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First Wins


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
In September 2012 MCSG fan-favorite Breeze Island was released. This posed a new challenge to me, and is when I had my revelation on how this game was played. I realized that it did me no good to run and hide if I could not win in deathmatch. So, I now started using tactics. The funny thing is though, for most, the only tactic then was swing your sword faster than the other person and get refill. I had the sword thing down but could never muster up the courage to go retrieve refill. This is where Breeze Island gets interesting. Here is how it went down:

It started off as a 14-person game. It wasn’t full because everyone was at school while I was home sick. I decided to rush the middle, something I never did, and I got a stone sword. I immediately began swinging it like crazy. I managed to kill 2 people. It was down to 12. I then was swimming out of the middle in the little ring of water that surrounds it and a team of 2, with no weapons of their own attack me. I managed to kill them both. It was down to 10. I then ran under the bridge and towards the boat. (The boat was where the party was on Breeze Island; if you could loot it, you were apparently set. However, I never was successful at this in the past.) When I got to the boat there were 3 people. They weren’t teamed to my knowledge, but they went for me because at that point I had the most desirable gear. Only two of them had weapons (wood axes) and I killed the one without an axe and one of the ones with an axe. The other guy then went on to chase me through the water because I was at 4 hearts with no regeneration because I had not gotten any food that whole game. After a couple of minutes in the water he stopped chasing me and went back to the main island. I was able to go back to the boat and collect the loot from the two people who I had killed. To my dismay, there was no food. I was stuck at 4 hearts and almost out of sprint; I decided to head to the main island to see what was up. When I got there the chat alerted us tributes that the chests had refilled and I peeked around the corner and there was no one at the cornucopia. I waited about another minute, because I was nervous to go out in the open with my limited skills. Because at this point in time making it to refill was a rarity for me and I didn’t want to ruin it. I went into corn and looted everything. No one came. I was a little disappointed because game after game I would see people with full iron and diamond swords who got refill and I was expecting the same, but the best I got was gold pants, leather boots, a leather helmet, and a chain chest plate. However, I did manage to get a diamond sword. This was also a first for me. Anyway, I quickly got out of the middle and then a cannon boomed twice, and before I knew it there were 2 of us left. I ran to the small boat and sure enough the last guy was there. With 25 seconds left until death match I made my move. I quickly made it to the boat and started fighting that guy. He had an iron sword but much better armor. Before I knew it I was at 2 hearts, closed my eyes, and heard a cannon. When I opened them I expected to be on the receiving end of that cannon, but as it turns out I had killed the guy with ½ a heart left. I had won my first game.

I hope you guys enjoyed that. If you remember your first game as good as I remember mine, post it below.



Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
That's pretty dramatic for a first game!

Mine was lame, cleaned up a giant fight with leather armor xD


Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Won on SG3 in August 2012. I took the OP route that went to the village and then up that mountain behind it that had like 7 tier 2's. Nothing exciting really happened, I had almost no competition despite playing on a 15 FPS laptop

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Early August 2012, SG1. Deathmatch, last 2 people. I'm out of food, less than 5 hearts, stone sword and leather stuff. My opponent falls into a lava trap and I win by default. My first real win was on Breeze when I 10hearted oneambitiond


Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Put mine in the style of The Night Before Christmas.

'Twas a day of no note, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. It was Darby they watched, and as he was playing, they saw with amazement, that for once he was slaying. His team mate was crafting, and was helpless that moment, and Darby betrayed him, and left to look for opponents. Sg1 was the map, and he headed to corn, to fulfill his destiny, it was why he was born. A player was there, and for Darby he headed, he had better gear, and the outcome Darby dreaded. Yet as he neared, Darby did see, he was in a better position, the player was stuck on a tree. Darby hacked at his legs, and saw with much glee, the kill he had gained, was all thanks to the tree. Refill came around, and Darby did take it, and saw with some pleasure, his diamond boots they did fit. The deathmatch had started, and Darby did see, that he could win this, and he giggled with glee. His foes lay at his feet, he was the one, the lone survivor, his first game he had one.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
October 6th, 2012. -

It was just like any other day on SG4, one of the most overplayed maps at the time. However it was a good thing to be playing this map. I liked it. It was a lot better than Breeze Island, its overplayed counterpart. This was good for a change. The map had been out for a good, solid month now, and I liked it. All aspects were near perfect for the map. Then, the game started. All the items from my corn chest were stolen from me. I had nothing. Being on the 10fps laptop I used to use, I lagged my way out of spawn and set out of my measly route, heading to the airfield. Back in the day, I barely knew any Minecraft skills. By that time I hadn't even been playing the game for two months, and was still learning things about it. MCSG was the same. I was a complete noob. By the time I had arrived at the airfield with my leather pants and lack of weapon, half of it was taken. I scavenged the chests lying around the dome, and ended up with full leather (but no boots, there were no leather boots back then.. xD) and a wooden axe. I had no bow, and no flint and steel. Basically no means of defending myself. At this point, the sky was starting to darken, and there were 4 people left. I was pretty happy with myself knowing that I might make it to deathmatch. That was exciting for me (I really sucked back then). Sadly, when I headed to spawn to collect the refill that awaited me in less than a minute's time, I saw two people sitting at corn. Two people, fully equipped in the most intimidating iron armor you've ever seen, with their diamond swords duking it out. I shifted in a corner by the staircase entrance into spawn from the train direction and watched them fight. Eventually one went down. The other collected the gear and headed out of spawn, not bothering to collect the since-passed refill. Now was my chance. I sprung into action, sprinting down towards spawn as fast as I could.... but alas.. There were 10 seconds until deathmatch.

Booom! A cannon fired! Only two tributes remain! I have to face this monster alone! I must get refil, there has to be a way! I spawned into the cornucopia equipped to the bare minimum and stared intently at my opponent standing three spaces to my right (just made that up :p). I cowered in fear, closed my eyes, this is the end I thought. Until my saving grace
"Fair fight?" He said.
"By all means, YES YES YES!" I cried. I was saved. He waited for me to get refill, and out of it I had equipped myself with full iron armor and a diamond sword. This was the most stacked I have ever been! Oh my gosh this is awesome!
"Are you ready?" He asked. I responded with a yes. He counted down... 3, 2, 1, GO! and I headed toward him. I will not lose this game. No matter how bad my computer is, no matter my level of inexperience compared to his of probable superiority. I. Will. Not. Lose. Swords clashed, crit particles splattered the night sky. I sat there with honestly no clue what I was doing besides clicking the hell out of my mouse that lacked a proper scroll wheel. I clicked, and clicked, and clicked. And then it happened.

"A cannon has fired. 1 tribute remains."

"XyZebrAbC from District 10 has won the Hunger Games!!" (I distinctly remember this because I would always be excited when I got district 10. I also distinctly remember that 3 out of my first 4 wins came from when I was representing District 10 c:)

I did it. I leapt up from my computer sitting on a coffee table next to the couch and run around the living room! It was one of the best feelings I believe I had ever felt.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is a story.
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Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
I was on Treacherous Heights. Yrothi was helping me via Skype as I had zero wins out of about 450-ish games. We get decent armor off corn and a couple tier Is he knew about. He falls in a hole and dies. He guides me down a safe path to collect his items.

Fast forward about 25 minutes: I'm full iron with a sharpness-I diamond sword on the top of the main mountain by the fireworks pressure plates. Deathmatch begins; I still haven't killed anyone ( @africannswallow witnessed it as a spectator BTW). I climb to the top of corn and shift with my bow drawn, lurking while Yrothi tries to encourage me to stop being a coward and go down to fight.

I wait while the other people battle it out and, just as lightning's struck both opponents twice (they were both full iron as well), I head down from corn's top. Just as I reach the bottom, one guy kills the other and lightning kills the last man. I then proceeded to honor my promise of what I'd do if I ever won a game and "shoot my arrows in the air sometimes."

The euphoric feeling directly afterwards lessened so much pressure off me. I was finally able to play just for fun after that (except now I just want 100 wins before I can be truly content). After that game, I was inspired by Yrothi and decided that my niche in MCSG would be dedicated to helping any and all who needed it obtain their first win. :)


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
Soo.. mine was on SG4. I used to play on my brother's account sometimes and so I actually got my first win on that account (that was the only win I got on his account though >.<). Anyways, this was probably around late Dec 2012/or Jan 2013, and I had no wins out of about 150 games played. I was playing on someone's laptop, and sitting on my sofa between my parents while they watched TV (I have no idea why I remember this).

When the game started I just ran away from everyone and everything like I always used to. The game continued, and I managed to get some good iron armour and a stone sword because I always had good chest routes, just generally sucked at pvp (not much better now but improving xD). A bit later in the game I saw some people running towards me so panicking I climbed up the outside of the clock tower thing and crouched. Suddenly about 3 people died and deathmatch was 60 seconds away. So I stayed on my trusty building until I was transported back to corn. There was a guy in full leather and a guy with iron armour and sword who terrified me.

I somehow managed to clean up the iron sword guy after he killed the other one. Trust me I HAVE NO IDEA HOW, but it happened. I still remember squealing because I won, and my parents not even caring and telling me to shut up xD.

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