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MCGamer Rule Suggestions


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Hello all you forum people! If you are viewing this, than Ill start off by saying that this thread, will list a few things that ive spotted on the server that may come in handy as a rule. There will be no changing of any rules already listed by Chad as I have found no problems with them. Please tell me if any of these rules might come in handy to the staff or to anyone playing! Thanks.

1) The first is common sense however this is not stated, in the rules thread made by ChadTheDJ, I want this rule added to the thread to prevent any wise guys from abusing it, due to the fact that it is not specifically stated on the rule. There will be no abuse of the filter or any means of getting around the filter to say a word or phrase.

2) The following is more of a donor rule and does not apply, in the sense of a moderator because they can see around it. Do not abuse /disguise or /mask to convince other players that you are having a problem with a rank or other purchase, as this can waste the time of people trying to help you.

3) This next rule is not stated in the rules either however is stated in the do's and dont's section in the MCG application guide written by Jodimo (Sr. Moderator). Do not harass staff to take a look at a forum thread such as an MCG application, Abuse report, ban appeal etc. unless the thread holds an urgent situation.

4) Next rule is actually pretty funny because I see it happen all the time, and it really annoys me! Do not use the MCGamer chat as a dating website as it is unnecessary and will more than likely not get you a "partner".

5) Next was an original rule by me, and I thought of this because, I mean come on, what server wants people, on their TeamSpeak when they are not even playing on their server. Do not make use of another Minecraft servers TeamSpeak while playing on the MCGamer network as this can in some cases be a form of advertisement.

6) do not ask for a punishment to another player from staff. Example... Mod please mute UnNamedPlayer or please kick UnNamedPlayer.

Thanks everyone for looking through my rule suggestions and if any of these rules seem useful for the server please tell me as I would love the feedback! :) Thanks have a great day or night wherever you're from.


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hey there! I'm gonna move this thread to the most appropriate section for ya, seems to be out of place here.


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Ok thank you! So did you read the rules, and if so what did you think of them?


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
No prob! I didn't read at first, but now I did! I think these are good rules, a lot of these, we do punish for, and maybe they aren't so clearly listed in the rules. You bring up a good point for sure!


Jun 19, 2015
Reaction score
All the rules I agree with except for number 5. The reason I don't think it should be a rule or even a do's/don't is because the mods have no way of moderating that (how are they supposed to know that I'm on *insert minecraft server name here's* teamspeak server while playing on the mcgamer minecraft server. Secondly let's say you had friends on another teamspeak but all you wanted to do was talk to them and play on the mcgamer server I don't feel you should be punished for merely wanting to talk to your friends. (You my say that why don't they just come on the mcgamer teamspeak) well some people are banned on the mcgamer server's teamspeak or they just want the private channels that some teamspeaks offer that mcgamer does not but other than that I think this is a great list and should be considered for in the future :)


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
You bring up some very valid points that I definsntly did not consider! I will probably remove number 5 based on what other have to say about it but, you've got me on your side about it now!:)


Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
I am pretty sure bypassing the filter is not allowed because I saw it on the ban table and harassing a staff member is also punishable. Other then that I think these rules are pretty solid :)


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
1) The first is common sense however this is not stated, in the rules thread made by ChadTheDJ, I want this rule added to the thread to prevent any wise guys from abusing it, due to the fact that it is not specifically stated on the rule. There will be no abuse of the filter or any means of getting around the filter to say a word or phrase.
This is actually stated in the rules
  • Bypassing the profanity filter will result in an immediate mute.
2) The following is more of a donor rule and does not apply, in the sense of a moderator because they can see around it. Do not abuse /disguise or /mask to convince other players that you are having a problem with a rank or other purchase, as this can waste the time of people trying to help you.
Also in the rules
11. Do not mislead people: Do not mislead people into learning false information that will trick them into doing something idiotic.
3) This next rule is not stated in the rules either however is stated in the do's and dont's section in the MCG application guide written by Jodimo (Sr. Moderator). Do not harass staff to take a look at a forum thread such as an MCG application, Abuse report, ban appeal etc. unless the thread holds an urgent situation.
once again, in the rules
  1. Do not bother staff about your ban dispute. This includes posting on their walls, PMing them and poking them.
4) Next rule is actually pretty funny because I see it happen all the time, and it really annoys me! Do not use the MCGamer chat as a dating website as it is unnecessary and will more than likely not get you a "partner".
Even though it might be annoying, I don't see why this should be against the rules

5) Next was an original rule by me, and I thought of this because, I mean come on, what server wants people, on their TeamSpeak when they are not even playing on their server. Do not make use of another Minecraft servers TeamSpeak while playing on the MCGamer network as this can in some cases be a form of advertisement.
I don't really get this? You can use the TS of MCGamer while playing other games. However, it's already against the rules to advertise other TS's on the MCGamer network ( Unless you are being asked for the IP )

6) do not ask for a punishment to another player from staff. Example... Mod please mute UnNamedPlayer or please kick UnNamedPlayer.
  • You can trust us by making decisions on how to handle anything as we are doing it to better our community. Sometimes, you might not agree completely with us, but you need to understand and trust our judgement in situations.
  • There is zero tolerance for talking back or disobeying staff. If you disagree with a staff member and truly think they are incorrect, email to a higher ranking.
  • Do not bother staff about your ban dispute. This includes posting on their walls, PMing them and poking them.
Once again, in the rules ;)

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