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Guide Guide to Forum Features


May 29, 2012
Reaction score

Lately, I have noticed a decline of people who fully understand this forum and all its features. Therefore, I have decided to make a guide on all the things that you can and must know about the forum and how everything is to be used. I will be arranging this thread in a very systematic way, so it can be referred to in an easy manner.

This, is the top bar. When I first used the forums all its features confused me a lot, and I only understood the basics of it. I have since learned a lot and now fully comprehend all its peculiarities and I'd like to share this knowledge with as much MCGamers as possible. It can be divided into three major parts, I will be explaining each and every single one of these, even the simplest.


Remove Formatting: Selecting a bunch of text and then clicking this feature will result in all of the formatting to be undone. Meaning that all the features I described in 1.2 and 1.3 will be reset.


Bold: All this does is make the text look bold. Example Text.
Italic: All this does is make the text look italic. Example Text.
Underline: This just underlines the test. Example Text.
Strike-Through: All this does is strike-through the text. Example Text.


Text Color: Fairly simple and self-explanatory, this button allows you to change the text color of certain parts of your written text. There are plenty to choose from.
Font Size: There are tons of differents sizes that you can make use of. From very small all the way to very big.
Font Family: This feature allows you to change the font family of your text. We don't have as many as Word, but there are plenty to choose from. This
is an example of what we have to offer.


Alignment: This is a special and nifty component of the Top Bar. It makes you align your sentences to the right, left or center.


Unordered List: This creates a unordered list, this is a usefull feature when you want to create a checklist or any other list of things that are not set to a specific amount of tasks or one where the amount doesn't necessarily matter.
  • Example

Ordered List: This is basically the opposite from the last one, a list where the amount of set task does indeed play an important role or when a reference to the amount of tasks to be done is included in the text.
  1. Example
Outdent: This allows you to outdent your text.
Indent: This allows you to indent your text.


Link: With this feature, you can set a certain image/text to be a link. Meaning that if people click on it, they will be redirected to the link that you put in. Example.
Unlink: By clicking this button, you will undo the link that you have selected.


Smilies: This feature allows you to put in smilies in your text, self-explanatory.
Images: This feature allows you to put in images into your text, to make it more vivid, uploading images to imgur, for example, will help a lot.
Videos: Same as the images, but only Youtube, Dailymotion, Liveleak, Facebook, Vimeo & Metacafe videos work. Please do not blantantly advertise your youtube videos, we have a Media section for that.


Code: Cool addition to your text. This will make the text in between the code look like this.

Quote: This will make your text look like this.

Save Drafts: A save option, this will safe what you've written so far if you ever accidentally leave the site.


Undo: Very simple, if you ever make a mistake, completely screwing up your post, you can simply undo it.
Redo: The opposite of the previous one.


BB Code Editor: Not necessary by any means, if you are experienced with BB code, you can use this instead of the Top Bar.

Currently, there aren't many I can think of, but feel free to post some if you think it will help people understand the forum better.


How do I tag people? All you have to do is type an @ sign and type a forum username right next to it.

That's all for now, I hope this helped some people out. I wish you all a very pleasant stay on the MCGamer Network and take care!

- Aracnophobia


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Wooh, finally a place that I can link when people ask this question!
<3 Good job!!!

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