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How to get a better computer with little money


Jul 27, 2013
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Hey everyone!

I see a lot of people complaining, saying; 'Ermehrgeeeeewd, my computer is so bad, and I cant afford a better computer.'

I myself got an OP computer and started with little money, the only thing you need to do, is to get a little bit creative.

F.e. , you want to upgrade your graphicscard, you only got 50$ and you've seen a cool graphicscard for 120$. How are you going to get it without robbing someone.

  • Buy and sell
This is effective on sites like ebay, buy a phone (f.e.) for little money, and sell it for more. It is as simple as that.

(My way: I once had a xBox 360 and put it on ebay, someone wanted to buy it for €150, which was fine with me. He was selling a Samsung Galaxy S2 for €100 and I took this chanse. I bought the Galaxy S2 for €70 and sold the xBox for €150. After 1 week, I sold that Galaxy S2 for €115, giving me €45 profit.)
  • Work
Not for lazy people xD
If you have a constant income, you can calculate when you have achieved your goal.

  • Win a Mac Book eZ 12 369 noscope
Just for people called Kcinayy :cool:

I did the first 2 options myself and I now, I have an OP computer, headset, keyboard and mouse. Not just that, I have A LOT of money left which can always be useful.
The only requirements are patience and a little bit of starting money to achieve your goal! ;)

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