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FantasticTardis - Meet The Staff


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
First name: Chandelle
IGN(s): FantasticTardis, ChandelleMC
Nickname(s): Tardis, Chanchan(only Decemberr is allowed to call me this), nub nubs, Chandelier.
Age: 17
Region: East Coast, USA

One Cool Fact: I am the ultimate fangirl, and I have multiple OTPs. I am willing to guess that a lot of people won't know what that is but, shipping; it's a thing. #ColdPotatoes #Kish #Kephanie. Also, I can't look at a caravan without laughing hysterically.
One Fact that makes you proud: As corny as it may sound, I'm proud of getting mod on MCSG. I'm still a new mod but I am loving being a part of the staff :D
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: I am really shy irl, despite being kind of loud and giggly on TS :p
Most Common question you get asked: "Do you watch Doctor Who?". The answer is no, obviously. What even is that show anyway? ;)
Favorite Animal: Kittehs. They are too cute.
Favorite Plant: Lilacs
Favorite Color: Purple!
Favorite Food: Don't really have a favorite food. Strawberries are pretty delish, though.
Biggest Pet Peeve: When people talk over each other or interrupt someone when they are talking.
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Personal Catchphrase: Probably "wazzam", which I didn't come up with myself, just kind of caught on from Michael saying it. Now it is all I say to anyone and they are always confused because they have no idea what it means.
Heard about MCG by: I hate to be that girl, but I found MCSG through Joey Graceffa's videos. I am glad I did though, because I love the community :D
Ever Bring someone to MCG: Kind of. My irl bestie, Stephanie. Although, we kind of joined at the same time so not sure if that counts or not. :p
First friend in the community: I didn't really get involved with the community until my previously mentioned IRL friend Stephanie and I found the Teamspeak server. The first friend we made there was Nalzem.
MCG role-model: Joshkey! First Sr. Mod I met, also the Sr. Mod who ran my mod interview. A great member of the staff and also a great friend.
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: Again, proud of getting my mod rank and joining the staff :D
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: Definitely Chad because I am quite possibly one of the worst people when it comes to PvP.
Call me maybe?: Call me beep me if you wanna reach me.
Do you team in game: I usually only team in game if I'm with the person on Skype or Teamspeak.
Have you been backstabbed: Yep :p
Ever Broken a bone: Fortunately, no.
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: Both would be cool, but I think I'd have to go with bird because I want to fly plz.
Personal Skills: I am good at listening to other people, and writing when I actually have a good idea.
Computer specs: Nubby specs because I'm using my HP laptop. Meh. But good enough to be able to play and function xD
Computer operating system: Windows 8
Program I use to record: Fraps
Favorite movie: Mean Girls. Nothing will ever replace this movie. Ever.
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, and Bastille are my current obsessions.
Favorite game (other than Minecraft): Animal Crossing. Love it so much.
Favorite character from fiction: Fred&George Weasley. (Not exactly one character, but they are a package deal).
What does a fox say?: Quack.
Terrified of: Spiders. Literally can not even be in the same room with the tiniest of spiders without freaking out. It's pretty bad.
Personal website: I don't have one.
Favorite website (Other than these forums): Tumblr. I spend way too much of my time on that website, but I regret nothing.
Dream job: I've always thought it would be interesting to get into film directing.
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: I babysit sometimes, but other than that, school is my only occupation at this point :p
Favorite thing about the community: The people! Most people are really friendly, I've met so many cool people in my time on these servers. I've made some really great friends :)

When I am online: I'm usually on from late afternoon into late at night because I am a night owl and never sleep a night. Completely normal.
Previous moderating experience: I actually had no previous moderation experience prior to becoming a mod on MCSG.
Been a member of staff since: October 15th, 2013
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): MCSG
Personal goals as a staff member: My personal goals are to get to know the community even better than I already do, and to learn and become a better moderator since I am still kind of nubby and getting the hang of everything. I want to help the community in any way that I can.
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