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Maxlupus's MCSG story


District 13
Jul 31, 2012
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Hello everyone who reads this! I am Maxlupus, some of you may know me as Max or Lupus, but anyway. All of these "My MCSG story" threads have infected my mind, so I decided to make one myself!

I have always been a gamer, ever since I got my first login on my dad's computer when I was six years old. I have played TV games, computer games and all sorts of games. I mostlyplayed "Legogames" when I was younger, but two years ago, I became addicted to this new game called Minecraft. When I visited my best friend, he showed me the game. You could build everything you wanted to, and you could even fight monsters, which I was really scared to do. I bought the game myself, and by then it was just some months old. I became addicted to it and played Survival all the time (the only possible gamemode by that time).
After playing Survival for some months, the new gamemode called Creative was released. In Creative you could build everything, but you didn't have to get every block yourself, because all blocks were in your inventory. I was probably the worst builder ever, but I kept building. Still I had not discovered the Multiplayer option in the game. But one day my best friend visited me and made me a "Hamachi server" where I played with my friends for a long time. That's when I discovered the ability to hurt other players- to fight them. This ability was called PvP, and I liked it. We made a huge arena where we fought each other. I loved PvP, but I did not realized that I sucked at it :p My small server got boring after some months, and I deleted it. Some month later my friends told me about a Survival MultiPlayer server called 'SweMine'. I thought it was pretty boring, because I could not understand what to do. The SweMine server was a server where the staff abused their powers, and the players had to donate alot of money to get land to build on. It was pretty terrible. I left the server and I never came back.
Minecaft had became boring, and there was nothing to do in the game. I took a break from the game for a month or two, and I returned when there was some new updates featuring new mobs, and posibilities in the game. But I still wanted to play online, and I found a server called 'RoarCraft' where my friends and I played for many many months. But there was one problem with the RoarCraft server. You were not allowed to speak any language other than English. By that time, I sucked at English. I did barely understand the other players on the server, and I was bullied because of my bad English. RoarCraft was a terrible place- just like SweMine. There were people in diamond armor everywhere in the PvP arena, and me and my friends had nothing at all to fight them back. When I realized that RoarCraft was a bad place, I left it.
I took another break from Minecraft, but this time for just a week. When I came back, I realized that the normal Survival Minecraft had became boring, the Survival Servers too. I wanted something special, something new. Then my friend made a server, but his server was alot better than mine, and he had those "plugins" which made the game alot funnier. We played on his server for a VERY VERY long time, and we had alot of fun. We built arenas, spaceships, castles and everything we could imagine. We had wars between our own clans, which was the funniest part of the it. But one day, we typed in /spawn, and we realized one thing. The server was totally griefed by ourselves, and nothing was fun anymore. We stopped playing on the server, and we found other PvP servers to play on. Hunger Games servers.
On those Hunger Games servers, there were kits, and you were automaticly teleported to a generated arena. Donate and get a kit. That was the rule of the server. Doonators were overpowered, and they slaughtered all of the non- donators. On those servers, I learned the basics of PvP, and one day, I managed to fight back the donators. Those servers improved my PvP skills alot, and amused me for many months. I couldn't stop playing on them. One day I searched on Google, for another Hunger Games server. That's when I found this website called "Minecraft Survival Games".
I was so happy. I finally found one of these servers where The Yogscast played on! My first month on these servers were amazing. As soon as I joined a game, where SG2 was played, I climbed the vines to the top of a skyscraper and I just stood there, sneaking. I was a total noob, but I loved it. I felt so happy to play on these servers. It would take months for me to become the Maxlupus I am today. One day I registered an account on the MCSG website, and I felt so cool. The first thing I did, was spamming Ikubi on a thread, begging for him to make me an avatar of my skin- a normal zombie. Well, those days are gone now. I am nolonger classified as a "noob" and I am an Active Member of the forums. I met many forumers in the game, who teamed with me, such as Hystericallify, 2020ecoman, Zeno and many others. I even managed to join a clan, made by Hawk62. In game, I was still a noob though. I kept failing and failing and failing every game. But one day, I saw a section on the forums called "Strategies". This section gave me alot of tips and trix on how to win. When I got my 10th win, I felt like the best player in the world. When I got better and better, I became more and more competive. MCSG was the place where I belonged.
PvP was the funniest part of Minecraft in my opinion. But one day, I found out about "Build Teams". A Build Team in MCSG was a team of builders, who made maps for the servers together. I made an application for the Build Team called Team Elite. And I was so happy when I got accepted into the team (that is where MOOOOOOOOOAAAARRR details were born)! I even built a real map in with the team, called Lost Ridge. After months of fun in Team Elite, I left the team. I won't tell you why I left, but it felt like the right decision ;)
After leaving the team, I played more and more MCSG, and met more and more friends. One of the friends I met was BlackHead. BlackHead was and is one of my best friends in MCSG. BlackHead and I have made many builds together, and we have played very much MCSG too.
Today, I am not the noob I once was. Today I am a member of MCSG, and a PvPer and a forumer. Today I am making maps for MCSG, and one day some map might get accepted onto the servers. Now, I enjoy Minecraft the most, and I do finally understand what Minecraft is about.

EDIT: english teachers, take cover
Last edited:


Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
Awww. Man. Love you <3 You are one of my best friends here too :3

I should write my story, too, but I'm too lazy :(


District 13
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Mode story maxlupus, tho I was too lazy to read it :(


This took me a while to write :D

Edit : Maxlupus liked my post, I FEEL FABULOUS! (Pewdiepie ftw this edit is not off topic.)



Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Still a better love story than Twillight!

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