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Later Alligators


Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
I joined MCSG in the beginning of beta, before I was even known as Aedrift. I've witnessed the great, but also the bad. I've seen incredible things, but I've seen disasters. I remember my pal Dozer (TheTrueDozer), whom got moderator, and within 15 minutes got demoted by Karoleigh. He then got her demoted from admin, with the assistance of the god; Nooby. I've witnessed SG2 being added to the servers. I've seen MCSG with only 20 servers. A lot of you may not know me, or care about this thread, but that's not the point of it.​


I started playing this game back in May 2012. The first ever server I joined was the one and only, MCSG. I was under the name 'NerdKitteyz' (horrible god awful demon spawn of a name. You can actually look it up on the LB, I have 36 wins I believe.) and was extremely new to Minecraft. Actually, fresh spawn if I may call it that. I hadn't tried out survival. I went straight to google and looked up Hunger Games Minecraft Servers. The MCSG forums popped up as the first result, and of course, I clicked on it. I remember my first game actually haha. I was playing on SG1, and I was walking through the forest by the waterfall when someone popped out of nowhere and killed me with a wood-axe. I thought he was god. Although I had been defeated, I had the thrill to play more and more.
After a few months went by, still only having around 4 wins, I ran into a group of people. I haven't talked to them in ages, but I have them on my old Skype. (nerdkitteyz) These people were blackdino12, and sc something. I can't remember exactly.
They were great friends, but influenced me to do wrong in the community. I actually started using NODUS for quite sometime, racking in 2 bans. (Over 2 years ago, don't worry lol)


October 13, 2012

I knew I had to restart. I had been hacking. I wanted moderator more than anything in the whole entire world. So, being the 12 year old I was back then, I got a new name. The account wasn't actually purchased until December 2012, by an old friend eshancowee. A lot of you probably remember him, maybe not in the best way, but to me, he was a good friend.

I was still horrible at PvP, but I knew I wanted to get better. I had stopped hacking as I wanted to fulfil my dream of becoming a moderator.

A few months later, (December 2012) I had about 40-50 wins, and I was pretty decent at PvP, although today, might as well call me a newbie.

I had all of my applications getting declined and I didn't understand why. So, I went on TeamSpeak for the very first time. I had made quite a lot of very good friends that I'll never forget. RedSeamonster, Antster, kricken, and more.

About a week later, I was in a mod chat with kricken, YoshiYamiYori, and myself. They were going on about how Yoshi had just posted his mod app and that he was pretty proud of it. So, being myself, I asked if he could help me with mine. So he did. And what do you know, accepted for interview! This was back in the day when there was a set date for interviews. I can't remember the date exactly but I thing it was roughly around December 29th. I was accepted by GibboAssassin. I hopped on TeamSpeak that very day and hopped in the waiting room. I was accompanied by AlexHH25. There was a staff meeting going on so we had to wait about an hour. He left for about 30 minutes to kill some time, but I sat in there waiting just in-case they finished. I didn't want to miss this opportunity. Once they were done, I was moved into the interview room after Alex, who had just received the mod rank. I was so nervous. It was my first interview. But, knowing my luck, the waiting rank was removed. I was devastated. It was also at this time that my great-grandma was becoming really sick, in which my whole family was scared out of their pants. (She's fine now :)) I started to get a small case of depression from things going on. But, a nice chap named KRadium cheared me up, and made me nice and happy again. I will always remember you, and that big favor you did for me.


This is a list of the clans I had the most fun in, and will never forget.

Titans - v1, v2
Organization - v1, v2, v3, v4, v5
Rebels - v3

Thank you to all the leaders and members for accepting me into your clans. I will never forget you, or the memories I had.


Roughly Around October 13, a year after Aedrift joined

I had posted many apps. Application after application, waiting to see if they were any good. But, MCSGv2 had come out, and the standards were way higher than I expected, or even knew at the time. I had finally been accepted. I had a decent amount of experience with moderating, and had some confidence for the interview. So, I did the interview. I thought I did pretty good actually. But, I get denied for not being able to record with a decent amount of FPS, even though I said 20-40, and gave proof. To this day I believe it was because slasherxtreme had some hidden hatred towards me, but we'll never know. Although, Dave heard about the reason and gave me another chance. (Thanks Dave <3) I had passed. I had finally gotten what I had been reaching for for over 2 years. Although, after 2 weeks, my resignation came. Weird enough, it did. I had quit Minecraft altogether.

I'm going to fast forward all the way to here as everything else was just a blur. Although, I will mention this, yes. I did DDOS people. It's true. I'm not proud of it, and I have certainly stopped. Stop pouring on me, it's not a decision I liked, and I wish I could take it back.


I doubt I'll be back. But you never know. These past 3 years have been amazing, and I hope all of the newcomers realize that this community has so much to offer if you just reach for it.


All of the people listed below have effected my MCSG 'career' in a big way, and I can't thank you enough for making it an experience of a lifetime. Bless you all. :rolleyes:

<3 Cscoop <3
<3 StemStatic <3
<3 Eshancowee <3
<3 Dave the Admin <3
<3 Dozer <3
<3 cowfart420 <3
<3 CaptainJS / Lqzer (was best mod wouldve gotten sr mod just saying) <3
<3 sneeze7 <3
<3 The Titans <3
<3 The Organization <3
<3 pherrera my poke buddy <3

Aedrift, NerdKitteyz, Rielle out​
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Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
well you've already left a few times but god when you reminded me of the karoleigh thing i started dying i was choking on my cheetos lol


Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
I haven't seen you in-game too much, but I support you in your decision!
Good luck in life, no matter what you choose to do!

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