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Forsaken [US]

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Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Ign: Im_Cozzy
Age: 13
Do you have Teamspeak and Skype? Yes
Skype name (Pm If necessary): Im_Cozzy
Wins: 76
Games played: 353
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Timezone: Eastern (UTC 5:00) US & CA
Pvp Strengths: Strafing, FnS, fishing rod, crititcals, and team fights
Pvp Weaknesses: Long range bow
Why do you want to be in #Forsaken? I feel that this is a very strong clan and that I am a very strong player, I started off MCSG as a noob but if you will check my page on the leaderboards I have been winning alot recently because i have gotten alot better.
Anything else:
I am Diamond donor so I can join full lobbies if necessary and I would love to be on the team.



Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft Ign: Im_Cozzy
Age: 13
Do you have Teamspeak and Skype? Yes
Skype name (Pm If necessary): Im_Cozzy
Wins: 76
Games played: 353
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Timezone: Eastern (UTC 5:00) US & CA
Pvp Strengths: Strafing, FnS, fishing rod, crititcals, and team fights
Pvp Weaknesses: Long range bow
Why do you want to be in #Forsaken? I feel that this is a very strong clan and that I am a very strong player, I started off MCSG as a noob but if you will check my page on the leaderboards I have been winning alot recently because i have gotten alot better.
Anything else:
I am Diamond donor so I can join full lobbies if necessary and I would love to be on the team.

Lack of wins, you may re-apply in 2 weeks!


Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Ign:Bacca_Plays
Do you have Teamspeak and Skype?Yes
Skype name (Pm If necessary):bacca_plays1
Games played:2300
Do you have a mic?:Yes
Pvp Strengths:FNS and f rod with sword combos
Pvp Weaknesses:Teams of hackers or a hacker in general.
Why do you want to be in #Forsaken?I was in #mysticfuze which was a good clan but i felt left out. I have been in clan battles and we have won almost all of them, but i feel left out because i dont get to play sometimes even though i am one of the best in the clan.I would hope that this clan gets my more involved in teaming and being part of a real clan.
Anything else:I hope i get accepted becuase it would mean a lot to me to be part of an elite clan


Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Ign: legosean10
Age: 13
Do you have Teamspeak and Skype? Yes, both
Skype name (Pm If necessary): legosean9
Wins: 237
Games played: 947
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Timezone: I live in Australia but apparently I can join as long as I have decent connection. Australian Eastern Standard Time
hopefully my country doesn't effect too much as I really want to join this awesome clan.
Pvp Strengths: FnS - really fast a placing, fishing rod - f rod tactic, tactical use for running away and knocking people away fomr me and / or knocking them into walls to stop their sprint, bow - above average at shooting and judging where they're going to run.
I am very fast at clicking within chests and also have good chest routes. (these aren't pvp strengths but they are strengths in general)
Pvp Weaknesses: Decent teams of more than 2.
Why do you want to be in #Forsaken? I really believe it is a very good clan, and have always wanted to play with the members, specifically the two owners. I am big fan of toxic and love watching his videos to see great strategies and routes.
Anything else: I have a youtube channel which I mainly upload daily onto: http://www.youtube.com/user/LegoSean9
I am also seen as a mature and responsible person as I am a moderator on a sem-popular server with over 150,000 registered users: http://avicus.net/user/legosean10#about

Thanks for giving me the opportuinity. Even if I don't get accepted good luck to this clan,
Last edited:


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft Ign: Operdasher
Age: 14
Do you have Teamspeak and Skype? Yep
Skype name (Pm If necessary): kyle.oper
Wins: 714 with oper, 54 with anybo, and 20 with sub
Games played: 4200 with oper, 200 with anybo, and 60 with sub
Do you have a mic?: Yep, px21 turtlebeach
Timezone: Pacific ST
Pvp Strengths: Fishing Rod and Bow
Pvp Weaknesses: Internet Lag
Why do you want to be in #Forsaken? Because It seems to be an amazing clan with great talent and potential
Anything else: I sometimes am not able to be on teamspeak, but I am on skype about 7 or 8 hours a day playing minecraft.


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Ign: legosean10
Age: 13
Do you have Teamspeak and Skype? Yes, both
Skype name (Pm If necessary): legosean9
Wins: 228
Games played: 929
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Timezone: I live in Australia but apparently I can join as long as I have decent connection. Australian Eastern Standard Time
hopefully my country doesn't effect too much as I really want to join this awesome clan.
Pvp Strengths: FnS - really fast a placing, fishing rod - f rod tactic, tactical use for running away and knocking people away fomr me and / or knocking them into walls to stop their sprint, bow - above average at shooting and judging where they're going to run.
I am very fast at clicking within chests and also have good chest routes. (these aren't pvp strengths but they are strengths in general)
Pvp Weaknesses: Decent teams of more than 2.
Why do you want to be in #Forsaken? I really believe it is a very good clan, and have always wanted to play with the members, specifically the two owners. I am big fan of toxic and love watching his videos to see great strategies and routes.
Anything else: I have a youtube channel which I mainly upload daily onto: http://www.youtube.com/user/LegoSean9
I am also seen as a mature and responsible person as I am a moderator on a sem-popular server with over 150,000 registered users: http://avicus.net/user/legosean10#about

Thanks for giving me the opportuinity. Even if I don't get accepted good luck to this clan,
Hey if you get in from au then I'm well giving it a shot


Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Ign: ClownCostume
Age: 16
Do you have Teamspeak and Skype? I have both :D
Skype name (Pm If necessary): I'd prefer to PM.
Wins: 712
Games played: 3639
Do you have a mic?: Yes I do.
Timezone: AEST: 16 hours ahead of New York time if that helps.
Pvp Strengths: Strafing & fishing rod.
Pvp Weaknesses: Getting into fights where I am at the disadvantage.
Why do you want to be in #Forsaken? I would like to get to know more people and get a taste of what some good US players have to offer. I am also keen to take part in clan battles.
Anything else: I'm an AU player but I still get a decent connection on the US servers.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Ign: MinwcraftGod1234
Age: 13
Do you have Teamspeak and Skype? Yes i do
Skype name (Pm If necessary): its my ign
Wins: 183
Games played: like 2600
Do you have a mic?:
Timezone: Est
Pvp Strengths: Sword Bow and flint n steel
Pvp Weaknesses: ToxicwasteII
Why do you want to be in #Forsaken?because i think its the best clan in mcsg
Anything else: I Fan Toxic and crazykapy
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