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Jonathans Mcsg Story


May 28, 2012
Reaction score
So.. yeah, this is my story, ive been thinking about writing one of these for a long time and i finally got around to doing it, first of all, i havnt been here since about febuary, so its pretty amazing how big this has grown since i was last here.

So it all started in the beging of may, when one of my friends told me about these servers, i didnt really play on them alot, but then when i was bored one day i decided to play on them (Best thing i have ever done in my life), so after playing a couple of days i started to get better, and i started winning. I then saw this guy called CandyFTW, he was iron doner so everyone wanted to team with him, and he said if people wanted to team with him then they sould join the TS. I then downloaded ts and joined the server, i then teamed with him and.. well, i died at corn :c

Then the day after, i went on teamspeak again, and i joined a channel with Whateveridk in it, so i started chatting with him (I didnt speak, and i still dont speak :3) And when went and became friends, and we played alot with other people (cant remember their names, sorry :c) so we did that for a long time, and i started getting better, I got more friends and it was just so awesome. I joined slimearmy where i met loads of.. slimey people, and without realizing how much i had played, i got my 100th win :D

So nothing really happened, other than me just playing, but then i heard someone in teamspeak saying they where working on a map, so i wanted to help, and i did so (placed cactuses :D). And then the map got realized and i was so happy to have helped build a map that was on mcsg :3.

Loads of time passed and i had watched alot of whateveridk's stream, and i saw him playing league of legends, so i wanted to play too, so he taught me how to play league, and i played that alot, and kinda moved away from mcsg, but i still played atleast one game a day, i eventurly got my 200th win in december and.. well.. then.. i, stoped playing mcsg :c
I havnt really played since then, and ive mostly been playing League of legends, but who knows, i might continue someday

Sorry that i didnt write too much stuff, i kinda forgot alot of it, so ima just go with this :3 And my english is pretty messy too, but it will be less messy for every time i write somthing.. like now :D

And now to the shoutouts of D00M or whatever they are: @XaSxLeech @KattiiMia @Thisnothend @ZenGardena @Joshkey @david64056405 @gcb99 @iFroxFTW @AlexHH25 @ExKing @guggex8 @Ikanacanyon7 @Jarni @kezzer1995 @MoLoToV @Sleivert @Stijn @TeIIo @Teije @teovald @VebbiHD
I probably forgot some people.. sorry :c

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