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Is MCSG digging their own grave?

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Sep 12, 2013
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My opinion on it is I think they should do it I quit about a month ago now and I think its time for someone else to have a turn being in the top 50
The fact is that you quit. If you've quit and you're high in ranks then obviously you would support it considering people who have quit would like the legacy leaderboards so you can't go down ranks.


Nov 1, 2012
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The fact is that you quit. If you've quit and you're high in ranks then obviously you would support it considering people who have quit would like the legacy leaderboards so you can't go down ranks.
True dat my friend but to be 100 percent honest I want it so I have no reason to come back


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
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I think in the communities eyes there are certain problems that need addressing, which I will do so now.

Hackers; They are the pain of the community- they aren't hard to get rid of though- record and /report, it's that easy! If you do not have a recording software there are plenty of free ones that run perfectly fine. Although ideal- we do not need your videos in HD, just render them as 480p and it will be fine! :) Poking a Moderator over the TeamSpeak is always a great option too, it's our jobs, we will deal with them if we can and if we are AFK or unavailable it's not the end of the world, poke a different Mod and he/she will deal with them if they can.

Teamer's; Everyone hates them, I don't see how people have a problem with them now as it was always occurring in Beta, people team to have fun, get over it. That might seem a bit cold-hearted but it's the truth, there will never be a rule or a limit implemented for teams. If you don't like them, simply make your own team. :)

Trash Talkers; I encounter them a lot. When I die (Which is all the time :p) people say GG or rekt, I don't take it to the heart as it shows how weak I am, I pick myself back up and move on to the next server- I don't let them phase me, neither should you.

MCGamerv2 and the Stat Reset; MCGamer is due for a change and a fresh start. Honestly, with MCG bringing out these new gametypes/modes it brings a whole new look to MCG. More people will be joining and as we reach a vast amount of players joining each day, it was well-needed. With the Stat reset I do not know why people are stressing- there will be a 'Legacy Leaderboard' for you to look back over at your old stats, when the stats reset it will be a even playing field as Gravey4rd had made it virtually impossible for someone to take his lead from him, I commend him for doing that.

With all these reasons and the MCGamerv2 and Stat reset- no, I don't feel like MCG is digging it's own grave. :)


Apr 21, 2012
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I've become a lot more of a lurker and occasional player in recent times, but I'll give some thoughts based on what I've seen.

This thread is to discuss about the latest updates & news MCSG has brought to us, like Global Stat Reset, saying that trashtalking will never be punishable, all the miserable attempts to remove hackers.

All of these just make MCSG worse.
So they should stop trying to remove hackers?

Look, all of these have been talked about in length, heck I've delved into several of these myself so I'll be brief.

Global Stat Reset: I don't see how this is a bad thing. You're not going to lose your old stats, they will be saved as it has been mentioned previously. This only gives further incentive for older players (like me) or players discouraged by the massive win count needed to get in the top 100 to play more. I honestly have no problem whatsoever with a yearly stats reset, it seems logical enough to me.

Trashtalking will never be punishable: There is a line. There's trash talking, and then there's harassment. There is a difference. Harassment is punishable. But look at it this way. Trashtalking simply is too difficult to analyze. A casual game between friends could end with one saying "get good scrub you so bad I rek u erry day nub" as they laugh over it. A casual bystander sees this and reports it. Would that be fair? No. Now if this person continues to harass, insult, and bother you, then you can report them. But just a simple phrase? That's stupid.

Look, I get that it can be annoying, lots of stuff can. But sometimes you just have to deal with it.

I can't know if they notice this stuff, as they are never postings their views on current situations.
Almost freaking thread like this gets at least one or two replies from staff members (often high-ranking ones). I honestly don't see what you mean by this.

What do you think? Is the MCG staff killing the servers themselves?
No. No they are not. Hackers may be a problem, but they're doing all they can. If anything, I see more mods than I used to (and I play less now, too.)

Seriously, though, everything you posted about has already been talked about in length. This post was really unnecessary.


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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Is the ship still sinking? Like people keep claiming it has been since 2012? In spite of our tremendous growth and distinct not-sunken status?
Oh, the metaphor changed? Well then I guess it must be true this time! The ship is digging its own grave and promptly sinking into it.

In all seriousness, people have been doom-saying time and time again with every big change that's occurred. I eventually got tired of responding to them too, since the odds of us actually failing due to whatever the monster of the week was always has been pretty negligible. Whether it was the move to V2, the creation of SG servers in other networks, and the latest EULA fun (at least we could all team up against Mojang on that one), people always thought the end was nigh, but it never was. The fact is that this community is a lot more robust than people give it credit for, to the point where we broke away from one of Minecraft's most influential Youtubers and still managed to stay afloat. We've survived rougher waters, and the current issues will pass with time and development.

Until we create a switch to miraculously turn off Hackers and Trash-Talkers, all progress will be slow. But there will be progress.

That being said, I'm very glad at the rest of the posters for keeping as calm and collected as everyone has been. A lot of valid points and opinions being thrown around without an ounce of antagonism (after I removed that one tangent...). Despite your apparent cynicism Wyz_Guy , I think that with players and staff like the ones who've been posting here, MCGamer will be just fine.

Also, if you want my "opionion" regarding the hacker situation, here's the statistic (captured just literally now) that I like to turn to:

My guess? The reason the staff "never post their views on current situations" is because they're too busy with, "all the miserable attempts to remove hackers". Something to think about from a staff member who's "killing the servers".


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Is the ship still sinking? Like people keep claiming it has been since 2012? In spite of our tremendous growth and distinct not-sunken status?
Oh, the metaphor changed? Well then I guess it must be true this time! The ship is digging its own grave and promptly sinking into it.

In all seriousness, people have been doom-saying time and time again with every big change that's occurred. I eventually got tired of responding to them too, since the odds of us actually failing due to whatever the monster of the week was always has been pretty negligible. Whether it was the move to V2, the creation of SG servers in other networks, and the latest EULA fun (at least we could all team up against Mojang on that one), people always thought the end was nigh, but it never was. The fact is that this community is a lot more robust than people give it credit for, to the point where we broke away from one of Minecraft's most influential Youtubers and still managed to stay afloat. We've survived rougher waters, and the current issues will pass with time and development.

Until we create a switch to miraculously turn off Hackers and Trash-Talkers, all progress will be slow. But there will be progress.

That being said, I'm very glad at the rest of the posters for keeping as calm and collected as everyone has been. A lot of valid points and opinions being thrown around without an ounce of antagonism (after I removed that one tangent...). Despite your apparent cynicism Wyz_Guy , I think that with players and staff like the ones who've been posting here, MCGamer will be just fine.

Also, if you want my "opionion" regarding the hacker situation, here's the statistic (captured just literally now) that I like to turn to:

My guess? The reason the staff "never post their views on current situations" is because they're too busy with, "all the miserable attempts to remove hackers". Something to think about from a staff member who's "killing the servers".
Thanks to all that responded, I got over my complaining stage now, time for some appreciation! Don't wait for a change, be the change! <3 #spreadthelove

-Love, Wyz, hugs and kisses :*

Edit: Time for a locky-lock
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