishing Rod Of Doom HELL picka, so many times that I raged at you. You can do and find anything to annoy me, I love you.

MeAndMyCat Well, I don't have much to say about you as you already know what I think about you. I love you man.

rex5826 You are one of my closest friends here. I love you so much for comming to me everytime you had a problem just like I told you to. I hope you get allong with whover you're dealing with in the future. Cya arround.

TomahawkGoesChop You are also, one of my closest friends inside Emperors. Could write a paragraph about you but you wouldn't care. Love you Neven.

Artic Love you so much. So sad to see this go, wish we could stay longer. Please do the write choices in the future. Love you.

Araxed Ahh, how I looked at you and how I look at you know it's crazy man. Love you for everything you've done, stay strong man.

Jay98 I Ultimate Fishing Rod Of Doom love you man, you're like the kindest person man and also one of the funniest. Love you so much, I wish we could keep in touch.

Kryzih My fat cow. We're defenitly keeping in touch. Love you and thanks for joining us. You were one of the reasons we didn't disband back then.

DaGaxriexz Hi Sweat man. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you're doing in the future. Love you for everything.

SlothPac hi

BenPCGamingHD Love you man. Let's keep in touch.

Shaunypie87 Never wanted to hurt you lol, love everything about you, my true squeaker <3

cheezedoodles hi u ^-^

I wish all of you the best of luck in whatever you do in the future. #LongLiveEmperors


District 13
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
Hi guys. I'm Sander, or cheezedoodles. I'm here to announce that Emperors is now coming to an end. I remember me and Sliabh decided to bring half of Endgamers to make our own clan. I wouldn't call it a really nice move as I was close friends with both Teku3O and KYSKILLZ but we were still friends after. (Not teku though hehe XDD) We were up for a week until we disbanded for several reasons. While I was chilling on teamspeak with _JoJox3_, SlothPac and Battey we decided to give "Emperors Reborn" a go, and this time our motivation was to really keep it up. We gathered everyone and we've been going solid until now. I won't really mention any names as there are to many and I don't want to leave anyone out.
We have surely been close to disbanding before, me raging, inactivity and members leaving. No matter what happened we would still keep going. I will mention all memorable things that has happened and that means a lot to many of us:

-Emperors Reborn; Emperors Reborn was founded as I already stated and we started of sloppy with a 3-5 loss against Deadpixels. Re-matching them later we win 5-3.

-Clan war against The Rebels EU; we were always considered underdogs and no one really knew who we were, but we decided to once ask The Rebels for a clan war. This was weird for us as we hadn't fought that many good clans and we always looked up to Rebels. The clan war turned out weird, with the score 3-2 with Emperors in the lead it was postponed for about 3 months until we decided that we would never finish it.

-The Force v2; Emperors went into a really inactive and bad period. One of my best friends (Battey) had quit and the clan was really inactive. I basically decided to disband as I didn't have much motivation and there was nothing left to do. Until one day me and my good friend alien676 were sitting on The Force teamspeak and begging BenPCGamingHD and TomahawkGoesChop to join, as we knew them from Inverse and we really wanted them in the clan. They eventually decide to join and they bring rex5826 and our beloved "randy" Kryzih.
If it wasn't for these 4 people, Emperors wouldn't have been going for as long as it did.

- Summer break; This is where we all really started liking the competitive scene of Minecraft and we started taking the clan way more seriously. Our skill and teamwork improved a lot, and we turned into what I personally would call: The best EU clan. We were more active then ever before and our roster was huge. We could do 8v8 inter clan wars daily.

- Clan Wars Zeason Three; Joining this was mainly for just trying to have as much fun as we did, we were really rusty as a lot of us kinda quit MC and had no motivation. We played Protocol and got pretty smacked, overall it was a fun experience for us and we could finally show the US community that there was decent EU clans aswell. (even though Trivium did better : P )

After all this we were still going and did alot of clan wars. We eventually reached the first spot in the EU clan leaderboards which was huge for us. From here I would kind off say we went downhill. The whole staff team got into CS:GO and lost motivation until the point we are currently at.

We might have had our differences and arguments with people. Falling out with good friends etc. But I want to let everyone that had anything with Emperors to do. If you were ever a member, elite, staff or a good friend of the clan. We might not be friends anymore but I want you to know that I'm extremely thankful for everything, good memories and an amazing friend group. I wish everyone good luck with what you are doing and never forget Emperors.

-Sander // Emperors owner.
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