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Goodbye - My MCSG Story

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Jun 23, 2012
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It all started on May the 27th, 2012 when the Yogscast uploaded a special version of the Survival Games.
Having just seen the film I was intrigued as I never really contemplated the thought of PvP in Minecraft.
It was then that I searched the internet for an SG type server.. I stumbled upon a few smaller ones until I found MCSG and I fell in love.
I have to admit I was a complete n00b at first, I was the type of player who'd hide in the trees of SG1 for the entire 60minutes, yes games once lasted that long, Until deathmatch where I'd be down to 3 hearts, no regen and getting excited at the prospect that I had gotten that far! Lame I know..
I especially loved hiding on the far Island of SG1 with the tower at the edge of the dome that I referred to as "The Island of Safety"

I'd play for hours with my real life friends and housemates, Tom and Alex. I remember one game where we all ended up getting great armour, diamond swords and got into the last 4!
We were all practically starving due to the fact we had to share all the chests we found and food was quite scarce in those days..
It was then, out of nowhere a player come and completely destroyed everyone of us with almost no effort at all. His name? The legend that is iFrox.
We the seeked revenge on him the very next game.. We tried our best to fist him to death off spawn but he managed to get away, instead we fisted his teammate to death, TeIIo. Close enough eh? :)

I then proceeded to play quite the n00b for months until I stumbled across Nate252's Youtube channel.
He was the one who taught me about strategy, weaponry and it was from then on I developed my skills and ended up with my 1222 wins, making me 17th on the MCSG leaderboards overall.

Now, I could go on about my entire playing career such as my first rival, Theoretically..
My first Mod buddy, eshan
My first real friend, Agerbon..
My first stalker, Reven86..
My love affair with Breeze Island..
My betrayal of Gravey4rd..
Soo many moments but we'd be here all day so instead I'll give some shoutouts to a few people.

I'm starting this off with you my friend. We've been teaming since last summer and he's is genuinely the most trust worthy guy you could ever come across. He doesn't have a bad bone in his body and will literally sacrifice himself to save you. Which he's done on many occasions for Reven86 and I.
He's one player I've never managed to even contemplate betraying.
And he's the only player whose capable of winning a water fight against someone with full armour and a sword with nothing but an apple in his hand. Dat apple.

You were my first Mod buddy. You were an asset to this community and weren't treated the way you deserved to be. You are the true creator of Solar Frost and I'll never forget that.

Aellios and Zephyr
Two friends who tried to stand against the Sr staff. They wanted the best for the community.
It's a shame how it worked out and what happened to them but all I can say is they're both great guys who make quite the comedy duo.

Yes, I said my first real rival! You may not of known it but I couldn't stand seeing you in games :p
You were the one player who'd always kill me in an embarrassingly awful way.. Even once saying "Easy" after killing me on Breeze xD
But hey, you ended up being a really nice kid once I got the chance to speak to you and I'm so happy you got moderator. I wish you all the best for the future!

Johnny, you were my first proper friend from the community, we'd play for hours and hours together.. At times completely pissing off our girlfriends as they were forced to watch us play.
We spoke about real world problems and you were always a great person to speak with. It's a shame we drifted apart the past few months. Even though we don't speak much anymore I know you'll be a success! You're going to do well at University and I know you'll get a first class degree! <3

You were one of the first people I really started to speak to on TS, mainly because you were the only one close to my age :p haha
You, Reven and I would always chat late into the night and you're an awesome person :)
I'll never forget the time you made that kid cry on my server ;_;
Congrats on getting full Sr. Mod today! I know you'll do a great job.

Oh man.. My first "fanbase" due to Easy_Soup's videos..
Amandahz, Emil, Beppe, BaccaPlaysMC, Blue, Blueosten, ImAkye, MatIAss, Keiran, Mendoza, Proslayer, EmmaLuvz and the rest.. you are all awesome! And I love you all :) "Solar frost is bet3r"

Ahh Gibbo, how I missed you when you resigned! You were the one who accepted my mod app :) The one I sang the Poke Rap to during my interview.. You were the best :)
You were amazing to talk to and it was horrible when you resigned..
You were a fantastic staff member and it's great to see you back in the team :)
Bloody Northerner..

LEOOOOO. My favourite mute Sr Mod :)
You're an amazingly nice girl who'll go far :)
I'll always remember those moments during the mod meetings..
*User has timed out*
"Goodbye Le0" <3

AMELIOOOOO, nuff said. You're awesome :)
One of the few people I can't betray ;_;

You on the other hand.. I can betray quite easily :)
Just don't ever tell me you're low on health..

One of the first players who I shared that unwritten rule that we'd always team when in game together.. You're an awesome individual and were one of the best mods we ever had here at MCSG.
Honestly, the mods complete work dropped about 99% when you left. You were the workhorse in the team, especially on the forums and I'd really like you to take back your position as a staff member. MCSG needs you more than ever with all the great mods and Sr mods resigning and the current invasion of n00bs we're having :p

Possibly the only person on TS I'd always have to keep on -12db..
You're a hilarious and wonderful person and it's been great knowing you :)

Kat Spike
How the hell are you two so popular o_0
Easily the best VIPs we have. I miss gaming with you two, Apachi, Zorrodc and Grave :(

One of my original modsbuddies! So surreal when we found out we grew up just down the road from one another! Small world eh?
Wish you wouldn't of resigned and left us.. I miss your face.

Awesome person. You suck how you just left us >=[
Although I understand your reasons and I really hope you're doing well :)

Easily one of the funniest people I've ever spoken to. You could entertain me for hours and we always had a blast playing together. Dat accent <3

Rosie!! You'll forever be Rosie to me and not Rossie.
I'll never forget that time on TSG2 when you saved me from the triple team of Baccas that chased me from spawn ;_;
I honestly thought you were just going to kill me when you saw me running up to you with half health, almost no sprint and shouting, "Help! Bacca team!"

Genuine, down to Earth, intelligent Yorkshirite.. Bit of an oxymoron eh?
Definitely always had my back and supported me all the way.
Easily one of the outstanding members of the community and a real friend.

Ruled with a iron fist. Yes Bic may have been the one to demote me and I may not agree with the decision, but it wasn't solely down to him. He is still a very nice guy and he does his job very well. I have full respect for him and I know he will succeed in life.
Goodluck to you Bic, although I can assure you, you won't need it.

Potato. Someone who can get along with just about anyone. Easy to have a laugh with and by far the most hilarious guys to actually play a game with. I can't disclose why but.. he knows xD

Easily one of the best Sr staff we have. Fair and decisive. Always had my back and others for the right reasons <3

Even though you're annoying as hell you're still a nice guy and I always enjoyed talking to you :)
Betraying you was rather fun as well :)

You Sir. Are brilliant. Don't ever stop being the way you are.

The Legends
There are too many of you to name.. After my demotion you guys let me in with open arms. You're by far the most hated of all the clans. But thats mainly due to jealously. You're all the best PvPers MCSG have to offer and everyone wants to ban the "big players"
I love you all for having my back and giving me some of the best games I ever played on MCSG.
Fought with you guys in 3 clans battles and we won all three :)
You guys are the best and I know you'll continue to dominate!
Good luck in the upcoming Clan Wars!

Woody <3
The only player capable of winning 2 successive games without managing to kill anyone! /suicide
You are such a nice guy and definitely warm hearted. You always did what was right and the staffing team will miss you greatly.
Even though you're not happy with them you should be proud of your results. I'm proud of you! You're going to go to a great uni and you're going to do well!
Btw.. You still owe me a hotel -.-

Smoosh Banana
Smoosh smoosh Banana
Chop Banana
Chaop Chop Banana
Burn Bananas!
Burn the Bananas!!!!
a. a: o:
In med bollen, Sluta Bra.ka ;_;
Jag kommer att sakna dig

Pls don't divorce me now that I'm leaving ;_; pls I phan
Always enjoyed talking to you and thanks for having my back that one time :)
It meant a lot.

Best. Builder. Ever.
But not only that you're a lovely person, you always saw the good in people and thats an amazing quality to have.
It's about time you got one of your maps accepted so people can appreciate your talent!
I miss you Sneeze, Cough <3

I've probably known you the shortest amount of time but we got on amazingly well. As you wrote in the flowers on Fortress Pyke "C + P = Best Tem"
That statement is 100% accurate :)

NUUU, Nuuu, Stop it! He's probably on half a heart! Nuuu..
Oh Ed :)
You are one of the nicest people I've ever had the chance to speak to . You're always so chilled out and mellow.. I wonder why ;D.. Probably because you're from Manchester :p ha.
I remember always targeting you whenever I found myself with a sword as I knew how good you are at the game :)
You're still one of the few players I really can't beat in a 1v1. Dem bow skillz.

I met you one day on the TE server where you showed me your map.. Wyverns Wake and omg I fell in love. You are such a talented builder and what you made works. Its a PvPer's dream. Its got everything built into one map and it brilliant. Thankfully It wasn't quite finished yet and you allowed me to help with all the finishing touches which is how I got to know you :)
From that point on we played and played and I have to admit, at first.. you were pretty awful..
Nut now you're a very good PvPer :) Pretty unstoppable on one certain game mode we play on that one server I won't mention due to advertisement!
But not only are you a great guy and nice to play/talk with.. You're a caring individual as well.
I know this as you out of the blue asked me how my brother was after the big storm, as you knew he lived lived in the same area where a house was struck by lightning.
That shows it wasn't just about Minecraft, you were kind on a personal level as well. Please don't ever change.

Soupy! BSM is for hax. Stop using it.
Ah, what an amazing guy! I always enjoyed being in your TS channel, playing MCSG and.. another server with you… Even though that server is for hax -.-
Easily one of my favourite guys on here and theres a reason for that. You're genuinely a nice person. That and your mum :p
We've recorded YT vids together and even gathered up a few fans along the way xD
Protect Amandahz Beppe and Emil for me ;_;
They are nubs. You are pro… Sort of.

You are an outstanding person. Other than Reven I can't think of anyone I've played with more.
You went from Player to Friend to Mod within the first few weeks we started to speak. You're an incredible PvPer. Probably because of who you fanboyed ;) *cough* g33ke *cough*
But in all seriousness we had a great time playing together and not only that but we had great IRL conversations. You told me about stuff that only a few people know about and I've always tried to give you my best advice/knowledge as I know stuff at your age can be difficult. But you're a strong kid and you'll get through all of your issues. You'll over come them and be a stronger and nothing or nobody will get in your way.

Wow.. I remember our first game together. I was teaming with a friend of mine and you killed him ;_; so he told me to avenge him! And that I did xD
Asked you to team and the moment you started to craft at the train on SG4 I went all Jefeperro on you :3
You were then determined to seek your revenge and followed me from server to server.. My first stalker <3.
We had that little dance go on for a few weeks until we came across that massive team on Breeze where we were forced to team D:
And from that moment on #TheClassics were born.
We became mods together, we played together, we owned together. I've backstabbed you and you've backstabbed me more than all of Jefeperros put together.
Sure we raged from time to time but they were always for the lola and You are my MCSG buddy <3
All 6'4" 7'2"or 8'9" of you!
The memories.
The enchanted swords.
The Breeze Island matches.
The Classics.

There are countless others of you who I've played with over the past year and I know I've probably forgotten to list loads, I apologise!
I wrote this story in about 10 minutes!
Feel free to post any memories we've had below :)
Good/bad.. Just try not to mention my betrayals >.<
I'm known for that :c

I really did love my time on these servers/getting to know you all and I don't want to leave but to be honest.. I'm just upset with the way I've been treated.
I do believe my demotion was unjust and even though I was compensated with VIP even that was taken from me.
All for trying to help a few players who were falsely banned and spreading my opinions and thoughts.

I've loved you all and I wish every single one of you the best for the future :)

gg hf tem at fountain.


Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
#TheLegends, I just want to say, why are we treated so unfairly? Yes in the passed we may have caused a bit of trouble, but this doesn't mean we should be banned innocently?


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
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goodbye philly sad to see you leave but I hope you remember me being in your interview too ;)


District 13
May 6, 2012
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Philly <3

The Zoidberg days :p. Thanks for being an amazing person, and best of luck to you in whatever you decide to pursue-- I'm sure you'll do just fine ;)


Jun 16, 2013
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So sad to see you go, I wish you the best of luck in the future.

I'll be wating at the fountain for you! <3


Jul 2, 2012
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I truly wish you a good and successful life <3


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for being a great mod and a great help to the community overall <3


Aug 6, 2013
Reaction score
You are an outstanding person. Other than Reven I can't think of anyone I've played with more.
You went from Player to Friend to Mod within the first few weeks we started to speak. You're an incredible PvPer. Probably because of who you fanboyed ;) *cough* g33ke *cough*
But in all seriousness we had a great time playing together and not only that but we had great IRL conversations. You told me about stuff that only a few people know about and I've always tried to give you my best advice/knowledge as I know stuff at your age can be difficult. But you're a strong kid and you'll get through all of your issues. You'll over come them and be a stronger and nothing or nobody will get in your way.

Philly. You have been by far my best friend on MCSG for the past months. You helped me through many rough times. I remember approaching you Reven and ColdHeart. I remember owning you with the fishing rod when I was playing with sarr. I remember so many good memories. My day has darkened to learn that you will be leaving. I understand why you are but know that I will never forget you.

I also think about our real world conversations. I talked to you about almost everything. I remember the first day I recieved the news that I had devoloped Cancer. You where there. I dealt with the feeling ill and fearing for my life for a few weeks. I never told you but for a few days there they thought the cancer was untreatable. I decided to spend the last couple of months of what I thought was going to be my life both with my family and You and other MCSG friends.

As im sure you know. I will never forget you. Ever. You made me smile when I was feeling down. Your voices made me laugh. You made me laugh.

You are a great person and friend. Thanks for being there for me and goodluck in all your future endeavours.

Try to say hello sometimes. And Yes I cried
Goodbye Friend,
Cole Hirschhorn (aka Voxcile)
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