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Happy Birthday Yannick!!!


Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Hey man! <3

I know this might not be the best gift but at list I wanted to give you something.
So I made you this thread with all my love <3

The 50 things of Yannick !

1. People call you Yannisha, Yannick or Yannr00s
2. You just turned 19
3. You are from Aruba.
4. You love bowling and you are really good at it.
5. You speak Dutch, English and really bad Spanish hahahaha. You travel a lot!
7. Your awesome (Speak the obvious)

8. Great Staff, Better person and even better Friend <3
9. You are here to help anyone at anytime for anything!
10.You think your fat but you aren’t at all.
11.You are an Apple Fan
12.You have 1 brother
13.You have a LOOONG Hair
14.You have Brown eyes

15.You have dark hair
16.You love Kanye West álbum and Nicki Minaj
17.You bought minecraft to play on MCGamer.
18.You’ve played MCGamer sense 2012.
19. You were a staff member for 10 months before becoming an Admin that make you second fastest Admin in the whole history of MCGamer. (That was promoted to that position starting from Moderator.)
20. We were Waiting Buddies
21.You consantly say that you are bad on PvP even though you have 3K win ;-;
22. You wake up look at the horizon then get your phone and get on ts.
23.You sleep for LOTS of hours.
24.You go to sleep REALLY late 2.
25.You don’t like KOHI neither UHC
26.You are a really patient person.
27.Im just saying 1 word: Swearing.
28. You barely upload spanchats to your History, but you send a lot of private ones.
29.You love Instagram.
30.This one im not sure: You have 1k followers on tittwer or you’re really close to get them like 1 or 2 more followers.
31.You don’t watch anime.
32.You like to take selfies.
33.You love singing
34.You sing really funny.
35.You have never performed before on the OMN
36.You aren’t a Vegan.
37.You love eating.
38.You don’t tryhard school, but you still do good.
39.You like to met new people!
40.You never make your bed after waking up in the mornings.
41. You don’t watch Anime.
42.You have a Dog.
43.You were supposed to be named different but your parents went for Yannick at the end, and they gave your Dog the name you were supposed to have.
44. You bought a minecon this year.
45.You are really mature, but you can be immature of you want
46.You get a lot of e-mails about MCGamer
47.You love to be in Google Hangouts with your friends.
48.You’ve seen me dance while being on a google hangout.
49.You don’t like chocolate.
50.You are my Friend! <33

At the end of this thread if you really read it you can see that every sentence starts with a “You” thats funny :p I mean this thread was about you hahah

Note: I love you man, and I have no words to express how happy I am for having you as my friend. I could write a 1M letter thread about me being thankful and expressing my happiness about our friendship and that would still be short! <3

One more time thank you for all you’ve done for me, for us, for everyone :D !

You are more than loved and always remember we are not just friends, we are not just a team, we are your Family and we will always be here for your no mater what!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! <3333333

Love you,

ThaLichBD <3

PD: If you read anything on the list you think shouldn’t be there because its private, feel free to remove it.
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District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
I know I'm a little late but happy birthday Yannick. I remember back when we were mods together, all the good times just playing SG and what not, and now you are an Administrator. I respect the hell out of you man.

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