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Guide How to have less Clan Issues.


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
Eh, it's not really the clan community's fault for doing this, more of the toxic community we have. The only reason why clans do this is because they are composed of the toxic members.

DDos Threats in chat rarely happen, they usually say it over Skype because they do know they can get perma-banned for that and dq'ed as well.

Random Teaming isn't an issue for clans, but it's more of players who aren't participating in the clan battles go on alternate accounts and target the other clan members.

There isn't any way to prove a clan did not type their roster on time. Another clan could be falsely trying to dq them unless they record a video from the lobby till the start of the game which won't really happen.

Hacking does not usually happen in clans. Hackers that are not part of clans but just played in a clan battle game does happen by chance. Hackers in clans are more of autoclickers, players who macro, people using ghost clients, etc. They won't use Huzuni or any of the obvious clients.

Players won't always record games because that hinders their ability to play at times. Yes you could have spectators but they can't be everywhere and some clan battles do not allow spectators at all.

That skype tip is a great thing, but that's not the only way to get someone's ip. It is very easy to have the other clan go onto your clan teamspeak (assuming you have one) and as the owner, you are able to see every ip of a player that logs on, there is really no way to hide your ip on teamspeak unless you use a VPN but that also requires you playing in-game with that VPN you are connected to as well.

Just pointing out some flaws in the thread. A good solution to this though could simply be creating clan only servers and having global mute. There will be no player talking, spamming, trash-talking, etc. and the only members in there are the clan members. You do not need to type out the roster as well seeing as most players know what clan and what members are in it. We can have clan members go onto the MCGamer TeamSpeak asking for clan battles and we could also have moderators create custom channels for clans (this one is debatable) Overall, I believe you get my point, this is a great guide Lich but I'm just simply pointing out many of the things that are flawed/easily bypassed.


Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Eh, it's not really the clan community's fault for doing this, more of the toxic community we have. The only reason why clans do this is because they are composed of the toxic members.

DDos Threats in chat rarely happen, they usually say it over Skype because they do know they can get perma-banned for that and dq'ed as well.

Random Teaming isn't an issue for clans, but it's more of players who aren't participating in the clan battles go on alternate accounts and target the other clan members.

There isn't any way to prove a clan did not type their roster on time. Another clan could be falsely trying to dq them unless they record a video from the lobby till the start of the game which won't really happen.

Hacking does not usually happen in clans. Hackers that are not part of clans but just played in a clan battle game does happen by chance. Hackers in clans are more of autoclickers, players who macro, people using ghost clients, etc. They won't use Huzuni or any of the obvious clients.

Players won't always record games because that hinders their ability to play at times. Yes you could have spectators but they can't be everywhere and some clan battles do not allow spectators at all.

That skype tip is a great thing, but that's not the only way to get someone's ip. It is very easy to have the other clan go onto your clan teamspeak (assuming you have one) and as the owner, you are able to see every ip of a player that logs on, there is really no way to hide your ip on teamspeak unless you use a VPN but that also requires you playing in-game with that VPN you are connected to as well.

Just pointing out some flaws in the thread. A good solution to this though could simply be creating clan only servers and having global mute. There will be no player talking, spamming, trash-talking, etc. and the only members in there are the clan members. You do not need to type out the roster as well seeing as most players know what clan and what members are in it. We can have clan members go onto the MCGamer TeamSpeak asking for clan battles and we could also have moderators create custom channels for clans (this one is debatable) Overall, I believe you get my point, this is a great guide Lich but I'm just simply pointing out many of the things that are flawed/easily bypassed.
.-. I'll read this later its a long answer man <3

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