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Get to know Nrob!


Jul 18, 2015
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Hey everyone! Some of you know me quite well, and other's are probably thinking who the heck is nrob19. Well I want to start spending more time in this community because I love MCGamer a lot! I have met some awesome people on here during my short time as a staff member, and to be honest I was a bit embarrassed to come on after I resigned. I felt like I had let so many people down, and it was hard for me to face my fears.

Anyways on a positive note, I want everyone to get to know me a bit more! So I will answer some questions that I found interesting after I googled interesting questions to ask someone.

When did you start playing Minecraft?

I started playing minecraft when I was in 8th grade, which was in 2009. I created servers with my friends and we played all the time. Minecraft has always been one of my favorite pc games.

What is your favorite sport?

My favorite sport has to be baseball because I have played it the longest, but I also loved football which I played all 4 years of high school.

Have you been pulled over by a cop?

I have actually been pulled over by a cop 3 times :thumbsdown: (n) Once because I was driving in a carpool lane, and the other times because I was going to fast. BUT I have only gotten 1 ticket out of those 3 times.

Would you be willing to eat a bowl of crickets for $40,000?

Yes I definitely would! It would be so worth $40,000!

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

I have a lot of these, but I'm going to go with what I think is the funniest.
When I was in pre-school I decided it was a good idea to put 2 small rocks up each my nostrils. I tried to get them out, but I kept jamming them deeper into my nose. I eventually told a teacher and she asked how it happened. Since I didn't want to get in trouble I told her someone threw them into my nose. I then had to go with my mom to the doctor where they pulled the rocks out with tweezers. I have never put anything in my nose since (except maybe my finger).

What is the longest you have gone without sleep?

I once didn't sleep for 2 days. The first day was my last day of high school and we had to go to this graduation party where all the seniors attended. The party was put on by teachers and we took a bus there. It didn't end until about 3 o' clock in the morning. I then was with friends and we decided to watch the last sunrise as high schoolers. Unfortunately, I was going to Mexico for a mission trip and I had to leave at 6 o' clock in the morning that following day. So I went from the high school grad night to a bus at 6 in the morning and was forced to stay up all the way to Mexico.

Have you ever tipped a cow?

I surprisingly have actually never tipped a cow before, but my mom has when she lived in Kansas.

What is your favorite Ice Cream?

My favorite ice cream has to be mint chocolate chip.

What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

The strangest thing I have eaten is either a real live worm, or a cactus. I ate the worm because if I did I could go in a haunted house for free, and I ate cactus (it was cooked and not prickly) when I was in Mexico. It was actually surprisingly very chewy and has a weird, thick liquid in it.

Okay, well I don't want to make this a super long forum thread for you to read, so I'm going to stop here. If you want to ask me anymore weird questions feel free too, and I will be happy to respond!

Thanks for reading and I hope all of you have a great day/night/afternoon.

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Aug 14, 2015
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Fun to read, I don't think i could eat a live worm regardless if I were able to enter any haunted house for free, bleh. Anyways, welcome back :)


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
I remember talking to you when I was once a Staff Member, we took some cool screenshots with you (I wonder if someone still has those). You were an awesome-laid back guy and it is great to meet you again!

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