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District 13
Oct 21, 2012
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So I've been going around on the forums lately, and I go into the Off Topic section as per usual, and I see some pretty interesting thread topics that I feel would have a big-hit for discussion. I go in, and the first or second post is always something along the lines of:

"You shouldn't have made this post cause flaming might start."

See the key word in that statement? Might.

Why do people have the need to just assume that flaming might happen cause a topic is somewhat controversial? You can't predict the future, and there's no need to state that flaming will happen if it hasn't freaking happened yet. We're mature enough, right? I mean, I see a lot of people going on about how they're young and mature, so we can be mature enough to talk about something that could be opinion-based and or controversial, correct?

Point is, if you see a post that you feel could potentially start flame, please don't waste a post by saying that the person shouldn't have made the thread. Wait it out, if flame does occur, report the post, and move on. That's all.

I usually don't make threads, but I feel this needs to be addressed.

- MJ.


District 13
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
So I've been going around on the forums lately, and I go into the Off Topic section as per usual, and I see some pretty interesting thread topics that I feel would have a big-hit for discussion. I go in, and the first or second post is always something along the lines of:

"You shouldn't have made this post cause flaming might start."

See the key word in that statement? Might.

Why do people have the nest assume that flaming might happen)cause a topic is somewhat controversial? You can't predict the future, and there's no need to state that flaming will happen if it hasn't freaking happened yet. We're mature enough, right? I mean, I see a lot of people going on about how they're young and mature, so we can be mature enough to talk about something that could be opinion-based and or controversial, correct?

Point is, if you see a post that you feel could potentially start flame, please don't waste a post by saying that the person shouldn't have made the thread. Wait it out, if flame does occur, report the post, and move on. That's all.

I usually don't make threads, but I feel this needs to be addressed.

- MJ.
i assume youre talking about the 4 or so threads pixel made. The way i see it, people are actually looking to start arguments. So when threads like "Do you believe in god?" spring up, it gives people the perfect chance to start an argument. But from what ive seen, this community is mature enough to discuss topics like this. I am very proud of MCSG. (I strolled a bit off topic-


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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If I see a kid playing with a box of matches whilst sitting on a stockpile of flammable fuel, I can't predict the future as to whether or not something bad will happen. But as the circumstances are, if something bad were to happen, it would be big enough and bad enough to make us say in retrospect, "we should never have let it get that far."

Kid = Original poster.
Stockpile of Fuel = highly controversial and/or political topics that often incur hostility and negativity towards others.
Matches = threads that promote discussions regarding such topics.

Between the two extremes of taking the matches away from the kid and letting it all burn if things get out of hand (I can't take away the fuel because I can't erase everyone's beliefs), I'd rather take the matches away. But I, and the rest of the staff, are taking the moderate approach of warning and moderating that kid and his matches closely; if one lit match is dropped, we'll be ready to put out the fire before it has a chance to grow.

Other than that, I for one encourage polite and respectful political discourse, so long as it stays polite and respectful. But on the internet, you can never know.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
If people had self-control and respect for other opinons we wouldn't have to be so cautious. It's not a matter of topic but rather the maturity level of the poster and the repliers.


Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
If I see a kid playing with a box of matches whilst sitting on a stockpile of flammable fuel, I can't predict the future as to whether or not something bad will happen. But as the circumstances are, if something bad were to happen, it would be big enough and bad enough to make us say in retrospect, "we should never have let it get that far."

Kid = Original poster.
Stockpile of Fuel = highly controversial and/or political topics that often incur hostility and negativity towards others.
Matches = threads that promote discussions regarding such topics.

Between the two extremes of taking the matches away from the kid and letting it all burn if things get out of hand (I can't take away the fuel because I can't erase everyone's beliefs), I'd rather take the matches away. But I, and the rest of the staff, are taking the moderate approach of warning and moderating that kid and his matches closely; if one lit match is dropped, we'll be ready to put out the fire before it has a chance to grow.

Other than that, I for one encourage polite and respectful political discourse, so long as it stays polite and respectful. But on the internet, you can never know.

Nice one Col xD


District 13
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
It's because, in the past when there was a lot of angst with some players in the staff, we would lock their threads then they would attack us saying they had no right to freedom, to express their opinions, etc.

So, while it's probably not necessary anymore, it was during these times where players would find anything and everything to divide people over (usually including the Hive, "staff coruption"/popular player gets banned thread, and lots of others).

The main reason being was that their threads were locked for "no reason", never mind the fact that people were biting off other's heads in it. Believe it or not, the staff do encourage positive discussion over matters like that (they make for interesting reads, lol) but when we personally got attacked for closing such threads, to the point where certain staff were intimidated to do so because of the negative repercussions, it was said to make sure that any hint of an unruly conversation would be locked, no questions.

I do see your point in saying it's pointless to have these messages now. It may be, but it also shows a staff presence and should hopefully act as a deterrent to people who want to cause arguments.


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
If I see a kid playing with a box of matches whilst sitting on a stockpile of flammable fuel, I can't predict the future as to whether or not something bad will happen. But as the circumstances are, if something bad were to happen, it would be big enough and bad enough to make us say in retrospect, "we should never have let it get that far."

Kid = Original poster.
Stockpile of Fuel = highly controversial and/or political topics that often incur hostility and negativity towards others.
Matches = threads that promote discussions regarding such topics.

Between the two extremes of taking the matches away from the kid and letting it all burn if things get out of hand (I can't take away the fuel because I can't erase everyone's beliefs), I'd rather take the matches away. But I, and the rest of the staff, are taking the moderate approach of warning and moderating that kid and his matches closely; if one lit match is dropped, we'll be ready to put out the fire before it has a chance to grow.

Other than that, I for one encourage polite and respectful political discourse, so long as it stays polite and respectful. But on the internet, you can never know.
And that's what I'm saying, I feel like MCSG has moved on from that ridiculous stage of flaming, and unfortunately it's legacy has haunted over the forums, and we get the slimmest of topics to discuss about, because if anything seems controversial, people go: "CALL THE FIREMEN! CALL THE FIREMEN!!!"

Even if comparing the topic to literal flaming, to internet flaming is slightly over the top... I can definitely agree with this statement, cause like I said in the original post, hopefully the community can warm up to these kinds of discussions and be mature.

P.S. I forgot to point this out, but when it comes to thread topics, if you see a thread and the Original Poster is just looking for flame, then you can go ahead and just report. There's a difference between a thread that can spark discussion, and one that's just made out for an all out brawl.

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