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How to handle Hackers

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Jun 1, 2012
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The forums, in-game chat, and Staff walls have always been filled with people saying things like "*insert name here* is hacking! Ban him!" And it's good to draw attention to hackers, but what isn't good is not doing anything about it. If you witnessed a robbery would you just say "That guy did it." or would you gather any evidence you can and tell the police? (I'm hoping you'd do the second option.) It's really the same way here, see someone hacking? Do something about it! Record them, or ask a Staff member to come and take a look. Please, don't just spam the chat and threads with "OMG, HE'S HACKING!" It honestly does nothing and there's no point. Below are some "Guidelines" I've come up with to handling hackers. Next time you encounter a possible hacker, take these into consideration.

Step 1: Evidence!
I honestly cannot say this enough, when it comes to reporting Hackers, Evidence is the most important thing you can have! Put yourself in a Staff member's shoes, if someone messaged you on the forums saying; "*insert name here* WAS HACKING. BAN HIM." Would you ban that player they suggested? No, of course of not! You need evidence! How can I get evidence? Recording is the best way to do so in my opinion. Can't record? I'll talk about other options later under the "Can't record?" heading. Now, I'm speaking as if I was a Staff member, but imagine how many messages they get, and how many "Report Abuse" videos and images they have to go through. The "Report Abuse" section is incredibly important, because that's how staff usually become aware of Hackers, so please, before you record a video and upload it, consider how many videos they already have to go through. Don't upload a video of someone who killed you that you assume is hacking, make sure they are. (You can get help "identifying" Hackers in step 2.)

Step 2: Identifying who's a Hacker and who isn't.
It's always important to be able to identify hackers, especially if your one of those people who blames everyone who kills them for being a Hacker. Remember, just because they easily eliminated you and your team, doesn't make them a Hacker. Here are some general warning signs for the top 3 most used hacks (In my opinion anyway xD)
Le signs of AimBot:
"Derping-" Peacefully crafting your iron sword when suddenly a wild player appears behind you and starts smacking you. You turn around and gasp in horror; Someone call an exorcist! This player's head is flailing all over the place as they land spot-on hits. How? Likely AimBot. But don't get too excited! You haven't caught anyone yet! You can never be sure, so it's always a good idea to look for other signs. If a player is genuinely using a hack, they should show all the signs.
"Spot-on hits-" Sprinting around like you always do, killing anything and everything in sight when suddenly you spot another player! You rush to him, sword ready and start the battle. He whips around and smacks you so fast and so accurately, your dead before you even strike back for the 3rd or 4th time. How is this possible? This hack brought to you by AimBot. But keep in mind, their are some amazingly fast clickers out there, so don't let this be the deciding factor.

Le Sign of ForceField:
"Immediate hits-" There you are, prowling the forest for the last player. You hear a sound and turn. You see a player inside a chest, looting it. You rush over and strike while he's still in the chest. With the chest still open, the player turns around, smacks you in the face and finishes you off. You have one question; "How?" The Mod we all "love" so much, ForceField. This hack is usually incredibly predictable, if a player hits you as soon as you enter their surrounding area, and their back is facing you, it's probably ForceField. Want to check if someone's using it? Circle around them. If they punch aimlessly in your direction, no matter where you go, it's ForceField.

Step 3: Gathering your evidence and making the final report Found a definite Hacker? Open that screen recorder of yours and record away! This is the best evidence you can get, and if they are really hacking, the proving point that gets them banned. Below you'll find: A link helping you with the initial upload of the video, and where to put the videos. Need a screen recorder? This is a great, free screen recorder: http://www.fraps.com/
Uploading a "report abuse" video: A lovely Moderator by the name of AlexHH25, posted this thread helping with the initial upload of your Hacker Video: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/uploading-a-hacker-video.28592/#post-277484 Where to put Hacker videos: As i mentioned in the very beginning of this thread, I've seen people reporting Hackers in all the wrong places. These reports don't belong all over staff walls, in-game chat, or in threads, please, put them where they belong. Where do they belong? The report abuse section, found here:http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/forums/report-abuse/

Extra help: Can't record? 1st option: TeamSpeak- Don't worry, there are plenty of other options! If your 100% positive someone's hacking but you can't record, try poking a Staff member on TeamSpeak with the server your on, who you think is hacking, and what hack you think their using. Don't have TeamSpeak? You can download it here: http://www.teamspeak.us/ or try something else. Need help with TeamSpeak? There's a thread for that! http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/how-to-set-up-teamspeak.2636/#post-18832
Second option: Twitter- Can't record or use TeamSpeak? You can give Twitter a try! Many Staff members have a twitter, so try and tweet them the server your on, the player who might be hacking as well as the hack you think their using.
Third option: MCSG Forum message- If you can't possibly do the other two options, you can give a forum message a go. When you first login to the website, go to forums and look at the right-hand column. It should show all currently online staff members. Message one of them politely asking for help with the same information I listed in the Twitter and TeamSpeak option. If they can't help at the moment, please understand they are busy people and might already be dealing with a similar issue.
Summary- In short, remember these key things: Evidence, and the "Report Abuse" thread.
If you read all of this, I genuinely <3 you. I hope I could help clear any confusion anyone might have been having :D -Duck P.S, Let me know if I missed anything :D
I already did a complete guide about this but good job anyway :)


Feb 10, 2013
Reaction score
I have never seen a hacker but my friend did, he said where ever he right clicked lightning struck anyone on that block!

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