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If MCSG has achievements?

Mr Dice

May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Eggstermination - Force someone to fall to their death by egging them.

Through and Through - Kill two people in two hits in two seconds.

Armageddon - Prevent someone from dying with ten seconds left before Deathmatch, only to kill them yourself in the deathmatch.

Last Christmas - Be betrayed by your teammate in one match, and then make another team in the next match.

Give it away, give it away, give it away now - Find an iron or higher sword and give it to someone else.

Scar Tissue - With one heart or less left from a fight, kill someone.

Learn To Fly - Kill someone while falling to your death.

Brutus the Impenetrable Fortress of Impenetrableness - Never take any damage in a match and win.

Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise - Kill the map maker.

"You'll never take me alive, you robotic sum'Bunny Lover" - Kill somebody with a piece of iron armor.

Keep up Gimli - Kill four people in a row with a bow.

I shall not be beaten by an elf - Kill five people in a row with an axe.

Nike make better computers than you - Throw an apple in a body of water.

To kill or not to kill - Kill somebody who has a book.

Snake Eyes 11 - Be about to kill someone, only to be brutally murdered by somebody else.

That's not how you do it, douchebag - Get banned.

This isn't Halal - Accumulate 1000 pig, cow or chicken kills.

Just like the French - Run away from a fight for more than a minute.

Cukees! - Make some cookies.

I Believe I Can Fly - End someone's kill streak.


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
what the hell just happened???; be the first to die; 5 points
How did I do that???;win with a tool other than a sword or axe; 25 points
A tough decision...; do /suicide in a bad situation; 3 points
I like cake! :D; eat a total of 2 cakes in one game; 10 points
Stealing the show!; kill 24+ tributes in one game (requires a server for 48 or 120 players); 75 points


Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Amazing idea, but if you want to get the full potential out of the idea. They need to have two things:

- Of course some will be easy, but there has to be some very hard ones. Ones that only 10 or less will achieve.

- They have to have hilarious or epic names related to the topic. Don't call a 'kill a mod' achievement "Kill a Moderator". Call it something like "Beating the Beast". Actually, that may be more suited for killing the number one player. But you get my point.

It wouldn't hurt to have some more luck based as well. As in.

In a single game, kill 2 people with the same number of points (the amount of points they have cannot be 0 or 100).


Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Multi Kill !!! (two or more kills in 10 seconds)


Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Noob!!!: Die in the 1st minute of the game


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
  • Get 1000 points (Achievement Name: ?)
  • Get Double Kill (Achievement Name: ?)
  • Kill someone with 1000+ points than you (Achievement Name: Killer)
  • Get 20 chests in 1 game (Achievement Name: Thief)
  • Get 40 chests in 1 game (Achievement Name: Looted)
  • Complete a bounty (Achievement Name: RICH $$$$)
  • Get on Top 10 List (Achievement Name: Ten Best)


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
  • Get 1000 points (Achievement Name: SO MANY POINTS)
  • Get Double Kill (Achievement Name: ?)
  • Kill someone with 1000+ points than you (Achievement Name: Killer)
  • Get 20 chests in 1 game (Achievement Name: Thief)
  • Get 40 chests in 1 game (Achievement Name: Looted)
  • Complete a bounty (Achievement Name: RICH $$$$)
  • Get on Top 10 List (Achievement Name: Ten Best)
  • Kill more than 3 people on 20 secs(Achievement Name: Death at First Sight)


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
First time!- Play your first game. (10 points)
Im Lovin' it.- Play 100 games. (25 points)
There can be only one- win your first game. (20 points)
Beserk!- Kill 3 people in the first 2 minutes of the game (30 points)
Massacre!- Kill 5 people in the first 2 minutes of the game (40 points)
The Odds are in your favor.- Kill more than 7 people in the first 2 minutes of the game. (50 points)
Popular- Have a bounty of more than 100 set on you. (15 points)
Hated- Have a bounty of more than 500 set on you- (25 points)
Team effort- Have a bounty of more than 1000 set on you (45 points)
Wtf?- Have a bounty of more than 5000 set on you- (100 points)
Keep coming back.- Play 500 games (40 points)
Obsessed- Play 1000 games (65 points)
Addicted- Play 2000 games (100 points)
Lucky- Win 10 games (25 points)
Smarter than the average player- win 50 games (50 points)
Skilled- win 100 games (75 points)
Astonishingly amazing- win 500 games (100 points)
HAACKKS- Win 1000 games (500 points)
You're scaring me.....- Kill 23 tributes in a game. (250 points)
Kewl story bro- win 10 games in one day- (100 points)
No-Life- Play 50 games in a day (75 points)
Too bad.- Get banned (5 points)
That must hurt.- Commit suicide in a game (10 points)
LOL.- Fall from a mountain and die from fall damage (15 points)
Watch your footing- Die from fall damage 10 times (25 points)
Kill #1- Kill the number 1 player in your region. (50 points)
Charity work- Donate! (200 points)
Iron fists- Donate Iron twice (500 points)
Good as gold- Donate gold twice! (750 points)
Diamond ftw- Donate as diamond twice. (1000 points)
Noobs- Kill a team of 3. (30 points)
lolwut- be the first one dead. (10 points)
Rawr- Get 100 kills (25 points)
Uuuh- Get 500 kills (45 points)
I need my mommy- Get over 1000 kils. (75 points)
Staff slayer- Kill a staff! (5 points)
Staff massacre- Kill 10 staff (20 points)
Ermagherd- Kill 2 Administrators in one game (75 points)
ChadtheDead- Kill chad. (250 points)
Livestream rage- Kill someone that is livestreaming. (50 points)
Newbtube- Upload a youtube video of your game. (25 points)
Makin us popular- Upload 25 youtube videos. (100 points)
Nate's fate- Knock nate252 off a cliff. (The enjoyment of watching him fall)
Achievement get!- Get an achievement (10 points)
Coincidence- Get 10 achievements (25 points)
wut- Get 25 achievements (40 points)
You doing this on purpose? - Get 40 achievements (75 points)
Pretty simple list, add on if you like. I think I covered it though.

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