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How to win solo games


Jun 19, 2014
Reaction score
From my expirence killing hackers isn't too hard, Just Be sure to use your FnS and bow a lot on them. If you're playing on a map with a lot of water make sure to get them in the water and bow spam. If you're playing on a map without any water, try to ChokePoint them. For teams I like to pretend they are hackers, I just fight them the same I do with hackers like don't get near them use your flint and steel, bow, and rod. When you think they're low enough rush in with your sword and you should win. If you're in a 2v1 in deatmatch try to set one on fire then fight the other guy, kill him, regen and go for the other guy. Solo Game Won.


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Personally, if you want to start winning by yourself, start playing by your own.
Teaming: tempting it is, but won't help you at all to improve (unless you're part of a clan and you're in clan battles or scrims, those help).
You should start practicing on Pvp servers. Keep in mind no pvp server compares to the actual Hunger Games, best place to practice and improve is practicing on the actual servers —whether you like dying or not.
Also, don't mind your ratio: ratios can be fixed.
To be blunt, trial and error. Understand that if you can't withstand the trials and overcome errors, you won't improve at all.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Personally, if you want to start winning by yourself, start playing by your own.
Teaming: tempting it is, but won't help you at all to improve (unless you're part of a clan and you're in clan battles or scrims, those help).
You should start practicing on Pvp servers. Keep in mind no pvp server compares to the actual Hunger Games, best place to practice and improve is practicing on the actual servers —whether you like dying or not.
Also, don't mind your ratio: ratios can be fixed.
To be blunt, trial and error. Understand that if you can't withstand the trials and overcome errors, you won't improve at all.
People don't realize it, but ratios mean NOTHING. You can have 7,000 wins and 60,000 games played, and you'd still be #1 on the leaderboards xD
sorry 4 duble post pls no ban


Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
Personally, rely on the things you can use that you are good with. I was trying to get good with the fishing rod a few weeks back and was getting no where with it, even to this present moment I still cannot use the rod properly, as a result I was losing near enough all my fights and games too. Now I've switched back to having a flint&steel in both 2nd and 5th slots, I can easily take out teams with little trouble.

As mentioned above in several comments, USE YOUR BOW. So what if you get known as a 'spammer'. It's the survival games right? You're playing to win! When facing a relatively well-geared team, using the bow is essential.

Finally, if you're playing to win. You must play smart. My advice is to not fight when under 6 hearts, unless you have a good reason to such as in a clean-up. Play defensively if you must, but don't stop yourself from playing offensive too. After all, you're playing for fun and sometimes going all out on a team is just an experience.

Good Luck in your future MCSG career!


Jun 14, 2013
Reaction score
This is a bit of a dirty tactic, but let a stacked guy fight a team, and the likely outcome will be that he will kill one of the team members, and then the other will kill him, then you can just clean up. :D


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
From hypothetical standpoint I cn be very helpful, but trying to put your plans into action usually leaves out the factor of luck (or msfortune in most cases). My plans do not account for hackers, or bad luck events such as fatal and unexpected fall damage, being cleaned up, etc.

But I can give some tips. The first is to play defensively. If you can't take somebody out in melee combat, simply run away. If they chase you, do not engage unless you're absolutely certain you will beat them. If you are in fact forced into a swordfight with said person who you can't beat, use your secondaries to the maximum. If you have a fishing rod, it is your friend. Keep them at arm's length's distance and don't ever change into an offensive mindset. Many a time have I been running from somebody, then went too offensively after thinking I had the upper-hand. Remember that when you are running from somebody, you have the upper hand. You decide when you two will turn and fight, it's you who decides where you two go. The only downside about running is that you are probably low or undergeared meaning that a fight would most likely mean death for you. That's why you try to have your opponent chase you into someone else, in hopes of distracting them off of you, to give you time to regenerate and clean up if you can.

This works hypothetically, however I have probably the worse luck on the whole network, and manage to pull 30+ game losing streaks almost consistently. Wins for me are rare nowadays ;_;

The most important thing I can say, is try to keep track of how low your opponent is. I don't do this, and most of my games are losses in deathmatch, and the other person will kill me while one hit from death because I turned away from the fight too soon and allowed him to hit me once or twice finishing me off.


Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
Be confident and don't be scared to run away. Don't let the tributes taunt you by, "Wow, quit running or Come at me bro". Run away if you need to and FnS spam if you need to. For teams, split them up and kill the lowest armor tribute. Hope this helped you!

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