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Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
Some of you may have seen this coming, it's been pretty obvious with my recent activity honestly, but it's my time to quit. This was a difficult decision on my part, and I've been arguing with myself over this for weeks and weeks. I don't enjoy minecraft anymore, I enjoyed battles but that was it, and I couldn't practice enough to play because I didn't enjoy it whatsoever, because of this I knew I couldn't really be any help to our clan. The only thing holding me back from this were my friends in Rebels. I've enjoyed my time in this clan so much and I'm glad I could experience it before quitting. Ever since I was a randy from long ago (more than I am now at least) I always wanted to either be in Rebels or beat them, and I've been able to do both, and both experiences were great. I almost quit this community a while ago, right before Destiny was created but one person kept me here, Sevector and I'm glad he did. Destiny and Rebels introduced me to some great people and I'll miss them. I want to thank Jccandfriends and Maxypie for giving me a chance. Now for my long list of people I can thank, I've been here a while so idk how long it'll be. If I missed you I probably just forgot, so put something below.

Maxypie - You were a great leader and an amazing friend. Since I first started talking to you in Destiny I knew you were a pretty chill guy and I'm glad I got to know you better. Thank you for the experience and make sure you keep Rebels running as well as you have been (AKA don't leave Jcc to run it into the ground ;) )

Jccandfriends - You gave me a chance in Destiny without really knowing me well and that experience was fantastic. It lead to so much fun, and I almost missed it by quitting. I met you in a random scrim you joined us on in Trostetic and you were a fun guy who just enjoys himself but at the same time you lead well and know how to keep this clan running pretty well.

Skillexio - You're a fun guy to hang out with. I had no idea who you were when I first met you but I quickly started to like you. You're chill but mature when you need to be. Your mod and officer rank are well deserved.

Zeno - Zeno, I still love you, even after you denied my ref app (though in retrospect that was a pretty good idea on your behalf). You're a funny guy and I always enjoyed hanging out with you on ts, no matter what we were doing. Not to mention you started this great clan and that's pretty fantastic.

Justiinn - Is this still your forum account? Anyway, you're a really chill guy and one of the nicest people in the clan, at least that I've noticed personally. Your officer was well deserved and I'm glad you got it. Make sure you pick up the slack for me now that I've left okay? I know it's a hard title to live up to but have faith ;).

Alkalize - I think this is your forum account Robbie. But anyway, since Rebound you've been a good friend and we've had some good times. I'm glad you ended up joining Rebels and I hope you're glad that I convinced you :p. I'll have to find my way out to Philly again to actually find you this time.

Sevector - We've been pretty good friends since Unbound and you were always a good player and a good leader. When I was considering quitting a while back I went to you for help in my decision, and boy did you help a lot. You helped turn a random like me into the slightly less random person I am today.

KaosInspired - I had no idea who you were when I met you but I quickly got used to you once you joined Rebels and I'm glad to have met you. In the end I went for you to help with deciding this, I guess I just needed to tell someone what I was thinking. You're a good player and you fit in very well with them, I'm glad you joined.

c_rod7392 - Way to get forum banned genius. But I made sure to get you in Clan league and I trusted you a lot. You're a chill guy and I'm glad I met you. I'm sorry that Rebels didn't end up working out for you but you've figured something out at least.

Other people I'm glad I've been able to meet but I'm tired of writing right now, maybe later. Bogen radodim Sportz Primeval Soniq (is that your forum?) Brndy CrimsonAura ForceHacks Timezones yzpA ChrisComedies dq AuroraVersion2 AttackDog91 Kohiro WolfieGames SubjectBlue mrkenta1 FuzzyPB CaliSwag BlueCaptain UpdatinStatus Bunns Rayy

Of course there are more people who have affected me throughout my time here on mcsg (been here since beta so of course) but I've actually written one of these before so a lot of them were mentioned there. Don't worry, if anyone wants to get in contact with me pm me and I'll give you my skype and I'll try to get on the ts when I can :) Well I guess this is it, hit me up with that VIP fam. I'll miss you guys a lot, thank you for all the great memories.

DatPikachu and Chris are both huge nerds.
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Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
gl man
Last edited:
Apr 29, 2015
Reaction score
me and you talked about clans one time on teamspeak, and it was nice, even though we didn't talk at all after that, you still had respect for me as I have for you, good luck man.


Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
You were a really nice guy
And ur right minecraft is trash

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