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How to deal with fistfighters?


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
HA! For being someone who is trying to not turn this into a "flame thread" you sure did say a lot of offensive stuff. You expect me to reply with an apology after a post like that? Please. Get real pal. Don't go around talking about how you try to avoid fights when you just wrote three paragraphs that are clearly intended to be offensive. Really, how dumb can you be?

Secondly, who in the world are you to try and tell me to keep my thoughts to myself? Just because you don't like the way I say things straightforward don't mean I need to shut up. You're not even a mod on here to be trying to tell people what to do or say.

I for one am not afraid of flame wars, or any war in that matter. Especially in game if that's what you're hinting at. So, if you're gonna come at me like that, believe me, there will be a fight.
I'm going to go through your comment step by step just to get an accurate look at things and know the way you are thinking and if you have any comments about it.
"HA! For being someone who is trying to not turn this into a "flame thread" you sure did say a lot of offensive stuff. "
Well i did say "BUT....." and i said that you have unattractive thoughts, and that you MIGHT be missing something mentally important. If a lot of offensive stuff means one harsh comment, sorry. But in reality you just never should have posted anything on this thread in the first place. I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish by scoffing at other people but I'm pretty sure that there were no good intentions in it.
"You expect me to reply with an apology after a post like that? Please. Get real pal."
No. I didn't expect someone like you to apologize. Out of the purity of my heart I thought about the chance that you might, and gave you the chance to redeem yourself instead of looking quite... pardon my language.... dumb. By the way, I am real so.... Your comment is invalid.
"Don't go around talking about how you try to avoid fights when you just wrote three paragraphs that are clearly intended to be offensive. Really, how dumb can you be?"
No, really i am a more peaceful person and unlike you i don't go out looking for fights. I never clearly intended to be offensive, your mind just though i was trying to be so, and took my words as such. Even if i do avoid fights, i cherish the moments and am a great strategist, and you need to learn when you are outmatched. And I could be extremely dumb, like mentally retarded right? How would you know? But I am not. I am a straight "A" student in Highschool. I also know my way around the streets. This comment is also invalid.
"Secondly, who in the world are you to try and tell me to keep my thoughts to myself? Just because you don't like the way I say things straightforward don't mean I need to shut up."
First off it is doesn't, not don't. Secondly I am just a good samaritan and I wanted you to keep your thoughts to yourself because they were offensive and pointless, nothing else. The reason I don't like your straight forward attitude is because it is of no good to anyone and like i said a sentence ago, offensive and pointless. And i never said that you had to shut up. Think what you want. Then think about how others would take it. Then decide if it is worth your precious time to right about. And if you do find it to be bad for any reason. Don't post it.
"You're not even a mod on here to be trying to tell people what to do or say. "
Does this even matter at all? You don't have to be a moderator to defend other people. I am not telling you what to do or say, i'm just advising you to do things carefully, for risk of hurting someone's feelings. because, why would you want to hurt someone's feelings? Also your sentence is grammatically incorrect. Invalid Comment.
"I for one am not afraid of flame wars, or any war in that matter. Especially in game if that's what you're hinting at. So, if you're gonna come at me like that, believe me, there will be a fight."
Okay, 1. Good for you. 2. I hope you are afraid of actual wars, millions of people every year die to them. You could be one of those at any moment. That's why I don't joke about serious stuff. You shouldn't either. 3. It was more of a push then a nudge if you know what i mean. And finally 4th!!! I was expecting for a fight I cherish those moments when i feel like i crushed my opponent. If you want to keep this up then by all means do so and good luck to you. I hope you actually make some good mental statements and not stupid arrogent remarks. For the last time, Invalid Comment. Try Again.

Edit: WOW this is extremely big for only spending 5-10 minutes on it.


Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
No one gives a darn about your straight A's, grammatical skills or that you "know your way around the streets". Try and stay on subject and people will think less of a loser of you.
In any case, like I was saying before you took this thread WAY off topic... There are pansies crying in this thread about being punched to death. That's the fact, I'm stating it, and I dang sure ain't apologizing to the likes of some "Straight A in highschool" nerd for that.

Also, your post is invalid. Kick rocks try hard White Knight.


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
No one gives a darn about your straight A's, grammatical skills or that you "know your way around the streets". Try and stay on subject and people will think less of a loser of you.
In any case, like I was saying before you took this thread WAY off topic... There are pansies crying in this thread about being punched to death. That's the fact, I'm stating it, and I dang sure ain't apologizing to the likes of some "Straight A in highschool" nerd for that.

Also, your post is invalid. Kick rocks try hard White Knight.
I thought i made it simple enough for you to understand. Obviously you cared enough about how smart i am because you were the one who insulted me. You are the loer here for insulting people without giving a ____. You took this helpful thread off topic by insulting people. They are not pansies and no one ever cried about it in this thread. I never ever expected a little bad___ like you to apologize i was just giving you a chance to if you had a change of heart. Nerd isn't and insult. And finally could you explain your last sentence because i just don't know where your coming from with the kick rock white night thing. Tryhard i got... but you might want to explain to me what's wrong with that. For me this is short and concise, but it still might be a little long for you. Try not to hurt yourself. It's showing. Oh, and be original.


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
If you want an answer to the threads question Go back to the first page! Regard this page's of petty bickering and don't read Spl2iGGaN comment on the first page. He was just trying to be mean.


May 23, 2012
Reaction score
Just lock this thread some people don't have the sense to know that flame wars will get any thread locked :/


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Just lock this thread some people don't have the sense to know that flame wars will get any thread locked :/
I warned the guy. The question has been answered many ways though. I have also stated that a mod should lock it.
I agree completely.


Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
Easy, ignore them. I have like 2-6 people hunting me everygame, I call them fanboys. They is usuall noobs, like if you have a lot of points they will that want to kill you! But if you not have much points it is usual noobs to. Noobs, noobs, noobs. Easy to kill. Get a sword, find a lava/air/cobweb hole and let them be there (or kill them). I not bother with noobs with good things, so why bother with that nothing-noobs!


Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
Well I try f ing hate fist fighters you find a chest usually they run if it has armour/sword/axe slice n dice I laughed at thi e fist fighter when I did this well hope I helped cya!

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