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Give me your opinion guys!


May 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everybody, a couple weeks ago i posted the following message to MCSG's Facebook page, or rather, i sent them a message.. anyways, i haven't got any response from them, so i thought I'd post it here instead, then i can get some more feedback too... I know its a lot to read :3

Hello! Yesterday, i got this idea. I was playing on MCSG with some friends, and it was me and one other guy with no armor and a wood sword against me, with diamond sword and almost full iron armor left.​
When the deathmatch started, he ran arround and arround the cornucopia, untill the server restarted.. Maybe you could fix this somehow? It makes the games a lot less fun for people.
But, now to what i really wanted to tell you about!​
I got this idea about a Minecraft PvP World Championship!​
I was thinking maybe you could sign up for it at the webside, and posted your username, time zone etc.​
Then you got an e-mail back, telling you what server and what time you will have to be online at. the server should also be whitelisted to the people that will fight there.​
When the time is there, in the first round maybe there should be some sort of battle between many players, with the same armor and sword, and maybe a bow? and like the last 4 /40 standing wins, and gets qualified for the next round. Also, when you die, you get banned from the server(s) untill the championship is over, or you could have some sort of spectating area?​
In the next round you have another kind of PvP battle.​
In the next round you have another kind of PvP battle.​
In the next round you have another kind of PvP battle.​
But in all of the battles, all players should have the same gear, to make it fair!​
In the final round, when its down to.. idk, 24/12 people maybe? You will have the most epic PvP battle EVER, with a HUGE arena, maybe you can get Vareide and his guys to make one?
The last man standing, or the last 3 people gets some sort of price.. Maybe like a lifetime VIP slot on the MCSG servers for the winner, and maybe 1 year for the 2 others? :)
Anyways, thank you for taking the time reading this, feel free to respond if there is anything you dont understand, and i would love some feedback whatever the outcome is! I know this is a HUGE project too, but i feel like you guys are perfect for the task!"​
Wow, did you really read all of that? If you did, be sure to post your opinion on this in the comments! Thanks for your time people!​


Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
Sounds cool but i think it would take so much to organize that


May 30, 2012
Reaction score
correct me if I am wrong but isnt it going to be tournaments?
so do we need a world champion ship o_O

but I think it was only for some of the top players


Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
This would be awesome, but I would lose horrable.

Despite all my brains I'm still just a newb at this game.........


May 31, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everybody, a couple weeks ago i posted the following message to MCSG's Facebook page, or rather, i sent them a message.. anyways, i haven't got any response from them, so i thought I'd post it here instead, then i can get some more feedback too... I know its a lot to read :3

Hello! Yesterday, i got this idea. I was playing on MCSG with some friends, and it was me and one other guy with no armor and a wood sword against me, with diamond sword and almost full iron armor left.

When the deathmatch started, he ran arround and arround the cornucopia, untill the server restarted.. Maybe you could fix this somehow? It makes the games a lot less fun for people.

But, now to what i really wanted to tell you about!

I got this idea about a Minecraft PvP World Championship!

I was thinking maybe you could sign up for it at the webside, and posted your username, time zone etc.

Then you got an e-mail back, telling you what server and what time you will have to be online at. the server should also be whitelisted to the people that will fight there.

When the time is there, in the first round maybe there should be some sort of battle between many players, with the same armor and sword, and maybe a bow? and like the last 4 /40 standing wins, and gets qualified for the next round. Also, when you die, you get banned from the server(s) untill the championship is over, or you could have some sort of spectating area?

In the next round you have another kind of PvP battle.
In the next round you have another kind of PvP battle.
In the next round you have another kind of PvP battle.

But in all of the battles, all players should have the same gear, to make it fair!

In the final round, when its down to.. idk, 24/12 people maybe? You will have the most epic PvP battle EVER, with a HUGE arena, maybe you can get Vareide and his guys to make one?

The last man standing, or the last 3 people gets some sort of price.. Maybe like a lifetime VIP slot on the MCSG servers for the winner, and maybe 1 year for the 2 others? :)

Anyways, thank you for taking the time reading this, feel free to respond if there is anything you dont understand, and i would love some feedback whatever the outcome is! I know this is a HUGE project too, but i feel like you guys are perfect for the task!"

Wow, did you really read all of that? If you did, be sure to post your opinion on this in the comments! Thanks for your time people!

I'm positive they already have it in their agenda somewhere (or a variation if it). Just be patient! :p
It's a great idea, and I can't wait for it to be implemented. Wanna see if the "players who play the most and are subsequently considered the best" can live up to "the best" expectations. It'll be interesting.


May 14, 2012
Reaction score
I think that it should include more people, if not all that wants to, and i know thats gonna be REALLY hard to make happen.. :/


Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
The only problem is hackers. You would have to have some sort of system to find them. Aimbot in this would be awful.

Carter B32

Sep 25, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everybody, a couple weeks ago i posted the following message to MCSG's Facebook page, or rather, i sent them a message.. anyways, i haven't got any response from them, so i thought I'd post it here instead, then i can get some more feedback too... I know its a lot to read :3

Hello! Yesterday, i got this idea. I was playing on MCSG with some friends, and it was me and one other guy with no armor and a wood sword against me, with diamond sword and almost full iron armor left.​
When the deathmatch started, he ran arround and arround the cornucopia, untill the server restarted.. Maybe you could fix this somehow? It makes the games a lot less fun for people.
But, now to what i really wanted to tell you about!​
I got this idea about a Minecraft PvP World Championship!​
I was thinking maybe you could sign up for it at the webside, and posted your username, time zone etc.​
Then you got an e-mail back, telling you what server and what time you will have to be online at. the server should also be whitelisted to the people that will fight there.​
When the time is there, in the first round maybe there should be some sort of battle between many players, with the same armor and sword, and maybe a bow? and like the last 4 /40 standing wins, and gets qualified for the next round. Also, when you die, you get banned from the server(s) untill the championship is over, or you could have some sort of spectating area?​
In the next round you have another kind of PvP battle.​
In the next round you have another kind of PvP battle.​
In the next round you have another kind of PvP battle.​
But in all of the battles, all players should have the same gear, to make it fair!​
In the final round, when its down to.. idk, 24/12 people maybe? You will have the most epic PvP battle EVER, with a HUGE arena, maybe you can get Vareide and his guys to make one?
The last man standing, or the last 3 people gets some sort of price.. Maybe like a lifetime VIP slot on the MCSG servers for the winner, and maybe 1 year for the 2 others? :)
Anyways, thank you for taking the time reading this, feel free to respond if there is anything you dont understand, and i would love some feedback whatever the outcome is! I know this is a HUGE project too, but i feel like you guys are perfect for the task!"​
Wow, did you really read all of that? If you did, be sure to post your opinion on this in the comments! Thanks for your time people!​
I don't approve of this. The cost of providing the servers for all these people would be too much to bear for them. Now, if it was a tournament for people who say have diamond rank, that would make more sense to me, since they're basically paying for the servers. Also, if they had the same gear, that sorta ruins the point of it being the survival games. If they did do this, I'd say they'd have no corn, and people spawned random places, and have to find and eliminate each other. And also maybe live stream it. Now that would be interesting.

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