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Letting out some frustration...


Jun 8, 2012
Reaction score
It is quite annoying, and I will explain why people use strategy's. They running around, and they see a guy in full iron and a diamond sword, what are they going to do? Run. Why? Because he simply didn't get enough luck in his Teir 2s. So he trys to get an advantage, maybe place some fire, maybe some bow shots, eat a golden apple, stun him with a fishing rod..and why..? Well its for the same reason I almost quit when the chest system on Map 1 changed..it was because of Teir 2s. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying to bring Beta back, there were many bugs and glitches back then, I am saying to take away the factor of "luck" as much as possible. And teir 2s are just that, pure luck.

Now for those of you whom weren't here last summer, when refill came, guess what? Everyone with some sort of chest route had Full leather and maybe an iron sword (besides boots, you had to craft those), meaning that everyone was equal, so the outcome of any sort of fight was purely based on "skill" not who had more Teir 2s or who had better luck getting Iron Equips. Now when they added Teir 2s I even made a thread back them, but of course people were blinded by the excitement of something new and weren't seeing how this would affect Pvp. ( here's a link to the thread, took me forever to find this.. http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/chest-loot-for-the-first-map-changed.6434/ ).

Another factor is that there are so many useless chests on maps. Why are they somewhat useless? Because of Teir 2s. Back then how did you define a good chest route from a bad one? The number of chest. Now? The number of Teir 2s. I feel that adding Teir 2s spiced up the game play a bit, but it took away more than is added. And when I saw that they were planning on adding Teir 3s, I was devastated! MCSG is no longer about who can Pvp better, I mean put the Best sword Pvper in Minecraft in MCSG, he will lose if he does not find (A) Teir 2s and (B) If he does not adapt to all the new strategies that have been created (for the most part) by the MCSG community, as they have had to adapt to not always being equal in gear to there opponents. Now of course there is always the of chance that they might get a bit lucky and win, as luck will always be a factor in any game and fight, but adding Teir 2s highly increased that factor. My suggestions? Remove Teir 2s, how of course the damage will still be there, as one can never fully clean a plate, but people wont feel the need to use these tactics. Flint/Steel is great for Team fights, and if you need to escape Via water Fishing rods can help get away from an enemy player, but they can also use it to help get you.

Basically what I am saying is that Teir 2s add an enormes luck factor into the game, and is what esentially makes people run and not fight sword to sword like they used to. Pvp should be about who can strafe better and think faster, not about who can use Flint and Steel better or whom can use a fishing rod. Hell, maybe people might start using Cakes to stop a player from running, I am not saying to bring MCSG v1 back, I am saying to remove luck as little as possible, and I think in everyones heart this is what people really mean when they say they miss the "good ol' days" because they miss when raw Pvp was the winning factor in a fight, not just equipment. I believe Teir 2s should be removed from the Gamemode, maybe make corn chest give cooked food as they do and have a high chance of weapons, but I think that Teir 2s should be removed, because in truth, it is for the best.

(Making this a thread so more people can see and understand)


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
It is quite annoying, and I will explain why people use strategy's. They running around, and they see a guy in full iron and a diamond sword, what are they going to do? Run. Why? Because he simply didn't get enough luck in his Teir 2s. So he trys to get an advantage, maybe place some fire, maybe some bow shots, eat a golden apple, stun him with a fishing rod..and why..? Well its for the same reason I almost quit when the chest system on Map 1 changed..it was because of Teir 2s. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying to bring Beta back, there were many bugs and glitches back then, I am saying to take away the factor of "luck" as much as possible. And teir 2s are just that, pure luck.

Now for those of you whom weren't here last summer, when refill came, guess what? Everyone with some sort of chest route had Full leather and maybe an iron sword (besides boots, you had to craft those), meaning that everyone was equal, so the outcome of any sort of fight was purely based on "skill" not who had more Teir 2s or who had better luck getting Iron Equips. Now when they added Teir 2s I even made a thread back them, but of course people were blinded by the excitement of something new and weren't seeing how this would affect Pvp. ( here's a link to the thread, took me forever to find this.. http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/chest-loot-for-the-first-map-changed.6434/ ).

Another factor is that there are so many useless chests on maps. Why are they somewhat useless? Because of Teir 2s. Back then how did you define a good chest route from a bad one? The number of chest. Now? The number of Teir 2s. I feel that adding Teir 2s spiced up the game play a bit, but it took away more than is added. And when I saw that they were planning on adding Teir 3s, I was devastated! MCSG is no longer about who can Pvp better, I mean put the Best sword Pvper in Minecraft in MCSG, he will lose if he does not find (A) Teir 2s and (B) If he does not adapt to all the new strategies that have been created (for the most part) by the MCSG community, as they have had to adapt to not always being equal in gear to there opponents. Now of course there is always the of chance that they might get a bit lucky and win, as luck will always be a factor in any game and fight, but adding Teir 2s highly increased that factor. My suggestions? Remove Teir 2s, how of course the damage will still be there, as one can never fully clean a plate, but people wont feel the need to use these tactics. Flint/Steel is great for Team fights, and if you need to escape Via water Fishing rods can help get away from an enemy player, but they can also use it to help get you.

Basically what I am saying is that Teir 2s add an enormes luck factor into the game, and is what esentially makes people run and not fight sword to sword like they used to. Pvp should be about who can strafe better and think faster, not about who can use Flint and Steel better or whom can use a fishing rod. Hell, maybe people might start using Cakes to stop a player from running, I am not saying to bring MCSG v1 back, I am saying to remove luck as little as possible, and I think in everyones heart this is what people really mean when they say they miss the "good ol' days" because they miss when raw Pvp was the winning factor in a fight, not just equipment. I believe Teir 2s should be removed from the Gamemode, maybe make corn chest give cooked food as they do and have a high chance of weapons, but I think that Teir 2s should be removed, because in truth, it is for the best.

(Making this a thread so more people can see and understand)
So then everyone will run at each other with swords and it'll be pure latency based? No no no, I see good points in your argument but these strategies help DIFFER the gameplay, not everybody does it, I play against people who blindly charge me with a sword and I can just pick them off with a bow or drop flint and steel in front of them, I do admit it is a fairly common strategy, however, not everybody does it well and that's where we get "pros" and "regulars." Are you saying players like darkrai are only good because they know where the tier 2s are? I'm sure that darkrai and co could win a game against players who get tier 2s when they don't. In one of my soon to be uploaded videos I play on breeze island which I know little about, I have poor gear yet I go on to win the game using strategy and skill, I even manage to earn full iron, I want mcsg to stay as it is right now, for better or worse this is how I like it the most.


Jun 8, 2012
Reaction score
So then everyone will run at each other with swords and it'll be pure latency based? No no no, I see good points in your argument but these strategies help DIFFER the gameplay, not everybody does it, I play against people who blindly charge me with a sword and I can just pick them off with a bow or drop flint and steel in front of them, I do admit it is a fairly common strategy, however, not everybody does it well and that's where we get "pros" and "regulars." Are you saying players like darkrai are only good because they know where the tier 2s are? I'm sure that darkrai and co could win a game against players who get tier 2s when they don't. In one of my soon to be uploaded videos I play on breeze island which I know little about, I have poor gear yet I go on to win the game using strategy and skill, I even manage to earn full iron, I want mcsg to stay as it is right now, for better or worse this is how I like it the most.
I am not saying that the outcome is purely based on gear, it is also based on skill and various other factors. What I am saying is that MCSG is, like Blamph said, becoming very tedious. You have to chase people down for ages, until you give up, or they mess up and you can catch up to them. A lot of people are scared to go into fights because of this, and someone new to map will have a very hard time winning as they don't know where the Teir 2s are, and they can simply explore the map in Spec mode like we used to be able, because there's no sigh saying "T2" but honestly you weren't here back then, or at lest not on the forums, and you have grown into Pvp with Teir 2s, but in all honestly you weren't here for the better, only for the worse, and I completely understand your reasoning, but things were more balanced without Tier 2s.


May 22, 2012
Reaction score
The main reason I quit MCSG is because 1. Everyone was no lifing getting like over 1000 wins back in January. 2. Too many teams. The players are all like "I have a high W/L Ratio I'm so pro" when actually partially the reason for this is they team. like from a post I saw yesterday on another thread by darkrai202 he stated that all the old nostalgic players have lower W/L ratios because it was harder to win back then. The reason I got back into MCSG is because I realised I've been getting rusty at PVP and I wanted to get good again. I try not to think about how many other players have more wins then me but I get frustrated (I know pathetic) when players nowadays get praised for being in top 10/50 when noone remembers I was in top 10 eu back in october. I just felt like making this rant having read this thread and I apologise if it is sort of low or pathetic etc.

I feel like I'm the opposite lol. I rarely get targetted which is kind of a good thing I guess but anyway.


Jun 8, 2012
Reaction score
The main reason I quit MCSG is because 1. Everyone was no lifing getting like over 1000 wins back in January. 2. Too many teams. The players are all like "I have a high W/L Ratio I'm so pro" when actually partially the reason for this is they team. like from a post I saw yesterday on another thread by darkrai202 he stated that all the old nostalgic players have lower W/L ratios because it was harder to win back then. The reason I got back into MCSG is because I realised I've been getting rusty at PVP and I wanted to get good again. I try not to think about how many other players have more wins then me but I get frustrated (I know pathetic) when players nowadays get praised for being in top 10/50 when noone remembers I was in top 10 eu back in october. I just felt like making this rant having read this thread and I apologise if it is sort of low or pathetic etc.

I feel like I'm the opposite lol. I rarely get targetted which is kind of a good thing I guess but anyway.
Honestly, Gravy4rd has a team with him almost always..but teams are always there and there is nothing we can do. It is a matter that can not be altered and we have to adapt to it.


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
I am not saying that the outcome is purely based on gear, it is also based on skill and various other factors. What I am saying is that MCSG is, like Blamph said, becoming very tedious. You have to chase people down for ages, until you give up, or they mess up and you can catch up to them. A lot of people are scared to go into fights because of this, and someone new to map will have a very hard time winning as they don't know where the Teir 2s are, and they can simply explore the map in Spec mode like we used to be able, because there's no sigh saying "T2" but honestly you weren't here back then, or at lest not on the forums, and you have grown into Pvp with Teir 2s, but in all honestly you weren't here for the better, only for the worse, and I completely understand your reasoning, but things were more balanced without Tier 2s.
I was here back then, I never came on the forums and I had a different account, I really have no defense except that I'm having fun as it is now? I don't know :(
I don't really want mcsg to change though :/


Jun 8, 2012
Reaction score
I was here back then, I never came on the forums and I had a different account, I really have no defense except that I'm having fun as it is now? I don't know :(
I don't really want mcsg to change though :/
Change isn't always a bad thing mate :')


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
It is quite annoying, and I will explain why people use strategy's. They running around, and they see a guy in full iron and a diamond sword, what are they going to do? Run. Why? Because he simply didn't get enough luck in his Teir 2s. So he trys to get an advantage, maybe place some fire, maybe some bow shots, eat a golden apple, stun him with a fishing rod..and why..? Well its for the same reason I almost quit when the chest system on Map 1 changed..it was because of Teir 2s. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying to bring Beta back, there were many bugs and glitches back then, I am saying to take away the factor of "luck" as much as possible. And teir 2s are just that, pure luck.

Now for those of you whom weren't here last summer, when refill came, guess what? Everyone with some sort of chest route had Full leather and maybe an iron sword (besides boots, you had to craft those), meaning that everyone was equal, so the outcome of any sort of fight was purely based on "skill" not who had more Teir 2s or who had better luck getting Iron Equips. Now when they added Teir 2s I even made a thread back them, but of course people were blinded by the excitement of something new and weren't seeing how this would affect Pvp. ( here's a link to the thread, took me forever to find this.. http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/chest-loot-for-the-first-map-changed.6434/ ).

Another factor is that there are so many useless chests on maps. Why are they somewhat useless? Because of Teir 2s. Back then how did you define a good chest route from a bad one? The number of chest. Now? The number of Teir 2s. I feel that adding Teir 2s spiced up the game play a bit, but it took away more than is added. And when I saw that they were planning on adding Teir 3s, I was devastated! MCSG is no longer about who can Pvp better, I mean put the Best sword Pvper in Minecraft in MCSG, he will lose if he does not find (A) Teir 2s and (B) If he does not adapt to all the new strategies that have been created (for the most part) by the MCSG community, as they have had to adapt to not always being equal in gear to there opponents. Now of course there is always the of chance that they might get a bit lucky and win, as luck will always be a factor in any game and fight, but adding Teir 2s highly increased that factor. My suggestions? Remove Teir 2s, how of course the damage will still be there, as one can never fully clean a plate, but people wont feel the need to use these tactics. Flint/Steel is great for Team fights, and if you need to escape Via water Fishing rods can help get away from an enemy player, but they can also use it to help get you.

Basically what I am saying is that Teir 2s add an enormes luck factor into the game, and is what esentially makes people run and not fight sword to sword like they used to. Pvp should be about who can strafe better and think faster, not about who can use Flint and Steel better or whom can use a fishing rod. Hell, maybe people might start using Cakes to stop a player from running, I am not saying to bring MCSG v1 back, I am saying to remove luck as little as possible, and I think in everyones heart this is what people really mean when they say they miss the "good ol' days" because they miss when raw Pvp was the winning factor in a fight, not just equipment. I believe Teir 2s should be removed from the Gamemode, maybe make corn chest give cooked food as they do and have a high chance of weapons, but I think that Teir 2s should be removed, because in truth, it is for the best.

(Making this a thread so more people can see and understand)
Adding in the chest finding element is what makes SG different! Making only tier 1 chests makes the game bland because anyone can get full leather. It makes the game have more challenge when there is a mental aspect as well. Knowing how to survive on the map is a part of the battle. If you want completely fair fights, go on other servers.


May 29, 2013
Reaction score
The players are all like "I have a high W/L Ratio I'm so pro" when actually partially the reason for this is they team. like from a post I saw yesterday on another thread by darkrai202 he stated that all the old nostalgic players have lower W/L ratios because it was harder to win back then.
How does having a team help your W/L ratio? If you make it to the end you will only win about half the time anyways, unless your teammate is a lot worse than you at PvP. And I, personally tend to do better and get more wins when I'm not teaming, there's less to worry about.
On the second point, it was only harder to win because you weren't is good and hadn't played as much, it was only harder from the perspective of you, you were still one out of twenty-four.


May 22, 2012
Reaction score
How does having a team help your W/L ratio? If you make it to the end you will only win about half the time anyways, unless your teammate is a lot worse than you at PvP. And I, personally tend to do better and get more wins when I'm not teaming, there's less to worry about.
On the second point, it was only harder to win because you weren't is good and hadn't played as much, it was only harder from the perspective of you, you were still one out of twenty-four.
cause 9/10 a team beats a normal player (regarding most aren't pro) so if you team you get to dm as a team 9/10 times and win 4.5 times out of 10 where as solo only makes you win 1/10 so teaming does make you have a higher W/L ratio since it sort of guareentees you'll win eventually.
And also you literally just said "It was only harder for you because you were crap at MCSG". You don't know me you don't know whether I'm good at SG or not. you just assume I'm bad without a reason. Stop being prejudice.
Also the reason it was harder then is because there were little to no guids around so the players who got good had a couple of hundred bad games before they got good where as nowadays it's easy to become pro.


Feb 10, 2013
Reaction score
The lobbies have never been 10 minutes. It was 5. And an hour to join? You weren't very good at that, we're you :p

By the things you said, the game seems so much better in nostalgia land because it was new. It's not as new anymore, so it has a different charm. The MCSG player base is better at fighting. They refuse to die and will run for longer. You'll never get that feeling again because the game is old.
You weren't very good at spell "were", were you? ;)

It may of been 5 minutes but with how long I was waiting it felt like much more! I don't think it is down to having played it a lot, feels like somewhere it just lost it's magic . . .

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