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Guide : Winning an MCSG Game!


Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone! Today I will be giving a guide and my personal experience as a veteran of the MCSG community of how to win a simple game and how to get on massive winning streaks without teaming with your friends and just soloing! Hopefully this gets good feedback and I assure that this guide will help you guys out. Now seeing myself I know how to win an MCSG game in many different tactics and ways even with challenges such as hackers, teams, clans, and tryhards. I hope you enjoy this guide and leave a like if you enjoyed it and if it helped!!!

In The Lobby
Now, when you want to win an MCSG game, it isn't just about skill and tactics. You need your mental mindset to be confident and thinking you can win this game. Listen to some music to get you pumped if you need to and throughout the game it helps! If you have friends that you are talking with while you are in the lobby preparing just be as cheerful and positive as you can. If you are in the lobby and are in a bad mood and try your hardest to play as aggressive as possible, you will lose the game no matter how many people you kill you will have one challenge that will kill you in the stupidest or weirdest way possible. The difference between a positive and negative attitude is a huge difference even though many people won't notice it, it can decide wether you win or lose the MCSG game. Remember, Stay positive, think you can win the game, and remember to have fun!

Start of the Game

When you are those 30 seconds of Pregame you see the 8-12 chests placed. Grabbing items from a chest does take concentration and eye-coordination skills to get important items such as stone swords, diamonds, iron/chain/gold armor. Getting those items from the chest can win you the game in 1 click of the mouse! You can also take over your route and take down the enemy or a skilled player early in the game. You can practice grabbing chests by going on different servers or in a single player server and placing items in random spots and grabbing them over and over again. You could just practice by grabbing them in the MCSG game if you wish to also. Remember, grabbing some items out of the 1 chest can change the game.

Getting the Route

It doesn't really matter if you decide to rush your route or go for spawn, either way you could probably still get your route. If you rush your route, you have a 50% better chance of living and it is an advantage of getting to the route first before others do unless others try to rush along with you. If you go to spawn however and you don't seem to get anything or good stuff from spawn you may have a slightly disadvantage if someone had rushed it and got a weapon along the way. Remember, rushing or going to spawn does not effect you completely.

Finding a Hacker in the Game

If you are in the middle of the game and you stumble across a player who seems to be suspicious of hacks, there are many tactics to take them down.

Bow spam - If the hacker has kill aura or forcefeild you may want to get 10 blocks or more away to spam them with arrows to a point where they are 3 hearts or lower and then you can charge in and finish them off.

Flint and Steel - The flint and steel is pretty effective against hackers as well, if you lit them on fire you could go in and try to get a couple hits on them right away and if they are 2 hearts or lower they would burn to death after that. You could also lit them on fire then back up and bow them to death which could keep your health up rather than doing full on sword PvP the whole time.

Fishing Rod - The fishing rod is important against people like kill aura people sometimes because if you rod the hacker with kill aura and run at them, the kill aura tries to hit from 5-6 blocks away while you are running at them. Luckily, if they don't have good ping and reach the hits won't register and you can land a combo on them then bow spam or set them on fire.

These tactics against the types of hackers can be enough to take them down! Sadly I have no explanations for speed hackers unless you go in the water and bow spam them and hope that they don't speed hack in the water.

Finding a Team in the Game

Usually you will find a team of 2 or 3 in a game. Now, one thing you don't want to ever do is try to go full out sword PvP with all of them at once. No matter how bad they are you usually won't just go Rambo on them like that unless you are super aggressive with the sword and know what to do in the situation with it. Here are some tactics on how to fight them:

Drawing them apart - If you take time and draw them away from each other, you can take 1v1's with them and pick them off before the other 1 or 2 come.

Flint and Steel - You can set traps up like invisible fire to set them on fire so they would panic and you would have the upper hand to bow spam or go in for the sword PvP.

Bow Spam - You can try to bow them down so they are at 4 hearts or 5 hearts and go in with the sword or set them on fire with the FnS

Now, these tactics may not always work, but the key is to be PATIENT.

All Around Tactics to Winning a Game

Tactics that you use in a game you could use against every single person you fight and use over and over again. Such tactics are so effective such as:

Sword - If you have good ping and connection to the server and have fast clicking speed you may be best with just the sword or even with a secondary which I will mention later on to get combos. You can however get just combos with the sword by strafing around the person.

Bow - If you have a good amount of accuracy with the bow, you might want to usually start a fight with the bow. Even though most fights start with a secondary weapon the bow does the most damage in the beginning of the fight.

Fishing Rod - The fishing rod is my favorite secondary weapon. Not only is it used offensively it can be used defensively. While running at someone you can use to the rod to stun them for .2 seconds so you can get the first hit or possibly get a combo. If a person is chasing you, you can use the rod to rod them back as a defensive move and possible rod them enough where they get annoyed and get an offensive combo.

FnS - The FnS can do a 3 heart damage right away in the fight so you can have that upper advantage. It can also be used to set on fire people who are chasing you.

These tactics can also take down teams, hackers and talented players. Remember, Don't be too aggressive but don't be too defensive while using these tactics.


While in deathmatch you may encounter a team, a hacker, or people that decide to team against you if you have better gear or are the better player. Luckily! you can use the tactics that we had gone over already! Now, if it is just an FFA you are along with 2 other skilled players, it is important to not get cleaned up or try to stay out of the fight to a point where you get shocked by lightning. Try to bow both of the players down or get them to fight each other so you may go and clean up the other player.

Well! That's it! All these tactics shall give you a 90% chance in winning the game if you use these tactics wisely. Remember, the most important part is to WI..... Have fun!!!! Have a good day everyone! Don't forget to leave a like if you found these helpful!
Last edited:


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
This is a really good Tip thread, it'll help a lot of new players. Just like you :)


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Thread Moved to the correct section. :)


District 13
Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
If you aren't great at PVP, try staying out of high traffic area, and you might just make it to DM with full leather & a wooden axe xD

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