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[EU] Vestre's Clan Tournament 2.0


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
Vestre´s Clan Tournament

Hello there guys and welcome to the second version of my clan tournament!


You find my first tournament here: CLICK ME

This is a tournament that is going to be hosted on the MCSG servers. I will not record the games since my upload speed is so terrible so it will take ages to upload them. If anyone want to record them, feel free to contact me on Skype or in PM then. I will try to get at least 16 clans to join!
I will also record the clan wars and upload them on my channel which you can find here: CLICK ME

If you have any questions, leave a comment below or contact me on Skype "Vestregutten."
There will be prizes if someone want to donate or sponsor.

To enter this tournament you have to be one of the first 8 clans to apply using the template below. I will also add some reserve spots since sometimes clans can´t play or their closing. The tournament will be based on 3vs3 and everyone who is on the roster for the clan is available to play.

After applying you HAVE to add me on Skype "
Vestregutten", so i can add you to the Skype group.


Clan Name -
Link to your thread -
Some of the clans staff Skype -

When you are accepted i will as told earlier. Add you to a Skype group where i can give you information and updates. I will also make a group with you and the clan you are going to fight so we can discuss around the cw.


The Rules for the clan wars:
First to 5 wins.
Sponsoring is not allowed - First offence DQ, second offence match forfeit.
No OP items - First offence DQ of the round, second offence match forfeit.
Spectators are allowed.
Postponements are allowed, with a maximum of 48 hours.
Only use people who are on the roster, list alt accounts in the Skype chat and on the roster.
No teaming/trucing with randys. If we find out you have multiple players in the games, it's a match forfeit.
There will be a 2 minutes grace period, if you kill or deal more then 2 hearts damage before grace is over. First offence round redo, second offence DQ of the round, third offence match forfeit.
If a person is getting killed by a hacker, you need proof to get a round redo or restart.
Crashing counts as a death, in pregame you need proof to get redo.
10 minutes timeouts are allowed twice, first offence match forfeit.
Follow all the MCGamers rules. first offence match forfeit.
No ghostkilling, first offence round redo, second offence round DQ & third offence match forfeit.
Take turns picking lobby and map.
No limit on how many spectators or people staying in the lobby.

Credit to Emperors for the rules


1. Sorcery
2. Rasclarts
3. Trivium
4. N.E.T
5. Emperors
6. The Ones
7. Lunatic
8. Nitrosity

First Round

Trivium v. Nitrosity | x-x
Lunatic v. Sorcery V2 | 5-3
N.E.T v. The Ones | 5-0
Emperors v. Rasclarts | 5-2


Emperors v. N.E.T | 5-3
xxx v. xxx | x-x
Last edited:


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
Clan Name - Emperors
Link to your thread - http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/emperors-eu-clan.86713/
Some of the clans staff Skype - cheezedoodles.sander
Clan Name - #GetShreked V3
Link to your thread - http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/getshreked-v3-eu.123456/
Some of the clans staff Skype -appleplaysmc piratepiggy
Clan Name - Lunatic
Link to your thread - http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/lunatic-∞-eu-division.134254/
Some of the clans staff Skype - theabacaman senchslash
All three accepted :)

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