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[GUIDE] How to: Kill Teams [1]


Jul 13, 2013
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NOTE: The new one is released: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/team-killing-tips-2-2015.158310/

[taking on a team of 3]

[update as of 1/1/2015: improved]

[I decided that this guide will be updated monthly or sometimes, weekly. Though I haven't set a schedule for updating yet, so please just bare with me.]


Hello. I'm Tyrone. Today, I'll be teaching you and informing you tricks and ways on how to improve your team-killing skills, which my tips will also give you a chance to develop a new tactic of your own based on how you play and fight.

I have not played in so long. I can still remember how I played, but I'm just not working out anymore. This is tip(s) #1:
  • So, when you encounter teams, for example, 2 or 3 teamers. Try to take them down 1 by 1. Use your surroundings to help you, and split them up so you have an advantage to take them down 1 by 1.
  • If you're going to yolo it, it's important to use your secondary weapons, like bows or flint and steel. Whatever seems best of your choice, use it.
  • If you run away often, it's okay, but make sure to change your patterns for offense often, so they won't expect your strikes. Attack if you're in a certain area with a huge amount of space. Narrow spaces like sewers or something is a good place bows too! Remember, secondary weapons is the key for success (if you mastered your techniques and such)
  • It's always good to use a fishing rod technique, or a combo for certain amount of times. Make their space narrow, and make them confused by wandering around and through confusing places or something.
  • Combos, they're something nice to talk about! Use combo's like bow, sword, fishing rod, fns, bow, or something that can weaken them, or atleast give you time to run.
  • If you're about to die, then it's your fault. Run away at a certain amount of hearts such as: 6 or 7. It gives you more chances to survive, so if they shoot you or anything, you'll have some hearts left atleast.
  • If it's a big team you're talking about, like 6 or 8, whatever seems big for you, you're talking big business here. First of all, you don't really need to spam your FNS much, all it is, is about your techniques, and how you act. It's very important to know their techniques and their patterns before trying to attack. Take them down 1 by 1 and split them up, lead 1 to an unknown place, and the others, wherever you think might be good.
  • Another tip for big teams is to, let's say, give it a twist. Since they're a big team, you never know the accidental hits they'll have on each other. Be careful, though, you might get hit-spammed. Find your way through the team or something, and make sure you don't get a lot of hits on yourself.
Okay, enough of that. Let's talk about something else, shall we, mates'?

Okay, so anyways, sometimes, I've been getting questions from my friends at school, about how to take on a clan team. This is bigger than the big business that we talked about in the small business which included some big business (wat)! Okay, some as I said, get to know their techniques and patterns first. But they'll all have similar, and some different, as some of them are taught by, Leaders? Officers? You never know. Study their tricks, and work out your own tricks to counter their's.

After you got that done, we're moving on to another step. If you're going to encounter a clan team, Take them all in little groups. Try and make them to try and cut you off. This splits your opponent in, I don't know, half, quarter? As long as it's more than 2, it's good enough. Also remember to make them cut you off through a large, thick building, like in SG4 or something. Then, take on the not-cutting-you-off team, but carefully. Make sure you try and take out the good ones, then the bad ones. Once the gonna-cut-you-off team thing reaches you, run away. You might have a few hearts left, which is, pretty bad.

In the running away part, if you have any golden apples, just eat it. Don't wait until I eat my breakfast or something. Just do it. If you don't have any golden apples, it's okay. Try to keep running for a few more minutes and regen your health. If you need some food, eat it when you got them far enough, giving you enough time to eat, or, if sponsored, eat the cake by placing it on the floor and eating it while running. If you place it, remember to spam your right-click to eat it quick. That's what I do, atleast.

[ If you're wondering, "How do I slow them down?", or something like that, well, maybe I got the answer? A fishing rod is good enough, or burning them with flint n' steel will decrease 3 and a half hearts, while also slowing them down, which, I pretty much agree to do. Don't spam it, just turn and flame, and boom-shaka-laka! Just remember to aim correctly at the FLOOR. Not the player. The FLOOR.

Finally, to take them down, if it's 2 or more, just burn em' up abit, put them away with your fishing rod, couple of bow shots, and finally with a sword. If in your words, fns, fns, fishing rod, fishing rod, bow, sword. I'll make a thread about combos and such in the future. But feel free to create your own combo! Use what you know and mix it up to create something nice.

If you took down the big team, congratulations! You've done something good for once in your life! Okay, so, let's continue? Mates'.


Welcome back! I hope you're ready for more! Here are some of my other tips! And I'll display a few of my friend's tips too!

  • TIP: If you're going to run away, make sure you don't look back unless you're going to attack the team. Looking back decreases your running speed, infact, you'll run the OTHER way. Press F5 on your keyboard twice to look at your back. Press again to have your normal minecraft camera view. If you can't use F5, and it's not working, head over to the controls and change the Camera View controls, same with the others, to something comfortable where you can memorize.
  • FRIEND TIP: Use secondary weapons if you're on low health. They're like a safety kit, or something important which you can name yourself! Challenge: Name what I said!
  • TIP: Don't team with other random people, there's a chance he's part of another team or the opposing team, or he would betray you or use you as something. Make sure you can trust people and only team with FRIENDS. People you can TRUST.
  • TIP: Don't do a truce or team sign, they're going to betray you anyways, or use you as something. It's likely this will happen, because I've faced ALOT of teams, and trust me, you don't want to act nice. Infact, you don't want to be stupid or dumb.
  • FRIEND TIP: If you're going to use secondary items, use the bow and fishing rod frequently. Use only FNS if you're running away, or you want to burn your enemies or put it as a distraction or something. Whatever that can help you achieve the main goal here: Kill. Teams.
[pt 2]

We're going to talk about a series of techniques, skills, studying, needs, or whatever. This is important for taking out teams. In part 3, we will cover more of this, and some other things.

  • Need to master fishing rod technique
  • Need to master flint and steel skills
  • And need to know how to find the enemies' pattern, attack, whatever.
[1] Fishing Rod Technique

The fishing rod technique, which I learned to use back then, is a trick where you use your fishing rod against your opponent by sending your opponent flying in the air for a millisecond or something and attack at that point. If you don't know how to do it, here's how:

  • Simply equip your fishing rod, and carefully aim at your opponent. You have a higher chance with this technique if your opponent jumps. Why do they jump? Because if you jump and land on the ground, while hitting a player, at that point, it's something you call a critical hit. A critical hit is when you hit your opponent and it does extra damage than it normally does.
  • Shoot your rod string thing at the opponent, and at that moment he/she is in the air, quickly strike a few hits. Acting quickly will get more hits than normal. A video will explain how the technique will work.
  • An extra, better way on doing the fishing rod technique is doing a combo. As I think I explained combos in Part 1 abit, where you use secondary weapons. Make sure your combo has a fishing rod action in it's first take. But, you can change it to your own liking, or something that can be useful!
You need to master this because it's a useful thing, as I think I said, to push away enemies, and, also for offence and defense. It's not a 'nooby' thing or anything. It's simply a trick where people can choose to use, so they use the trick to fight more better, thus, also learning different tricks involving fishing rods.

If you master this, you can achieve higher knowledge of when and how to attack your opponent, and also increasing your capability and knowledge of creating combos and such. This is why I like the fishing rod technique, which I don't use much often now, but seems to be useful for any back-up emergency things. Especially when taking on a 1v1, or 1v2.

[2] Flint n' Steel

Flint and steel is like the life-saver. It helps you in backup plans and in defense and offense. In offense, you can learn different ways on how to set your opponent on fire in different unexpected ways. In defense, you can simply learn how to set your enemies on fire without them expecting your trick or something.

Flint and Steel is actually pretty easy to learn. In fact, you don't need to learn how. You just gotta learn different tricks with flint and steel, and combo! There are several ways which you can find and learn different tricks, also creating your own! Here are some:

  • If it's a trick you want, then you can have it. Remember I said combos? We'll cover that later in another guide. So, if you got about 1 or 2 flint and steels, you can have a combo which is, like: fns, fns, sword, fishing rod, fns, etc. And when I say FNS, I mean one use, not multiple spams.
  • A tip: If you want to burn someone, make sure you look at their offense pattern first. You'd also want to see their walking/running pattern, but they change it sometimes, so be careful to study them quickly!
  • Okay, so, how do you study them? I forgot to mention it, but I decided to say it here. So, if you want to study some pattern or anything, there's a simple trick. Just look at them. See their movements. It's actually pretty simple if you think about it. If you want to practice more though, that kind of helps you more of pattern-studying thing.
  • Try and make your own combo. Here's a starter you can use: bow ___ sword ___ fns ___ fishing rod _____. You can edit the blanks, edit the written combo tricks, or do both! Anything that can help you, be free!
Enemy Patterns

Most enemy patterns are something like: zig-zag walk, or bow, fishing rod, sword, sword, or something. But it's something that they'll frequently use until someone finds out or expect their attack/pattern. There are different ways to avoid this, and I'll tell you one, atleast.

Studying Patterns -

Another way on how to study patterns other than the one as I said in the flint and steel part, is...
- You can look at their movements, or burn them or use something, and see their reactions to it. Do some offenses too, and do some defenses to see what they'll do. After doing so, you can see and examine all the times this happens, and once you come to a point where you understand and know, you can expect and know what to do, so you can withstand their force.

- What next?
- Simply create a new technique or such and try to make it as fit as possible to use against the opponent. Create multiple techniques and tricks and try all of them at the enemy. This gives you a chance to know your flaws and such, what has to be done, etc. Keep trying!


Reader's Tip: If you're climbing up a 1x1 ladder, make sure you shoot the teams down 1 by 1, or kill one of them then kill the other, with a bow. They have no choice but to go down or up!

Tip 2: If you're in a narrow space, use your bow. It's a good way to prevent them from reaching you, also making them annoyed and such. Fishing rods are good for this too.

Tip 2: Don't use swords always! As people always say, secondary. weapons.


[pt 3]

[NOTE]; I have been away from the game for more than a year, and I can't believe I still remember to continue this guide. Just bare with me, please.

Adapting to the Areas

There are plenty of ways on how to adapt to areas which you think seems impossible to fight in. Everywhere in a map has it's advantages and it's disadvantages, which makes the map interesting.

  • If you're in a narrow space, or on roads, or anywhere that's small, use your secondary weapons. Narrow spaces increases the chance of lighting the player and using the bow more frequently. This can also give you ideas on how to react to small places differently, which develops your PVP skill.
  • If you're in a large space, for example, Valleyside University's football field, then it's pretty much, hmm, let's say, moderate. If you're planning to light the player up, have your chances. It's sometimes good for Unexpected Fire trick, which will be explained later, but having a large space, the fishing rod technique and combos seems best. Why? If you have a big space, you can pretty much do a big combo, because you can go and attack at any point, anywhere, without any blocks in your way. Fishing rod technique can help by pushing your opponent away in alot of different directions, because of the amount of large space you have.
  • If you're in a space, let's say, not really big, not really small, then you're fit with combos, which I prefer only. Why? Because if you're using combos, it's just really kind of the same with the one above. A lot of unexpected direction hits and such, but without that 'large' amount of space.
  • If you're in a building, then you're probably best for flint and steel with stairs or something in room, like the room entrance. It's best to do this so they'll light up when you block their way with fire. You can light up the glowstone, which causes invisible fire, in Avaricia and such in the stairs.
  • If you're in a building with no walls, like the car park in Valleyside University, then try to hit the players off the building, or do something like a distraction. Create your own ways doing this, and try to see if they fit you, and if they help you conquer your enemies!
Once you practiced this, and feel comfortable with these different ways, you can pretty much fight anywhere, with your own ways to fight someone! Especially for teams. Heh.

Taking Advantage

There are many ways where you can take advantage of your enemies. One of the top and my favorite ones are your surroundings! Your surroundings are your friends, use them to help you conquer your enemies.

There's a lot of ways which you can use to take advantage of your enemies. I'll post some so you can get more ideas, and form different ways.

  • Mountain - If you're climbing up a mountain, try to use flint and steel and put the block they're on or they're going to jump on, on fire. That way, they can take damage, and will stay in the fire for a couple of seconds for some reason, and go down or up. Use 1 fire for each player in the opposing team. 1 is enough, and if you don't believe me, then try this yourself.
  • Caves - If you're in a cave then you need to define what type of cave it is. But whatever, I'll just say it:
  • Water Cave : You got an advantage here, since you're in water. So, first of all, there is one rule. You gotta have a bow AND a fishing rod. If not, don't head for the water caves. Use the bow to shoot at the opponent or team repeatedly since they are being slowed down with the water. If you are low in health use your fishing rod to rod them away and regenerate your health.
  • Normal Cave : I haven't seen much of these kinds of caves, but if you're in this kind of situation, the best thing to do is to trick your opponent first. This applies for 2 player teams. Move to the right, then to the left. It is likely you might get hit and get stuck on the wall, but if you're stuck on the wall, rod them backwards and make a run for it. This part where you run has been explained way up there in the introduction or something. If you're against 3 player teams or above that, then you better come to me to talk about it.
  • Obsidian Caves : Obsidian caves like in the Demons Breeze map or something can be useful. Just to tell you, in US or something Demons Breeze has been removed, so use this in other maps that has an obsidian cave. Anyways, flint n' steel is always a good option, knowing that obsidian caves are usually the smallest ones in MCSG. And by that I do mean the width and length of the cave, not the inside space. Make a line of fire and use your bow, then attack. Really simple, just use combos. As I said, COMBOS save your life.
  • Other Caves : If you're talking about another kind of cave then just combine what I said and figure it out or create your own strategy. Studying the cave or identifying it can help you a lot more in cave battle situations.
I don't plan on adding more in because of my time, so I'll get to the chase here.
Our new topic is about your instinct or whatever.

Your instinct and gut is one of the main connections to fighting teams. You gotta know if someone is behind you, or what you need to do next. This is a simple topic, it's pretty easy to do or learn.

So people might say that you can't learn instinct, you already have them. Well, you're wrong. People have to know how to use their instinct the best way they can for their survival and stuff. It's based on how they think it is and stuff.

You need to learn to trust your instincts and guts. If you can, try and make the best way possible to maintain safety in the battlefield and acknowledge the positions of the enemies.

Creating smart ideas can be helpful to your survival and will increase your chances of winning. It is similar to how you play chess in a way, just really different.

"But what if they know what I'm about to do?"
If they counter one of your attacks, think of something quick, or just trust your instinct and fight back. It's really simple if you think about it, and a hell of a challenge to explain, too.

"What if I have 3-4 hearts?"
Scroll up and read parts 1-2.

The final topic about part 3 will be about how to counter attacks. I have somewhat explained how to counter attacks, but in this I will explain how to do so more clearly.

Now, it's really simple to do a counter attack. Back then it was really. People just had the block-hit technique and used it frequently. But now I will show you a different way on how to counter attacks due to new updates.

To counter a attack, a fishing rod technique would work just fine. But here's a more unique way of doing it.
When applying the fishing rod technique during a counter attack, before actually using the fishing rod technique, equip your bow, fire quickly, fishing rod, fire quickly, fishing rod, then sword. It may sound really simple, but using it during battle, will be very effective against the opponent.

Another way of counter attacking, is when the opponent is doing the fishing rod technique, is to shoot them with an arrow, then fishing rod, FNS, and sword. The bow part is the counter, the rest can be anything you want.

To successfully counter a FNS attack, I guarantee you this is a 95% working tactic:
While they are equipping their FNS, quickly take out your fishing rod and push them away, setting the fire on themselves if you're lucky, and if not, which you will still be, on the wrong block.

If you have any more tips about countering, or anything about the stuff in part 3, post below and I'll try and add it if I'm happy with it.

[pt 4]

Part 4 will be delayed because my spare time got less because of school situations and life stuff. I will write some parts from time to time in my notepad, then upload it here once I'm finished, but for now, I won't be able to finish it. Also, I've been scammed out of my account by ToxicWaste, so I won't be able to play Minecraft unless I purchase a new account.

Part 4, and the other parts, will be re-written in the new version of this thread, which is coming soon.

Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Last edited:


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Great guide!
If you have alot of arrows you might wana try to find a 1x1 ladder which goes up alot, when you are ontop just shoot em down! They won't be able to get away cause it's only a 1x1 area, they can only choose to go up! as when they try to go down your arrows will most likely hit them up again.


Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
Nice thread! This will help me a lot on my PvP skills! Once again, Thank you so much! :D


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
:eek: Awesome guide! I actually only got through to the first part of part 2 (Time limits) but I'll be sure to read the rest later!!


Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
Thx for the tip xD im alway get a problem when im facing team hope this thread can help me :D


Jul 13, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry for not updating - life issues and technical issues with my computer.


District 13
Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
Nice guide! I really like the tips, you went into nice detail.
Just realized your the guy that called me a hacker yesterday xD


Jul 13, 2013
Reaction score

My account has been hacked. There is no way I was the one who called you a hacker.

I am trying tor retrieve Tyroneley.


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
My goodness, this guide is exceptional work! This thread must be pinned on top of Survival Games tips and tricks, because this could definitely be useful for a great amount of people! :D

Although I don't play Survival Games much (Creative, woohoo!), I still think this will be very useful for those who go an independent path of Survival games. :)

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