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Its not funny.


Aug 11, 2014
Reaction score
Mate, I dont see how someone can say 'nub' then 'eZ' then 'l2p' as something that means 'do better'. Also, there should not be separate forums, but maybe a translate button like on google +

Naaah m8, Im pretty sure I tagged you. Anyway, again I strongly agree with you, and its good to see another active forummer with it too!
Take in note that they didn't understand what they say. They see videos where eZ, l2p, rekt, nub... is across the whole screen for the whole video(montage parodies). So they think it's cool, even tough they don't understand it. +google translate is horrible and gives this translation.


Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hey there! Hope you're doing well today.
Most of the people who say eZ or l2p are guys who try to hard to win and get to the top without enjoying the game and frankly, without the thought for others. It annoys me a lot when people do that, even when it's not me. It's just not a necessary comment.
Now, in response to the final part of your post. Please. Please. Please do not threaten to kill yourself on the jnternet. Whether you were joking or not, just please don't do it. I get that you're depressed and want your thought to be heard but it's not a great thing to do. I'm not having a go at you or anything, so please don't take this the wrong way, I'm just saying that others will take that seriously and there could be consequences. (People can reply to me saying that no-one cares and nothing happens when people threaten this but I care, and I've seen action been taken before).
If you ever need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open.
I'm a guy who tryhards wins and I don't say stuff like that ;)


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
So I'm going to write a really long and extensive post here, but hear me out.

"The community has become hateful"

Now this I can only sort of understand, while I recently haven't been playing as much, I have seen the rise in popularity of terms such as "Ez", "rekt", etc. First of all, these must be taken in context. For instance, saying "get good scrub goml rekt 1000 hearts" to your pal or a guy you were friendly chatting to earlier is probably meant in a more comedic, lighthearted way, and in general I've found when people use these words they legitimately don't mean for it to be taken seriously. That said, it's difficult not to be taken seriously, especially if you're on a losing streak, or that game took forever and you were doing really good, or he was in a team of 3, but that's just as much a fault of us ourselves as it is the other player. I found that I could get really easily irritated playing this game, and tended to rage a lot. I realized I had this problem, and worked to adjust it. Now I try to be a lot nicer, and even if the person on the other end is being rude, I try to lighten the conversation with humor and niceties. In the end, there really is no way around this, and I would go as far as to say that even back in beta there were plenty of people who were rude. Especially with the lack of the swear filter we have now, it was pretty bad, and I met some really toxic individuals during the beta days.

"the rules are a little ludicrous. Hackers make me sick, but unfortunately all we can do, as a community, is just make more report abuses, and don't bash on staff. I just think that hackers are bringing MCSG down the drain, and everything has to come to an end, so its looking like this is how MCSG will end."

While I did read your previous thread, and I do agree that if a person is still an active member of the community after a year or so has passed from a minor offense that lead to a ban they should be allowed to be considered as moderator, this honestly would not make that large of a difference. While it would allow the few who may have been wrongly banned or who are legitimately sorry for what they've done to return, most will not want to wait that long or weren't sorry in the first place. In the long run, it wouldn't provide that large of an increase in moderators.

Hackers are completely beyond MCSG's control. Lately I only see mods around more often, and if you've looked at their statistics, you can see the massive amount of hackers that get banned. That said, I do feel that (if it's not already done this way) the moderator's duties should be more organized. Perhaps splitting them into monthly groups, each one's main task for that month would be to join games and moderate them, or to moderate hubs/lobbies, or to look a report abuses. Though I see more mods around than I used to, it's still a ridiculously small ratio. (I generally see a moderator maybe once every 5-10 games.)

"I hate MCSG. I said it - there. There are some bits of sugar doted around, the people who are nice in the community, the non-average, kind player, ect.. But MCSG has now become something that I no longer want to be a part of."

You know what, I've come to hate it too. But here's what I did. I stopped playing. When you take a break, stop caring about your leaderboard position, stop getting so frustrated with teams and hackers, and see it as a fun way to spend twenty minutes. That's when MCSG is fun. I liked MCSG back in the day, not because I really cared about my leaderboard position (heck, I though my 80 wins was really good), but because it is fun. The exhilaration from winning a game, or getting a kill. If you don't feel that anymore, and it feels like a chore, take a break. That's what I did, and now I play significantly less than I used to. But you know what? It's actually fun now.

Hopefully I made some good points, though I'm not as active on here as others, when I see a topic that I have something to say on I do my best to make a good reply.


I don't really feel like writing a long and extensive post, but here it goes.

Originally, MCSG was made for fun. It was. And so was the hive. Hive I feel as if I don't really need to try as hard on since there aren't as many good players on mcsg. Beyond the point. In v2, a rise in hacked clients came. Most of them, where really for faction servers and such. However, people started to come to MCSG with them, thus hacked clients came.

Now, I'm going to respond to the last part of your post. Getting and thrill from winning, was only really a thing for me after ~20 wins. Eventually, winning games becomes natural to you, and thats that. Most players that have ~100-200 wins, only get a rush when they kill someone with ~500+ wins. MCSG is never going to be fun, at all really, because the amount of hackers that have risen, the fact that a TON of staff just resigned, and staff are normally either AFK on ts, or sitting in hub, doing nothing, or browsing forums. I've seen maybe 3 mods in total in game, and I've seen Captain | Lqzer over 5 times in-game. And the amount of teams. Don't get me started on the amount of teams. 1/2 my games, I'm fighting a hacker, or a team of 3+. That's insane. And even if they're bad, most of the time, they stole my route, so I'm stuck in leather armour. And then, they 3 man me, and if I ask for a 1v1, and they say yes, and I kill 1, they're bad sports, and target me the rest of the game, and trash talk me. I've got nothing against trash talk, but there's a line where it shouldn't be there.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
I don't really feel like writing a long and extensive post, but here it goes.

Originally, MCSG was made for fun. It was. And so was the hive. Hive I feel as if I don't really need to try as hard on since there aren't as many good players on mcsg. Beyond the point. In v2, a rise in hacked clients came. Most of them, where really for faction servers and such. However, people started to come to MCSG with them, thus hacked clients came.

Now, I'm going to respond to the last part of your post. Getting and thrill from winning, was only really a thing for me after ~20 wins. Eventually, winning games becomes natural to you, and thats that. Most players that have ~100-200 wins, only get a rush when they kill someone with ~500+ wins. MCSG is never going to be fun, at all really, because the amount of hackers that have risen, the fact that a TON of staff just resigned, and staff are normally either AFK on ts, or sitting in hub, doing nothing, or browsing forums. I've seen maybe 3 mods in total in game, and I've seen Captain | Lqzer over 5 times in-game. And the amount of teams. Don't get me started on the amount of teams. 1/2 my games, I'm fighting a hacker, or a team of 3+. That's insane. And even if they're bad, most of the time, they stole my route, so I'm stuck in leather armour. And then, they 3 man me, and if I ask for a 1v1, and they say yes, and I kill 1, they're bad sports, and target me the rest of the game, and trash talk me. I've got nothing against trash talk, but there's a line where it shouldn't be there.
Is that a good thing that you've seen me over 5 times in game? ;-;


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I don't really feel like writing a long and extensive post, but here it goes.

Originally, MCSG was made for fun. It was. And so was the hive. Hive I feel as if I don't really need to try as hard on since there aren't as many good players on mcsg. Beyond the point. In v2, a rise in hacked clients came. Most of them, where really for faction servers and such. However, people started to come to MCSG with them, thus hacked clients came.

Now, I'm going to respond to the last part of your post. Getting and thrill from winning, was only really a thing for me after ~20 wins. Eventually, winning games becomes natural to you, and thats that. Most players that have ~100-200 wins, only get a rush when they kill someone with ~500+ wins. MCSG is never going to be fun, at all really, because the amount of hackers that have risen, the fact that a TON of staff just resigned, and staff are normally either AFK on ts, or sitting in hub, doing nothing, or browsing forums. I've seen maybe 3 mods in total in game, and I've seen Captain | Lqzer over 5 times in-game. And the amount of teams. Don't get me started on the amount of teams. 1/2 my games, I'm fighting a hacker, or a team of 3+. That's insane. And even if they're bad, most of the time, they stole my route, so I'm stuck in leather armour. And then, they 3 man me, and if I ask for a 1v1, and they say yes, and I kill 1, they're bad sports, and target me the rest of the game, and trash talk me. I've got nothing against trash talk, but there's a line where it shouldn't be there.
If it's never going to be fun I don't know why anyone is even here.


If its never going to be fun I don't know why anyone is even here.
Because some people do youtube. And tryharding can be fun to a certain extent, or having a goal, like having a good ratio.

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