• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Fair Play Notice: Multi-Logging is Not Allowed


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
At today's Admin meeting, our policy has been hereby amended with the following statures:
  • Multi-Logging is no longer acceptable if its users expressed use it with the intention to win boost. Such actions will be punishable under the Win Boosting rules.
  • Users who show that they have multi-logged multiple times within a short amount of time will have demonstrated that they have multi-logged with an expressed intention to win boost.
    • As a rough guideline, users who are shown to have won more than ten games whilst multi-logging within one week's time is considered to be boosting for wins.
      • If that guideline needs to be adjusted, we reserve the right to do so at any time.
  • Users who multi-log or share accounts, but do not meet the win conditions stated above, will not be punished.
Anyone who multi-logs to win: this is your warning.

The way we see it, we admit that account sharing is prevalent and unavoidable within our demographic, and so the simple act of multi-logging should not be punishable on its own. While the situation of siblings sharing an account and playing at the same time is rare compared to the number of players who use one account at one time, we believe it is occurs often enough that it warrants consideration.

However, there is no denying that multi-logging can be exploited to easily boost wins for a single shared account. Multi-logging is harmless until people use it for malicious reasons. Whether people are legitimately defending the interests of people who share their account out of necessity, or are attempting to legitimize their own boosting behaviors, the staff has decided to draw a line in the sand between what is acceptable behavior and what is not. We feel our line has been drawn high enough that it will not affect players.

Ultimately, our community still operates on a "one-player, one-account" policy. However, we are still willing to tolerate one accounts with multiple players along with one player with multiple accounts. So long as neither group uses their multiple accounts/players to cause issues for others, we can tolerate it. But if people use their personal privilege to cause issues on our network, it is our responsibility to correct that. That is the purpose of this fair play notice.


Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
At today's Admin meeting, our policy has been hereby amended with the following statures:
  • Multi-Logging is no longer acceptable if its users expressed use it with the intention to win boost. Such actions will be punishable under the Win Boosting rules.
  • Users who show that they have multi-logged multiple times within a short amount of time will have demonstrated that they have multi-logged with an expressed intention to win boost.
    • As a rough guideline, users who are shown to have won more than ten games whilst multi-logging within one week's time is considered to be boosting for wins.
      • If that guideline needs to be adjusted, we reserve the right to do so at any time.
  • Users who multi-log or share accounts, but do not meet the win conditions stated above, will not be punished.
Anyone who multi-logs to win: this is your warning.

The way we see it, we admit that account sharing is prevalent and unavoidable within our demographic, and so the simple act of multi-logging should not be punishable on its own. While the situation of siblings sharing an account and playing at the same time is rare compared to the number of players who use one account at one time, we believe it is occurs often enough that it warrants consideration.

However, there is no denying that multi-logging can be exploited to easily boost wins for a single shared account. Multi-logging is harmless until people use it for malicious reasons. Whether people are legitimately defending the interests of people who share their account out of necessity, or are attempting to legitimize their own boosting behaviors, the staff has decided to draw a line in the sand between what is acceptable behavior and what is not. We feel our line has been drawn high enough that it will not affect players.

Ultimately, our community still operates on a "one-player, one-account" policy. However, we are still willing to tolerate one accounts with multiple players along with one player with multiple accounts. So long as neither group uses their multiple accounts/players to cause issues for others, we can tolerate it. But if people use their personal privilege to cause issues on our network, it is our responsibility to correct that. That is the purpose of this fair play notice.
So, to reiterate:
-Multi-logging (multiple people playing at once) is not allowed if there is intent to get wins.
-Players are allowed up to 10 wins per week while multi-logging to avoid complications.
-Having two people own an account, while playing at separate times, and accumulating wins, is tolarated.

Please correct me if I'm mistaken (specifically the last bullet)

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